Chapter Five: The Sauna Test

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chapter five:
the sauna test


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The morning was still, the kind of stillness that makes everything feel heavy, like the world was holding its breath. Down in Mike's basement, the air was thick with tension, each of the kids lost in their own worried thoughts. The only sound was the steady, rhythmic tapping of Lucas's foot on the floor, a nervous tic he couldn't seem to stop. The supercomm in his hand felt like a lifeline, though right now, it was more like a dead weight. He brought it up to his mouth again, desperation creeping into his voice.

"Do you copy? This is a code red!" Lucas's voice echoed off the walls, sharper than before. "I repeat, this is a code red. Max! Do you copy? This is a code red."

There was a moment of static, followed by a muffled, half-asleep groan. "Shut... up." Max's voice was slurred with sleep, the irritation clear even through the crackling signal.

The line went dead, the finality of the click resounding in the silence that followed. Lucas stared at the supercomm, his face a mix of frustration and anxiety. "She turned it off," he muttered, half to himself.

Scarlett, who had been sitting tensely beside him, shook her head and let out a long, exasperated sigh. "I told you, you should've let me call her," she said, her tone tinged with irritation.

She pushed herself up from the couch, her steps purposeful as she crossed the room to the old rotary phone hanging on the wall. The boys watched her, knowing that Scarlett had a way of getting through to Max when no one else could.

Scarlett quickly dialed Max's number, the clicking of the rotary dial the only sound in the room as everyone else held their breath. The phone rang, each tone feeling like an eternity, until finally, Max answered, her voice laced with irritation.

"I'm sleeping! Go away," Max grumbled, clearly still groggy.

Scarlett rolled her eyes, biting back her own irritation. "That's a way to greet your sister," she teased, trying to keep her tone light despite the weight of what she had to say.

Max sighed on the other end, her annoyance still evident. "Sorry. Been in a mood because Lucas won't stop bothering me. Where are you? You didn't come home last night."

Scarlett exchanged a quick glance with the boys before turning back to the phone, her voice dropping into a more serious tone. "I'm actually here with the boys... You need to come over to Mike's. I'm not playing with you, Max. This is a code red."

𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐂 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄| Mike WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now