Part 49

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Part 49

It was morning and the girl came to the hall with a little fear, hid her left hand behind her back and came to her parents

Yeji's Mom : Good morning, my daughter

Yeji's Dad : Good morning, Yeji

Yeji was standing like a statue , she confused, she couldn't even say good morning

Yeji's Mom : is everything okay ? Why were you shaking like this ?

Yeji breathed hard and then slowly brought her left hand forward, her parents were shocked to see the ring in her finger

Yeji's Dad : what's this Yeji ? ( He got up immediately )

Yeji : Last night ..... a boy asked me to .... m...m marry him and .... I agreed !

Yeji's Mom : what ! How did you agree without our consent ?

Yeji : Mom, he's a very good boy !

Yeji's Dad : what's his name my daughter ?

Yeji : Hyunjin !

Yeji's Dad : Do you really think he's the right person for you ?

Yeji : of course ! Ahh ... I mean yes

Yeji's Mom : But you're still a child to get married !

Yeji : Mom, that boy has only me and his sister now. He was Leeknow's best friend. When Leeknow died, he was very afraid to lose me too

Understanding is the solution to many problems. Of course, Yeji's parents understood Yeji and Hyunjin and they allowed Hyunjin to come to their house another night to get to know each other better and They accepted that Hyunjin and his family come to suitor for Yeji

Life is like this. One day you will suffer and one day you will be happy even if your happiness is very small

After Hyunjin called his parents, they immediately returned to Seoul and they are now in a restaurant

Mrs Lee : I believed there was something between you and Yeji. I was really happy that my two children would be together forever

Hyunjin : Thank you mom

Mr. Lee : So if we go to their house tonight we have to buy flowers and sweets too

Hyunjin : Why should we do that ?

Mr. Lee : My stupid boy, we're going to suitor a girl ! Shouldn't we take these things with us ?

Hyunjin : Uhh ! Okay !

Mrs : Well, when will your scores be released ? Can you go into the national experiences ?

Mr. Lee : what's that !? Of course my son is very smart and of course he can go to the exams because I know his grades are very high

Hyunjin : thank you very much father ( when he looked at his father ) I'll get my grades tomorrow and my grades are very good .... except for ..... the final exams ( He finished a little sadly )

Mrs Lee : It doesn't matter. Now we have to go and get you some suitable clothes and buy flowers and sweets

Hyunjin : Well, let's have a coffee and leave

Mr. Lee : have you told your parents ?

Hyunjin was a little disturbed by that but immediately replied

Hyunjin : Yes, and now my parents are here !

They both smiled at that, how beautiful it is that a family that has lost their son and a son that doesn't have a family to support him now complement each other

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