Chapter 2:The Edge

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As Niall an louis surrounded me with breakfast i was very happy.Babe?" Louis asked as he looked at my arm.Im a self harmer?"Niall looked into my eyes and just kissed my scars.i was very happy that afternoon Zayn told me about his past.Louis told me about this club called "the edge".So how is the edge?"i asked confused.its actually a night club that lets girls over 16 in".Oh,can we go?" i asked hopeful.Well i dont see why not".Louis said looking at Niall.Niall just started yelling.SHE IS NOT LEAVING THIS GOD-DAMN HOUSE LOUIS!"he said in a tone i cant describe.Oh im very sorry".Louis put air quotes around jj"sorry".I laughed and then saw Nialls serious face.As Niall said "im going to bed".Me and Louis said goodnight.Then we jumped up and started to put on club looking clothes.We both ran out to a black range rover.i ran in front seat and then laughed at how me and Louis could sneak out like that.Elena,your really beautiful and im sorry about last night".Louis,dont worry i have better things to do LIKE PARTY!" i said doing a beyonce we pulled up to a night club girls in skanky outfits like me,were twerking and grinding on what looked like the security and Louis got out of the car and then went to the entrance.ID"? um nope Roger!" he said knowing the guy.LOUIS YOU ALWAYS CRACK ME UP!"he said laughing letting us in.As i walked in i just wanted to dance already,turns out i already did i was dropping it low and grinding on Louis.he was just following the the song "drop it low girl" came on me and Louis found dance partners and started grinding on people we didnt know.we made eye contact and a fast pace song came on me and Louis tangoed, me and him started holding hands.Then all of a sudden he kissed me out of nowhere.We started kissing fast and he pushed me against a wall.we found a room:a janitors closet,how romantic.As we were kissing fast he started taking off his shirt.I started taking off shirt too.we kissed hard and made out.we both took off pants and shorts.he started taking off my bra.i took off his boxers and saw everything.he made his hands in my underwear and started rubbing my V.i started rubbing his D up and down.we both let a moan escape our we fucked we had the greatest time ever.we looked drunk,which we we walked to the car i was still and him smirked at each other everytime we made contact.we made it home and Niall was looking out window to see who it was.i was scared to death.i got out of the car and started running down the driveway.Niall screamed "GET HER!" I started panicking and running to nearest house.ringing their doorbell fast and rapidly.the person answered and let me in.A sweet lady about 50 years old."Honey,are you lost?" No mah'am i just have someone out to torture me and i need your help".You mean those british lads down the street?"Yes,im their maid and they harass me and im tired of it"Well honey,i can take care of you?"Who are you?"Im Louise." she said smiling genuinly.Whats your name?" Elena Parks."ELENA IS THAT YOU?" she gasped. Last time i checked "i smiled.Your my niece!!!" from whos side?" your father's.I cried a littlewhen she said dad's name.How is Robert "?she asked.Well um,Auntie he passed away last month..." What?" she said sobbing.Was he your brother?"Yes,my best brother of all"...I've never heard of you Aunt Louise."Because after your father died she didnt tell me.I asked how he was doing 2 months ago".She replied saying that he was in Hong Kong." I've never liked your mother Elena." she said in a stern voice.My mother actually was the one that sold me to one of the british lads for money." My aunt just started throwing up.Aunt Louise?" I have a problem if I get disgusted i throw up.Your mother disgusts me." She did it because of her financial problem Aunt Louise!" HER FRIKIN FINANCIAL PROBLEM AND DOESNT GIVE ANY CARES ABOUT HER OLDEST AND ONLY DAUGHTER!" i said tearing up.Well Honey,she wasnt fit to be a mother at all.Thanks for understanding Aunt Louise."Can i sleep here tonight?"Of course honey were are your things?" My things....." Are at the british lads places..."Oh,Elena we will get them!"i will get them!"We both smiled and then went to bed.I was thinking about the sex and the drama and the club but i had more important things to think of,like saving my life.

heeey Lovelys ill write tomarrow or some tonight...xxxx

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