Tides of Jealousy

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The summer sun was merciless, casting a warm golden glow over the coastline as waves lazily rolled onto the shore. The Jujutsu High students had decided to take a rare day off and enjoy a well-deserved break at the beach. It was a welcome escape from their duties, a chance to unwind and soak in some fun before returning to their intense lives.

Airi Mizuki had joined them, her expression neutral as she surveyed the stretch of sand and sea before her. She stood apart from the group, her honey-brown eyes tracking Gojo Satoru as he interacted with the others, his playful banter and easy smile bringing light to the day. The tension in her chest tightened as she watched him, his carefree nature a stark contrast to her calculated and controlled demeanor.

For Airi, every interaction was a potential move in a complex game she was playing, one that could either lead to her success or downfall. She was well aware of her mission, her role as the hidden enemy in their midst, yet there was something about Gojo that kept her on edge. His charm, his strength, and most frustratingly, his warmth were getting under her skin.

"Come on, Airi! Don’t just stand there, join us!" It was Nanami who called out to her, his tone unusually lighthearted for someone typically so serious.

She forced a small smile and walked over to where the group was gathering near the water. Gojo was at the center of it all, his sunglasses perched on the bridge of his nose, shirt off, revealing his lean and well-defined muscles. A group of girls from another school had gathered nearby, casting admiring glances in his direction.

"Looking good, Gojo-sensei!" one of them called out with a playful wink, making Gojo chuckle.

Airi felt a sudden surge of irritation. It was irrational, she knew that, but the sight of these girls flirting with him, of him responding with his usual charm, made her blood boil. She had no claim on him—he was nothing more than a pawn in her plan, a powerful tool to be used. And yet, the idea of someone else occupying his attention, even briefly, sparked a jealous fire within her.

"Ignore them," she muttered under her breath, though it wasn’t clear if she was speaking to herself or to Gojo. The notion of jealousy was foreign to her, a weakness she had not anticipated. It made her uneasy, this emotional turmoil she couldn’t quite control or understand.

Gojo noticed the slight tension in her expression, and his smile softened as he turned his attention away from the other girls and back to her. "Airi," he said, his voice carrying a hint of something she couldn’t quite place. "You look like you’re about to murder someone."

She scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "You wish."

He grinned, stepping closer, his presence almost overwhelming. "Come on, Mizuki, don’t be like that. We’re here to have fun, remember?"

"Yeah, well, I’m not sure your idea of fun aligns with mine," she replied, her tone sharper than she intended. The truth was, she didn’t know how to relax around him, not when he was so infuriatingly... him.

He leaned in, his voice dropping to a whisper meant only for her ears. "Are you jealous, Airi?"

She snapped her head toward him, her eyes narrowing. "Of what?"

He chuckled, a low sound that sent shivers down her spine. "You tell me."

Before she could respond, he grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the water, his grip firm but gentle. "Enough brooding, let’s see if you can handle some waves."

The sudden contact sent a jolt through her, the warmth of his skin against hers unsettling. But she didn’t resist; she couldn’t afford to draw attention to herself, not now. So instead, she allowed herself to be led to the shoreline, the cool ocean breeze providing some relief from the heat.

They reached the water’s edge, where the waves lapped at their feet. Gojo didn’t let go of her hand, and she was acutely aware of the sensation, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

"So, can the great Airi Mizuki handle a little water?" Gojo teased, his blue eyes glinting with mischief behind his sunglasses.

She shot him a challenging look. "Try me."

He laughed, the sound carefree and infectious. Without warning, he pulled her into the water, the coolness a sharp contrast to the warmth of his touch. They both stumbled as the waves hit them, Airi letting out a rare laugh as she struggled to keep her balance. For a moment, she allowed herself to be caught up in the spontaneity of it all, the weight of her mission temporarily forgotten.

But it didn’t last long. As they splashed around, Airi noticed the way Gojo interacted with everyone else—the way they looked at him, trusted him, relied on him. And once again, that dark, gnawing feeling crept in. He was too close, too important to these people. The more she got to know him, the more dangerous he became—to her mission, and to her.

Her grip tightened on his hand, an unconscious reflex as she fought to maintain control over her emotions. She needed to keep her distance, to remind herself of why she was here. Gojo was a target, not a distraction. Yet here she was, standing in the ocean with him, the lines between her mission and her emotions blurring more with each passing day.

Gojo noticed the change in her demeanor and squeezed her hand reassuringly, his playful grin replaced by something more sincere. "You okay?"

She nodded, but the answer felt hollow. "I’m fine."

He didn’t push, sensing her reluctance to talk. Instead, he just stood there with her, the waves crashing around them, a moment of quiet between them in the midst of the laughter and chaos of the beach.

Airi was silent, her mind a storm of thoughts and feelings she couldn’t quite parse. But one thing was clear: Gojo Satoru was becoming more than just an obstacle in her path. He was becoming a problem, one she wasn’t sure how to solve.

As the day drew to a close and the group began packing up, Gojo lingered by her side, his presence a constant reminder of the precarious situation she found herself in. When they finally left the beach, heading back to Jujutsu High, Airi couldn’t shake the feeling that things were slipping out of her control.

And for someone like Airi Mizuki, that was the most dangerous thing of all.

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