Day 8 - I'm too old/ Never too old

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Firstly, let me apologise for the delay. I know this should've been done and posted a day back but what should I say... I was halfway there in the story when suddenly I lost motivation! It upsets me that how can our emotions sometimes take a toll over us :(


Prompt: I'm too old/ Never too old

Roles/tags: Dad San and Son Wooyoung, corporal punishment, spoiled son.

Summary: Wooyoung's been causing a lot of trouble and his dad, San's leniency caused no good so, he finally decides onto give his teenager so a lesson.


Wooyoung silently stood outside the principle's office. Getting fidgety as he thought about the odds of now getting himself out of the mess he just got himself into.

He wasn't expecting that this time the school's authority would summon his dad. He has caused trouble and mischiefs in the past that resulted him in good warnings but he never caused any damage to anyone or anthing except, this time when he ended up breaking some lab equipments.

He sighed blewing away his bangs that were getting in his eyes. The door opened and he straightened up as San gets out briefly looking at his son, he just walks out of the building, Wooyoung following after him like a lost puppy. They get inside the car and drove off.

There was an awkward silence and tension inside the car as none of them spoke.

San kept his eyes straight on the toad but, from his peripheral vision he saw his son sitting beside him fumbling with the bag on his lap, head turned to the left staring out at the window.

San sighed wearily. He was tired of the teenager's pranks and trouble that he causes every now and then as if it's a ritual by now. For most if the part, he blamed it on himself for spoiling the kid by being too lenient and just letting him go and have his way. He let go the kid for any offence he has caused by a mere warning or grounding him for a day or so. The kid got accustomed to it such that he did not feared repeating the same thing over and over, results of which are now showing as his reckless behavior! Something has to be done. As much as he loathed the idea, San realized the seriousness of the situation and accepts it.

They pulled into the driveway.

Wooyoung was starting to get squirmy, the silence was killing him inside. He expected a good scolding which would've been better then this tension too intense to handle.

San sat on the couch and nods at the floor gesturing the teen who stood infront of him.

"Kneel" San ordered, his expressions hard

Wooyoung shrank a little from the flinty gaze .

"I decided to show leniency on you only for you to become this reckless!"

Wooyoung could just cowar under his glare, suddenly giving attention to his fingernails.

"Dad, it was not a big deal they just–"

"Not a big deal!?" San growled, "Wooyoung,  they have given a straight warning that next time if you pull another shit like that then you're fucking suspended!"

Wooyoung cringed, he knew his dad never curses but when he does then shit is about to go down. He couldn't help but let out a tiny whimper at the reprimand as he flicks up his eyes to meet his dad's and his lower lip jutted out.

"No you're not doing that!" San pointed out his finger at the puppy eyes his son was trying to make, a tactic that he's been using since he was a little and wanted to get something really bad and San would just melt into a puddle to spoil him. Not this time though, it was for the sake to Wooyoung's future.

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