Day 1- Bratting/ Back Talk

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Prompt: Bratting/ Back Talk

Roles: Dom/Sub

Summary: Wooyoung has been misbehaving and back talking San until he snaps and teaches him a lesson.


San walked into their apartment, with Wooyoung trailing behind casually, as if he hadn't just caused his dom a big headache a few minutes ago.

"What was that, Wooyoung?"

"What was what?"

The casual tone and ignorance in his voice annoyed San a bit, but he managed to stay calm, trying to give his sub enough time to realize his behavior.

"First, we were late for the movie because you took your sweet time in the bathroom. Second, you made a scene in the theater, embarrassing me, and then, when we should've been enjoying dinner, you decided to be a brat and ignored me when I asked you to behave. You've been acting up all day, Wooyoung! Believe me, it took a lot of self-control not to put you in your place right there in front of everyone."

Wooyoung stood with his arms crossed, his legs together, and his face turned away, stubbornly ignoring his dom.

San took off his jacket and placed it on the arm of the sofa before sitting down.

"Ouch!" he winced, reaching under himself to find one of Wooyoung's remote controls. He held it up, only to be met with a shameless grin from Wooyoung.

San looked around and, unsurprisingly, noticed another remote control, his headset, and other gadgets carelessly scattered around the couch.

"How many times have I told you to ALWAYS clean up after yourself?"

"Umm... ten times, maybe?"

San stayed quiet, struggling to understand what had gotten into the younger man today. Giving him a warning look, he pointed at the messy area.

"I'm going to take a shower, and when I get back, I want to see all your stuff put away. Am I clear?" San raised an eyebrow at the younger man, who was now busy on his phone.

San stepped closer and grabbed him by the chin, making him look him in the eye.

Wooyoung swore he saw a dark look in his dom's eyes, a look that clearly meant any answer other than 'yes' would land him in trouble he could only imagine.

He nodded, blinking his eyes innocently at the older man, trying to put on his usual sweet act, which of course, didn't fool San.

"Your attitude and backtalk are starting to get on my nerves, young-ah. I'm warning you, don't push me further, or you know it's going to be bad for you."

With a final warning, San walked away, leaving Wooyoung alone.

San stepped out of the bathroom, drying his hair with a towel draped around his neck. He wore a plain black tee and grey trousers.

After drying his hair, he went to the living room to check on the younger man.

Wooyoung had his legs propped up on the table in front of him, a big bowl of popcorn in his lap, and the remote in his hand as he played on his PlayStation. Not a single thing was put away as San had asked.

Sensing someone's presence, Wooyoung barely glanced over his shoulder.

"Oh, you're here?" he mumbled with a mouthful of popcorn before returning to his game.

San couldn't believe it. He walked over and snatched the remote out of Wooyoung's hands.


"What is all of this?" San was doing his best to control his frustration.

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