Chapter 20:The Letter

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I went to the cabin and cried while going there.Memories of spin the bottle,seven minutes in heaven were on rewind and flashback overload,I closed the car door.I entered the house smelling a candle lemont scent.I saw over 10 paintings on the counter and everywhere else.I looked closely and saw that they were me!Impossible i thought to myself.I saw his little desk and stationary.There was a letter in fresh ink.

Dear Elena,

I remember the first day we met even though you fretted,you frowned I found out a way to turn it upside down.I loved and loved you until you didnt realize.I was there the whole entire time,I remembered the cabin,I remembered Disneyland.It was just yesterday when i got to thinking.I leave everything to you and our kids.Youll never know what could happen,its very quick but not too soon.I will always be there no matter what.Dont ever forget me Elena.Remember me like ill Remember you in heaven.


I cried to the depths of the unthinkable.I thought and thought,if I had never met the guys or got "sold" to the guys I would of never had true love.True love is all what matter and true love is true love no matter what you cant change it.I love my life no matter what and guess what im Just Elena,Im Just Me.


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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2013 ⏰

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