01 | Lacey

30 2 5

Wednesday, September 23rd

Bluefin Club, Violet Hills Road
Los Angeles, California



Well, that's one of the best sounds ever. To me, at least. I mean, who doesn't like the sound of a racquet hitting a tennis ball? Well, certainly not me!

"Lacey Lee! What are you doing? Please move your feet and get back to the baseline, fast!" A very annoying voice cut through my thoughts, urging to push myself. Who else would do that but my very own coach? Starlee Fung, tough and no-nonsense. It's understandable- she was teaching one of the top ten junior players in the whole US- which includes both genders, so it's a pretty big deal.

A tough ball came through my way, almost hitting me smack in the arm- but I dodged it quickly. Starlee sighed- so did her assistant, Raya Fung (her sister, no surprise there). The sigh shook the whole bubble of the court- again, no surprise there.

Starlee, who was standing behind me, grumbled, "If you can't get one of Raya's simple shots, how do you expect to attend the US Open?"

Now, I laughed. "Me? US Open? I still have at least six years!" 

Starlee shook her head dismissively as we walked back to the bleachers at the side. "Six years or maybe earlier," 

I blinked. "Earlier?" I coughed.

Starlee grimaced as she nodded. "Top fifty in the world are all considered every few years- and they might just take you if they think you're great."

I didn't know what to say. I mean, I was kind of expecting to eventually get there but not so soon. "You really are an extraordinary player, Lacey. You should take advantage of it." She said in a serious voice.

She picked up her water bottle and sipped from it, as I packed up my bag. I slipped my tennis racquet into my blue and white tennis bag, took a swig of water from my bottle, and tossed it into my bag. 

Starlee and Raya's family owned a fancy club downtown Los Angeles, California. LA is a pretty big city, full of tennis players- aka competition in my eyes. The Bluefin Club was off to the side, on Violet Hills Road, near Martins Square and the well-known Meadows Park. It was a very, very, very expensive club, absolutely not affordable in my family's reach, but Starlee's family was very close to mine, and they obviously thought I had talent- so I was accepted at a younger age. The club is all out- with ten courts, six of them with an overhead bubble year-round, and four outdoor ones. Pretty nice, huh? They have this whole decked out clubhouse too, three stories high, with an extra two fitness centers, two pickleball and squash courts, and an enormous swimming pool. All run by the Fung family- the Bluefin Club is literally the best club. Even their refrigerator food is good! (I know this 'cause Starlee gets me snacks from there, heh). It's all decked out- and I'm glad I get this opportunity. 

"You up for practice tomorrow?" Starlee said as we walked out of the bubble courts. We stepped into the clubhouse loading area, as I cleaned my shoes off on the mat.

I shrugged. "I'll have to see. My volleyball coach wants to run a joint tournament with the boy's team. Can't miss it."

Starlee's eyes twinkled mischievously. "Oh really? Anybody special there?" 

I punched her lightly in the arm, and she laughed. "No one! Duh! Romance isn't a thing at my age!"

"You're fourteen, Lace. Relax! I had a boyfriend when I was your age."

"You're kidding, right, Star?"

She shook her head and laughed again lightly. "No! But anyway, looks like practice can be after school on Friday then."

We stepped outside into the perfectly cut grass field of the Bluefin lawn, and my skin instantly tickled with the LA air, warm but cozy, with a light autumn breeze. It was late September, soon to be October- and the weather now was perfect.

"Lace," Starlee said hesitantly, stopping for a second as she waited for her sister to lock the clubhouse doors.

"Yes?" I asked expectantly.

She glanced at Raya, exchanged a look, and warily looked back at me. "On Friday, I'm going to bring one of my other students to meet you, okay?"

I blinked. "Um, sure? Who? Are they good?" I said, immediately jumping into the most important question (duh).

She thought for a second. "Well, yes. Just as good as you, in fact."

Now I was interested- and worried. "Who??"

She laughed and said, "Not telling you yet. All you can know is he's a boy your age, and he also goes to your school. Cherrybrook, right?"

I nodded, then bit my lip worriedly. Cherrybrook was a very athletic school, but I wasn't too concerned about my tennis rivalries there. Most kids played all other kinds of sports.

"Please tell me?" I begged.

She shook her head. "Nope! I don't want it to bother you." 

"Can you at least tell me his JTL stats?"

JTL. The name of the league that forever changes a person's lives. Junior Tennis League. It ran throughout the whole world, collecting data in tournaments. I didn't really, but sometimes you could compete in tournaments in other places. You earned points for every match and you move up the ranks- honestly, I'm not too concerned about that right now. Winning tournaments is the real deal- I have a couple of pretty big titles in the Under 14 titles, and a few pretty decent ones in the Under 16.

"Fine," Starlee sighed. "He's ranked in the top 50's, and he has multiple singles title's wins. Many high-ranked."

"That's all?" 

Starlee smirked. "Wait till Friday. Come to the Bluefin Club at six!" she called over her shoulder as she made her way to her car.

I paused. Why was she eerily foreshadowing this guy? Was he that good? Worry crept in- what if I had to play him in any tournaments? (It's mixed- it's only fair this way!)

Whoever this guy was.... I'd be ready for him. 

...or not. 

We'll see.

I suppose.


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