The Confession

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Airi’s mind was still swirling from the encounter in the café as she made her way back to Jujutsu High. The man’s words echoed relentlessly in her thoughts, filling her with a sense of foreboding she couldn’t shake. There was only one person she could think to turn to—Gojo. If anyone could help her make sense of this, it was him.

As she approached the gates of Jujutsu High, the imposing structure seemed less like a sanctuary and more like a prison. But she pushed that thought aside. She needed answers, and Gojo was the only one who might have them.

She found him in the training hall, practicing his techniques. The sight of him, so focused and powerful, brought a brief flicker of comfort. But it was fleeting, overshadowed by the weight of what she needed to tell him.

“Gojo,” she called out, her voice slightly unsteady.

He paused, turning to look at her. His expression softened when he saw her, but there was an edge to his gaze—a wariness that hadn’t been there before everything had gone wrong.

“Airi,” he responded, wiping his brow with a towel. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”

She tried to force a smile, but it came out as more of a grimace. “I might have,” she said, only half-joking.

Gojo frowned, immediately sensing the seriousness in her tone. He set the towel aside and approached her, his full attention now on her. “What happened?”

She hesitated for a moment, trying to gather her thoughts. Then, she told him everything—about the man in the café, the strange familiarity she felt, and the ominous words he had spoken to her. As she recounted the encounter, she watched Gojo’s expression carefully, searching for any sign of recognition or understanding.

But as she finished, Gojo’s frown deepened, confusion evident in his eyes. “You said he knew your name? And that he seemed to know a lot about you?”

Airi nodded. “He seemed to know everything, like he was playing some kind of twisted game. But I couldn’t remember him… and that terrifies me.”

Gojo ran a hand through his hair, clearly troubled. “You’re sure you’ve never met him before?”

She shook her head. “Not that I remember. But… there was something about him. Something that felt… wrong.”

He was silent for a moment, processing everything she had told him. “I wish I could say I know who he is,” Gojo finally said, his voice tinged with frustration. “But nothing’s coming to mind. Did he say anything else? Anything that might help us figure this out?”

Airi thought back to the encounter, replaying it in her mind. “He said something about the truth revealing itself… and that others understand what I’m going through. It sounded like a warning, but also like he was trying to manipulate me.”

Gojo’s jaw tightened. “That’s definitely concerning. It sounds like he’s trying to get inside your head. Whoever this guy is, he’s dangerous.”

Airi nodded in agreement, her unease growing. “I thought maybe you would know who he is. But if even you don’t… what do we do?”

Gojo’s gaze softened as he looked at her, his expression shifting from frustration to concern. “We’ll figure this out together,” he said, his voice firm but gentle. “But until we know more, I want you to be careful. Don’t go anywhere alone, and if you see him again, you come find me immediately.”

Airi felt a wave of relief at his words, but it was tempered by the lingering fear that had taken root in her chest. “I will,” she promised. “But, Gojo… what if he’s right? What if there’s something I’m supposed to remember, something I’ve forgotten that’s important?”

Gojo stepped closer, his intense blue eyes locking onto hers. “Don’t let him get into your head, Airi. Whatever it is, we’ll deal with it together. You’re not alone in this.”

For a moment, she felt a surge of warmth, a connection that made her want to believe him. But the shadows of doubt still lingered at the edges of her mind, refusing to be banished so easily.

Gojo reached out, gently taking her hand in his. “We’ll get through this,” he said softly, his voice filled with quiet determination.

Airi squeezed his hand, trying to draw strength from his presence. “Thank you, Gojo. I… I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

He gave her a small smile, but there was a hint of sadness behind it. “You don’t have to find out.”

As they stood there, hands clasped together, Airi couldn’t shake the feeling that something dark was on the horizon, something that would test them both in ways they couldn’t yet imagine. But for now, she took comfort in the fact that, at least for this moment, she wasn’t facing it alone.

But as she left Gojo’s side, the weight of the encounter with the man in the café settled back onto her shoulders. She couldn’t ignore the gnawing sense of unease, the feeling that something crucial was slipping through her fingers, just out of reach.

And in the depths of her heart, she knew that whatever this was, it was only the beginning of something far more dangerous.

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