Chapter 19:Pilot and The Girl

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Elena Its Fake"!!!How could you do this to me Harry"?Well Elena,I have to tell you something very important other than just lyimg to you.What is it Harry"?Its well Er"..Im a pilot Elena"!What?!?!"Yes,Its my other hobby".Well I dont care if its your hobby as long as you love it"!Thanks Elena,but it starts in 3 hours".Well lets get you to LAX then".We said goodbye to our best friends and went to the airport.Harry kissed me goodbye and went on the airplane.I missed him already...I was just scared that he could die,even though hes liscensed he is no Amelia Earhart i bet you.I dialed Danielle's number into my Iphone.I called and finally got her.Hello"?I need a snuggle".Our code word for snuggle is best friend bonding time.Okay meet me whenever babe".The limo took me speedy quick.I got the key to Danielle and Liam's room and turned the key.I saw her on the bed looking out the window.I jumped om the bed and hugged her.She was crying,god knows why.Dani"?I need to tell you something about Harry"..She said sobbing her eyes out.He is"-He is what Danie"?He's cheating on you Elena"!With who"?A girl named Caroline Shes from Norway and is 18 years old"!I dont get it why would Harry do that,do you have proof or evidence"?Yes"!Okay what is your plea"?I saw him at Starbucks flirting and buying drinks for this one girl that was blonde".Okay,so he was with this "blonde"mysterious,character"?

Elena,you have to believe me"!Why do you think he has a unexpected hobby to attend to"?I almost cried of the thought that my Fiancee would cheat on me!I went into mine and Harry's room.I blew a sigh and then just lied down on the bed.An mysterious buzz was coming from the laundry.I checked it and found:HARRY'S PHONE!It even had HARRY labeled on it.It said C.F.What could those initials mean?I answered it trying to sound like Harry.Hello babe"?Harry where are you!you told me you were leaving the ex girlfriend and coming over to my place"!FIRST OF ALL,HES MY FINACEE AND SECOND OF ALL NEVER.CALL.HERE.AGAIN"!I dont have to listen to you his ex g-f.She said in a snotty norway voice.Harry walked in unexpectedly.ELENA WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY PHONE"?He snatche it and said Ceecee!"Hi darling,who was that bitch on the phone"?What bitch"?She is my Fiancee...Your FIANCEE"?She said in a mad voice.Well Care".He said nicknaming her.I KNEW IT ALL ALONG,DANIELLE WAS RIGHT I NEVER SHOULD OF TRUSTED YOU HARRY,YOU PLAYED WITH MY HEART THINKING IT WAS A BASEBALL GAME,YOU MAY HAVE GOT THE BAT AND HIT BUT THREE STRIKES YOUR OUT,THOSE THREE STRIKES ARE UP"!ELENA,I AM ON THE PHONE WITH CAROLINE FLOSS,SHE IS MY BEST FRIEND IN CASE YOU DIDNT KNOW"!Bye Hare"!Bye Care".He said hanging up and throwing his phone on the floor.You dont trust me"!?!?!?!?!Your a cheater Harry.....Im going to pilot tonight Elena"!Goodbye"!!!!He slammed the door breaking my heart.Not knowing if the engagement was just a sham or real true love.I packed my things and went home to Danielle's place.Hun,I knew it.She said pushing Raybans on her face.But,I thought we had true love that existed,but I guess not because he loves Caroline....Lets listen to the radio why dont we"?Alive by Krewella came on.Hmm News shall we".She said flipping it on to 99.8.Attack in pakistan leads to many deaths".The radio said,Instant news,A flight in Colorado goes down to flames,They claim it was the engine and not

enought fuel,If you know any information about this please call this station number".I freaked out.DANIELLE"!THATS WERE HARRY IS FLYING"!She started crying and heading to his mum's house to comfort her.The flight was 147 The pilots were:Harold Edward Styles,James P.Gunner and J.R.K Ikeona".I sobbed for a second knowing it couldnt be true.I called everyone and went to sleep holding his clothes in my hand all night.Harry was dead.Let me repeat that to myself.Harry is dead,my husband,best friend and former flirter was dead.We already arranged the funeral services and took care of everything.I cried myself to sleep.Harry had our cabin house.He said thats were he goes to get all his troubles away.I went there first thing in morning.

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