25- The Vanishing

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As the first light of dawn began to filter through the window, casting a warm glow across the horizon, Jennie made her way to Taehyung's room with practiced familiarity. Over the past three months, she had taken on the daily task of rousing Taehyung from her slumber, fully aware of how much Taehyung struggled with early mornings. Jennie approached the door with a sense of routine, her footsteps light and purposeful.

Standing outside the door, Jennie lifted her hand and knocked with a series of firm, rhythmic taps. Her voice, usually full of warmth and cheer, rang out brightly. "Rise and shine, bear," she called, a nickname she used affectionately for Taehyung. Her tone was playful, designed to break through the haze of sleep and coax a smile from her friend. Yet, as she waited for a response, the silence that followed was disconcerting. There was no familiar giggle, no sleepy mumble of acknowledgment—only an unsettling quiet that began to gnaw at her nerves.

A growing sense of unease began to creep over Jennie. She hesitated for a moment, her knuckles hovering over the door as she listened intently for any sound that might indicate Taehyung was simply taking her time. When the silence persisted, her concern mounted. Jennie took a deep breath, trying to steady herself, and pushed the door open. The hinges creaked softly as the door swung inward, revealing the interior of the room.

What Jennie saw inside made her heart skip a beat. The room was a disarray of disheveled bedding and scattered pillows. The once neat and orderly bed was now a tangle of sheets, the pillows thrown haphazardly in every direction. Taehyung, however, was conspicuously absent. The sight was jarring, a stark contrast to the usually serene and organized space Jennie had come to expect.

Panic surged through Jennie's veins as she took in the chaotic scene. Her mind raced with possibilities, each more alarming than the last. She quickly backed out of the room, her breath coming in short, anxious bursts.

Rushing through the corridors, Jennie's urgency propelled her toward the living room, where Jimin and Yoongi were enjoying a rare moment of relaxation. They were nestled together on the couch, cocooned in cozy blankets that offered both comfort and warmth. The serene atmosphere of the room, filled with soft morning light and the quiet hum of tranquility, was abruptly shattered by Jennie's frantic entrance.

Her voice cut through the calm with a piercing edge of panic. "Yoongi, Jimin! Taehyung isn't in his room!" she announced, her tone laced with an alarming sense of urgency that brooked no delay. The suddenness and intensity of her declaration jolted Jennie and Jimin from their relaxed state, their expressions instantly morphing from one of casual ease to deep concern.

Jimin's reaction was immediate; she shot up from the couch, her face etched with a clear mix of anxiety and disbelief. Her voice trembled slightly as she responded, "He isn't?" The question hung in the air, more a reflexive expression of shock than an actual query, as the gravity of the situation began to sink in.

Yoongi, equally startled, widened his eyes in alarm. The peaceful expression that had characterized his earlier demeanor was now replaced with a look of dread. "Oh my God. Where could he be?" he exclaimed, his voice rising with a note of desperation. The realization that Taehyung's absence was more than a mere oversight hit them both with full force.

Jennie's voice wavered with a palpable tremor of fear as she tried to articulate her growing anxiety. "I don't know where he could be," she said, her words tinged with worry. "He's usually not a morning person, so I'm really concerned. Do you think something might have happened to him? Could someone have taken him?"

The chilling possibility settled over them like a cold, oppressive wave. The very thought of harm befalling Taehyung struck them with a jolt, heightening their sense of alarm. Jimin's face grew even more troubled as her mind raced through unsettling scenarios. "Oh God, don't say that," she exclaimed, her voice quavering. "I've heard that this village has very strict rules. If they find a stranger on their land, they could be deadly."

The gravity of Jimin's words made Jennie's face go pale. The horror of the potential danger Taehyung might be facing was almost too much to bear. Her hands shook slightly as she responded, her fear more pronounced. "Don't say that," she pleaded, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm really scared."

Yoongi, though visibly concerned, tried to maintain a sense of calm and rationality amid the rising tension. He took a deep breath, gathering his composure before addressing his friends. "Listen, don't panic," he said, his tone steady and reassuring. "We need to stay focused and act quickly. Let's split up and search the forest. He might have simply gone for a walk and lost track of time."

Jimin and Jennie exchanged resolute glances, their earlier fear now transforming into determined action. They nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting a hardening resolve. Without further discussion, they quickly set about their tasks. Each took a different route into the forest, their voices rising in urgent calls as they ventured into the dense, shadowed expanse of trees. "Taehyung!" they shouted, their voices echoing through the woods, each call filled with a mixture of hope and desperation.

As they moved deeper into the forest, their minds were focused on the task at hand, their hopes pinned on finding Taehyung safe and sound. The forest, usually a tranquil backdrop to their lives, now felt imposing and ominous. The trio navigated the tangled underbrush and towering trees with increasing urgency, their every step driven by the pressing need to locate their missing friend.

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