Introduction 2 : The Time Traveller

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When Isha regained consciousness, she found herself lying on a bed of grass. Her senses were assaulted by a new, earthy scent, and the ambient sounds were foreign—chirping birds, distant rustling leaves, and the faint hum of a river. 

Her head throbbed, and as she sat up, she realized she was no longer in Sydney but somewhere entirely different. The landscape was lush and green, with towering trees and sprawling fields stretching out in all directions.

Panic flared as she attempted to piece together what had happened. Her car was nowhere in sight. Her clothes had changed from her modern outfit to traditional attire resembling something from an ancient era.

 Her heart pounded as she looked around, trying to make sense of her surroundings. Had she somehow been transported to a historical reenactment or a set from a historical drama?

A figure approached her from the distance, walking with an almost ethereal grace. The figure was clad in a vibrant outfit that shimmered with hues of blue and gold, reminiscent of depictions of Lord Krishna from Hindu mythology. The figure's presence exuded an aura of calm and wisdom. 

As the figure drew closer, Isha could see a face that was both serene and strikingly familiar, though she could not place it.

"Are you alright, Isha?" the figure spoke, its voice gentle yet resonant. "I was quite concerned when you fainted."

Isha blinked in disbelief, staring at the figure. "Who... who are you? And why are you dressed like Kanha, like Lord Krishna?"

The figure smiled softly. "Indeed, you are correct. I am Krishna, though not exactly as you might expect. I am here to guide you."

Isha's confusion deepened. "This has to be a dream. Or a hallucination. I was just driving, and now I'm here. Did I time travel?"

Krishna chuckled, a sound like the tinkling of bells. "Yes, you did. You've traveled to Aryavart, a time and place far removed from your own."

Isha shook her head in disbelief. "Aryavart? Like in some old epic? Are you saying I'm in the Mahabharat era?"

"Precisely," Krishna replied, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "And you're here for a reason. Your presence is crucial to changing the future of this land."

Isha struggled to process the information. "Changing the future? Why me? And what does that even mean?"

Krishna's gaze softened. "The course of history is set by many forces, and sometimes, a single individual's actions can alter the path. You are here to help mend the rift between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, to foster unity where there has been discord."

Isha took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing thoughts. "This is insane. How am I supposed to do that? I'm a cardiologist, not a peacemaker from ancient epics."

Krishna's smile widened. "You have skills and qualities that are invaluable, Isha. Your kindness, your ability to bring people together, and your unique perspective will aid in this endeavor."

Before Isha could respond, a strange sensation enveloped her. Her surroundings began to blur again, and the comforting presence of Krishna seemed to fade. The familiar, reassuring noise of modern life began to reassert itself, and Isha found herself back in her car, driving down the street in Sydney.

Her heart raced, and she glanced around, trying to reconcile the vivid experience she had just lived through. Her phone buzzed again, and she noticed it was a reminder for her dance rehearsal. As she pulled over to the side of the road, she tried to calm herself.

Was it all a dream? Or had she really traveled to another time and place? The experience felt too real to dismiss as mere imagination. Isha's mind swirled with questions as she started her car again, the normality of the city around her contrasting sharply with the fantastical world she had just encountered.

As she arrived home, Isha resolved to pay close attention to her feelings and any further signs that might hint at the reality of her experience. If there was even a shred of truth to what Krishna had said, she knew she had to be prepared for whatever lay ahead.

She entered her house, her heart still fluttering with the aftereffects of her bizarre adventure. She glanced at her reflection in the hallway mirror and whispered to herself, "If this is real, then I need to be ready."

Little did Isha know that her life was about to change in ways she could never have imagined, and her journey to unite the Pandavas and Kauravas was just beginning.

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~Author Rishi ♥♥♥

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