One day away guys!!"Danielle said shaking us up.Danielle,we have nothing to do lets just sleep all day please?"No Elena!"She said toppling the bed over making me fall onto the floor.I miss Harry."I said posing with Danielle in a photo.Why do you need a photo Danielle?"We made a seductive face.Because i need to post it on Facebook,Twitter and Tumblr.Oh fuck it with the social networks Danielle."Elena,want to go get the tattoo with me?"The infinity sign",I said.Yes,but we need to hurry on very short circumstances."We rushed in the car and I guided her to the tattoo shop.Hello again!"Billy said waving.She needs to get an infinity sign also Billy."I said pointing to her wrist.Same design miss."Yes."I never caught your name."He said looking suspicious.My name is Elena Parks."Of course it is,And who is this fine lady?"He said looking at Danielle.Im Danielle,Liam's girlfriend."Well i see that you guys seem to be best friends?"Aye,I love her."I said hugging Danielle softly.Well lets get this tattoo started."Billy said putting on silicone gloves.Is it going to hurt Elena?"No,I said filling out paperwork.Billy started to rub alcohol on her wrist.Danielle started whimpering as he was applying the ink.Im done."He said taking the needle away and putting rubbing alcohol on the tattoo.Lets take a picture Danielle!!"I said grabbing my Iphone and taking a picture of it.Can we add our names at the bottom Billy?"Alright,Elena you first.Ill like mine in cursive!"Danielle said smiling.I'll like my name in cursive too!"He started doing the E."Finally,it was done.Danielle was inscribed on Danielles wrist.Liam is going to kill me!"Danielle said laughing but happy.We payed Billy and said our farewells.We got into the car and blasted Fun's "Carry On".We felt like we were in a music video.We took a perfect picture of funny faces.We picked up Perrie to go to the mall with us.We bought a lot of Disney clothes for a week full.Perrie told us she made up with Zayn about the him sleeping with another girl thing.We ate panda express and it was the end of the day.Harry and Louis were supposed to visit but Louis couldnt make it so it was debatable about Harry.The door bell rang and i scrambled to get there as fat as i could.Harry i opened the door and kissed him hard.Babe!!"I was going to ask you something!"He showed me a magazine with me and Harry holding hands on the cover.The headline read "Mystery Girl:Elena Parks;Aspiring Model and dancer."It says in this article im Tumblr Famous?"Yes,I am but how do they know me?"I kind of leaked your name."Harry said scratching his head.How could you Harry?"Im supposed to be a pal!"I love you Elena,I want to live forever with you."I want to start a family."Harry said embracing my face.So,are you with me Babe or not with me?"Will you marry me Elena?"Harry said on one knee.Harry you are 20 and im 20 of course ill Marry you!!"DANIELLE GET OVER HERE!"She gasped and cried.Elena!!"Im so proud Harry!!"Liam said hugging Harry.I texted Perrie and Elounor rapidly.I called my Aunt Louise and screamed with joy.I was the happiest girl on earth going with Harry to disneyland and also going to get married and be Mrs.Styles.I couldnt wait for tomorrow and getting Married in whatever month.I slept with Harry making out all night long happily as a engaged couple.I woke up in the middle of the night and got some milk just to have a midnight snack.

Just Me.
FanficElena is a "Pal" to one direction Will she find true love with one of the boys or will she turn out to be out of luck find out in Just Me.starring Niall horan,Louis Tomlinson,Harry styles,Zayn Malik and Liam payne and also starring Elena Parks.And m...