Chapter 5:Found.

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I felt like i was alone in my apartment.No one to talk to and no one to even share the same passion.I was thinking of getting a job,then i thought about getting a dog.I went on my couch and went on my laptop to go on tumblr.I was in messy bun and in pajama pants and a big shirt.I was ready to go blogging.I opened my Tumblr:Brok3nButFin3

I had 9,000 followers and only followed the best blogs which were 87 of them.Everybody thought i had a pefect life.I actually thought it once too dancing with Louis.My best friend,Izzy instant messaged me and asked me "WHERE R U DIDNT C U AT SCHOOL?!?!" i replied,"Just hanging at my Aunt's we have financial problems moved schools I love you still maybe if you go to Colorado then ill c u." Izzy was my best friend ever since pre-school.She has brown hair and was the most beautiful brown-eyed girl ever.Her boyfriend,Nicky was always around her,who could blame her she was the most popularest girl like me too.My other best friends mean alot to me Melissa was my Best friend ever since 6th grade she is so beautiful now,now im in 12th.Daniela has a life story that hurt my heart but her story got fixed easily and she was such a beautiful mijita.Jazzy was such a nice girl,always so beautiful and was my best friend since 6th grade too.I was tired and wanted to just yell at the world.I started watching the old movie "LOL" with Miley Cyrus.It described my life right now.I couldnt stop thinking about Louis and the sex and his face after i ran away.Why wasnt he looking for me?" i decide to call him.Hi,Louis its me Elena." i said waiting for an answer.Elena?" Im not with the guys but i love you."He said in a genuine voice.I'd love to see you Louis but,i can't ,Niall will kill me if i come back." Well good because we will see again sooner than you think",he said as i heard the door opening.I grabbed a baseball bat and wondered with fear.SHOW YOURSELF KILLER!" i said with fear as Louis grabbed me from behind.LOUIS LET ME FUCKING GO THIS INSTANT!" Next thing i saw was Zayn tying me up to a chair.They unbagged my head and then i saw light.Hello Elena".Zayn said with a devious look.How did you find me FUCKING GAY ASS BITCH!" he slapped me and i moaned while crying.You do not talk to me like that BITCH!" i can talk to you however!" i said and kicked him in the balls.LOUIS,GET HER!!" he said while Louis tried to get me.I pushed him against the wall and then satrted beating him with the chair.OK STOP ELENA,STOP!" He said crying in pain.I stopped started packing everything and got all of my belongings and headed out.ELENA WAIT!" I heard Louis say.Ill make a deal with Louis!" i said stopping in my tracks.DONT LISTEN TO HER LOUIS ITS A TRAP,A TRAP OF LOVE!" Zayn says still screaming in pain.SHUTUP ZAYN!" He said trying to listen to me.Ill leave you alone and visit your house if you leave me alone the rest of my life". I said sighing.Deal." He said shaking on it.To be honest after "The Edge" i felt closer to you."I said smiling a little and blushing.Actually Elena,that doesnt earn you points with me." he said breaking my heart a little.Louis?"What happened between us?" I asked hopefully a good answer.Well i think your a jerk,Elena."He said breaking my heart again.I stormed off.Elena wait!"He said and then grabbed me and kissed me.I kissed him back overlapping our lips each time.Louis,you dont like me!"I heard Zayn clapping.Nice job Louis,im sorry for you taking one for the team but she actually thought you love her??!" He laughed and then grabbed my hand.Elena there was never a deal.."Whether you like it or not you are coming with me and Louis to Niall where he will beat you and give you some love." He said while i cried and wanted to die inside.He grabbed my arm and pulled me with force.Stop it Zayn,your FUCKING hurting me!"He slapped me on the butt.Bitches like you DONT SPEAK WITH THAT DIRTY ROTTEN MOUTH!"I will WASH YOUR MOUTH WITH SOAP!"Do it Zayn!"I said not holding back how i felt.I dare you!"OKAY I WILL BITCH!"When we got to the plane it was already starting to warm up.I felt like a little kid but had suspicion of something.

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