12- Broken

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Taehyung stood beneath the looming shadows of the grand Lee residence, his heart racing with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. The imposing structure, with its elegant architecture and manicured grounds, seemed almost to embody the weight of his impending decision. For months, the growing distance between him and Joonho had left him restless, and he had finally resolved to confront the issue head-on by revealing his true identity as an omega. It was a moment of reckoning, one he hoped would clear the air and mend the strained connection between them.

As he took a deep breath to steady himself, Taehyung made his way towards the entrance of the mansion, each step echoing with the gravity of his decision. But just as he was about to reach the ornate front door, his attention was drawn to an open window on the side of the house. The voices drifting through the air piqued his curiosity, and he found himself drawn to the source of the commotion.

Driven by a mix of apprehension and intrigue, Taehyung cautiously approached the window, his footsteps muffled by the lush greenery surrounding the residence. As he drew nearer, the muffled voices grew louder, and it became clear that an intense argument was unfolding inside. The voices were raised, filled with emotion, and carried a palpable sense of conflict. Taehyung strained to listen, his heart pounding as he tried to make out the words being exchanged between Joonho and his father, Lee Minjae. The confrontation between them seemed charged with tension, and Taehyung, caught between his resolve to confront Joonho and the unexpected scene unfolding before him, hesitated at the window, unsure of how to proceed.

Inside the House:

Joonho paced restlessly across the room, his face flushed with frustration and anger. Each step seemed to reverberate with the intensity of the argument he was engaged in. Opposite him, Lee Minjae sat at his imposing desk, his stern gaze fixed firmly on his son. The weight of disapproval was evident in every line of his expression.

"Father, I'm telling you, I'm in love with Aeri!" Joonho's voice was strained and desperate, as if each word was a struggle against an invisible force. "We've been together for a while now. I can't imagine my life without her."

Aeri—a name that struck Taehyung like a bolt of jealousy and sadness. Maya was a well-known alpha from their village, esteemed for her strength and leadership. Her prominence only served to amplify Taehyung's feelings of inadequacy and heartbreak.

Minjae's expression grew even more rigid, his face a mask of unyielding resolve. He leaned forward, his voice carrying the weight of his authority. "Joonho, fated mates are destined to be together. It's not merely about love."

Joonho's eyes flared with fierce anger. "I don't care about these traditions if they mean giving up the person I love. If you want an heir, you need to accept that Aeri and I will be together. I refuse to be forced into a marriage with someone else just to fulfill a role."

Minjae's face betrayed a mix of shock and profound disappointment. "But Taehyung—he's just an beta. An beta cannot provide us with the strength and lineage we need. You know that."

Joonho's voice hardened with determination. "Then accept that Aeri and I will be together, or I'll make sure you understand that forcing me into a marriage with an beta won't solve anything. If I marry a beta, there will be no lineage. Think about it, father."

Taehyung listened, his heart pierced by the sharp edges of Joonho's words. The revelation hit him like a dagger, leaving him breathless with pain. He had hoped for a chance to prove himself, to show Joonho that his feelings and his identity mattered. Yet, as he absorbed the harsh reality of Joonho's rejection and the weight of Minjae's expectations, he realized that Joonho's heart was set on someone else. The overwhelming sense of despair consumed him, leaving him grappling with the bitter truth of his own insignificance in the face of their desires and traditions.

Unable to endure the excruciating pain of overhearing such a private and heart-wrenching conversation, Taehyung stumbled away from the window. His vision grew hazy as tears streamed down his cheeks, and his heart pounded heavily in his chest. The dreams he had held so dearly seemed to crumble and fall apart right before his eyes.

In a daze, Taehyung turned and fled from the imposing Lee residence. His footsteps echoed sharply through the quiet village streets, each step a reminder of the agony he was escaping. He didn't stop running until he reached the edge of the village, where the dense forest offered a fleeting refuge from his turmoil.

Collapsing against a sturdy tree trunk, Taehyung buried his face in his hands. The forest around him was eerily silent, the only sound breaking the stillness being his muffled sobs. The dense canopy overhead seemed to close in around him, offering a semblance of protection from the world he had just left behind.

The weight of his shattered hopes pressed down on him like a crushing burden. The revelation of Joonho's love for Aeri and the stark reality of his own rejection felt like a devastating blow, leaving him feeling completely alone and emotionally fractured. The forest, with its cold, unyielding silence, provided no solace, only amplifying the depth of his sorrow and the overwhelming sense of betrayal and loss.

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