03 | Alina

13 1 0

Wednesday, September 23rd

Nakasone Residence
Snowy Hills Road
Los Angeles, California

"ARGHHHHH!!!! THIS IS STUPID!" my enraged screams filled the whole house. Sorry if that disturbed you- I was just really, really mad- if you couldn't tell.

*chirp, chirp, chirp*

Nobody in my family responded to that. Obviously, because they're used to my sudden outbursts. I have huge anger issues- but I'm proud of my ferocity. 

A few minutes later, my brother Matthew hurried in. "Alina, what is it now?" he humphed, annoyed. 

Matthew and I argue a lot- we don't get along, even with a one year age gap. "I'M RANKED NUMBER TWO NOW! Stupid Arella Tushine SURPASSED ME." I raged. "I TOLD you I should have entered the draw for that other tournament!"

Matthew rolled his eyes and glanced at my desk screen. He began to walk out of my room, adding over his shoulder, "Yeah well, if you wanted to miss that math test, sure!"

I harumphed. I didn't care about math. I cared about tennis and tennis only. I mean, okay- I take that back. I mean I know Math is important and so is my schoolwork, but I love tennis. I live for tennis, and I have decent grades already. 

Stupid Arella. 


I grabbed my bag of chips from my secret snack drawer and began my snacking. Crunch crunch away. Crunching controls my anger- no, really! It's a real therapy thing! I've done studies!

I popped open a bottle of my favorite Hokkaido peach juice, a melon bun, and poured some of the spicy-salty shrimp chips into a bowl. 

You might be thinking, how does she eat so much unhealthy junk if she's a star tennis player? 

Well, here's my answer for you: I balance it out! Duh! 

I go to the gym almost every other day, and I limit myself to snacks ONLY when I'm angry! Great goal, right? 

I clicked around on my laptop, looking at the Junior Tennis League's website. The familiar green, blue and white logo soothed me. 

My profile was pretty stacked- my score was 107/26 (win/loss), and I was ranked top ten in America! I'm pretty proud- I worked my butt of to get there!

"Alina? Matthew? C'mon, we have to get ready for the dinner with your Aunt Susan and your cousins!" my mom yelled, making me jump out of my skin.

I groaned. "Aunt Susan? Really?"

My mom ignored me, clicking her heels on our house's marble floors. 

"What restaurant?" Matthew called back.

"Dragon Boat House," my mom replied, her voice followed by a loud shuffling noise. "Hurry up and get changed!"

I groaned loudly, shut my computer and ate a few more snacks before going to my walk-in closet. 

I grabbed my comfy pale blue Adidas t-shirt dress- probably one of the most fanciest things I owned. I am a hoodies-and-sweaters girl, so I don't own many frilly skirts or lavish dresses. Bleugh.

Yanked on my socks, tied my hair in a braid, stuck a simple cherry pattern headband on, and clipped two orange fruit earrings on. Satisfied with my fancy-dinner-look, I grabbed my phone off my desk, slipped it into a simple navy and gold handbag with a pretty gold clasp, and then shut my door quickly.

Not before I did a little cyber-spying on my toughest opponent (so far). 

Arella Tushine- stupid girl my age, blonde and brown-eyed. You know what's really annoying? She's so sickeningly sweet! She's so nice to everyone in this irritating way where she kind of gets what she wants! Plus, not to mention she's born into one of the richest families. Grrrr. I can see her evil side all the time- thankfully though, I've played her many, many, MANY times before- I've won six times, she's only one twice! Ha! In your face, Mrs. Tushine!

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