Chapter 12:Shes Broken But He's Okay.

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I went downstairs,Niall and Bella were flirting like crazy.I thought,why would he be flirting with Bella?We just got back together.Hey Babe!"I said hugging him.Um,Elena i do love you but,I kind of love Bella more.So why is there a rin on my finger,Elena?"Bella im not playing trivia!"Good,because me and Niall were going to get together anyways.I told him that you always lie to me and your family.Oh HELL NAWH BITCH!"I grabbed Bella and almost punched her until,Niall grabbed Bella and slammed a door shut.I was broken and heart broken to be exact.Niall was treating us to breakfast i might of well shouldve went.We went to Ihop with all the girlfriends and boyfriends.So Liam,is Danielle coming?"Yes,she is but she will be about 6 or 7 minutes late."Okay because I need a best friend."I said glaring at Bella.Niall had his arm around her.Perrie and Zayn were making each other laugh.Elounor and Louis were talking about life.We looked at the fans galoring over the guys.There was about 60 or 70 people looking at us through the windows.Danielle entered the booth.Hello Everyone!"Hi Danielle!!"I said hugging her and squeezing her bouncy hair.Babe!!"Liam said holding his hands wide.Liam!!"She hugged him tightly and secure.Harry was looking at me while me and him were kind of flirting.I wore a union jack sleeveless and strapless shirt.I wore studded shorts, and high stilettos.Bella wore a vintage hipster shirt.She wore a buisness skirt that had the rump of her butt,which Niallwas squeezing often.She wore 7 inch high stilettos also.Niall loved her outfit more you could tell.Danielle was wearing aviators on head,her hair was crimped,A infinity sign shirt,spandex pants and Moschino belt all topped off with Louis Vuitton high heels.Perrie was wearing;Denim dress with strappy shoes and a hat that was cute.Elounor was wearing a hollister tank top,hollister short shorts and high wedges.Cute outfit Danielle!"Oh thank you,i love the Louis Vuittons there was a sale and then i went to Barneys!"She said sounding super psyched.Wait you went to New York?"Well,yesterday."Danielle said looking at menu.May i go with you shopping sometime?"Oh where?Paris,L.A,New York,Any country?"Well maybe Paris!!"I practically screamed.Wait youve never been to Paris Elena?"No,never in my life!"Well ill take you in 2 days because im free."Oh my God!"I said to her.No problem Hun!"We ordered our food and waited.So I was thinkin since Liam's birthday is coming up we go to Disneyland!!"Louis said with jazz hands.We all oohed and ahhed.Of course lets go next week!"Im leaving next week!"Bella said almost crying.Lads,i think I need to have maybe a few weeks with Bella?"Of course Niall youll miss Liam's birthday!"Zayn said pouting.Dont worry we will be married in no time so she can go with us everywhere just like Elena!"I couldnt wait for Paris with Danielle.I was so excited we went home and i started packing i texted her with my iphone;So how many days will we be staying there?",she replied;Well,only 5 and we can visit the most historic monuments if youd like?"She said.Well okay cant wait Lol!" I replied really excited for the next day to come.

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