Clinging To hope

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Wake up, have a shower, get dressed, wait for Alastor to have breakfast in the Main room something small, toast cereal, bagel enough to tide Vox over to lunch but not enough for him to comfortably skip his next meal, say goodbye to Alastor, wonder round the room, look for an exit, give up looking, read whatever books have been left until Alastor or his shadow returns for lunch, pick whether to eat lunch in the main room or the kitchen. 50/50 chance if he's allowed to feed himself in the mainroom but it did beat that dress, be left alone again till evening where his Cooking lesson would begin, 50s dress, pretend to be More feminine, sit proper, talk better, ignore what meat he was made to cut up, follow recipe to cook said meat, hold back heaves when he was made to eat it, then his lesson was over and he could return to the main room with his usual t-shirt and boxers combo and minus the swearing and temper, return to his usual personality, say goodbye to Alastor, wonder the room again try and kill some time, before crawling Back into his cage and sleep... and repeat the next day, over and over.

Staring at himself in the bathroom mirror is where Vox currently found himself again, it was starting to feel like he was looking at a stranger, The days were passing by and Vox was desperately clinging to the Hope of escape. He'd been unable to find a door for an exit so his only Hope was either Alastor slipping up or… The Vee's.  Why Haven't they found him yet? Were they still looking? How was Voxtech doing without Vox?… or his assistant?

“don't you worry, their fine, maybe you weren't so important, they never needed you clearly, i suppose that moth has better toys to play with, the rude girl was at the overlord meeting today, don't be silly of course you wasn't mentioned” Alastors voice had teased whenever Vox inquired about his business or his business partners. Did they really not need him? Vox had always worked so hard was it really pointless? Was he really so replaceable? What about the shows he hosted? did people miss him at least a little bit?

Suppressing his personality so much was really starting to take effect on Vox's mind. His own thoughts fighting constantly. Fuck Alastor, listen, don't listen, he cares, they care, he want to go home, he wants to stay, he just needed to be better, he needed to kill him, the dress was fucking humiliating, Alastor liked the dress, Alastors gentle touches and soft gaze , Alastors painfull shocks and dark eyes, but it was to make Vox better, improve him so they could work together, he dosnt want to work together…

“fuck!” Vox swore, frustrated hitting a boiling point,  he punched his first forward into the bathroom mirror shattering the glass, pain rippled down Vox's body from the collar Alastor wasn't even here and he got shocked for swearing, shit how is he doing that?  The Sharp lighting pain of his freshly cut hand distracted Vox from his thoughts quieting down the racing in his mind. Finally some peace. Watching Cyan blood drip from his hand into the sink Vox finally felt some calm Before his gaze lifted To the mirror… Fuck Alastor is not going to be happy with that. Quickly washing his hand Vox cleared most of the glass up into a small rubbish bin, wiping the sink down with some toilet roll before flushing it away. A painful sting reminded Him of the blood dripping from His knuckles. Quickly grabbing a shirt from the wash basket Vox ripped the fabric into strips Wrapping it Tight around his fingers as a makeShift bandage. Maybe if he behaved this lunch time Alastor would ignore the mirror.

“What happened here?” an inquisitive Voice spoke, making Vox jump. Fuck Alastor, he really should wear a bell. shit now what? play nice it'll be fine just play nice.

“It's..  it's nothing Al… I tripped getting out the shower is all'' Vox explained letting out a nervous chuckle. “You know me clumsy, wasn't paying attention” ignoring the pain in his Hand Vox began to fidget, cyan claws clicking together nervously.

Letting out an unconvinced Hum Alastor gestured Vox to the bathroom exit. eyes dropping to the floor, lowering his head slightly Vox made his way to the door. fuck he’d been doing so well to.

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