The Relics of Ruin

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The air inside the assembly hall was heavy with anticipation. The room, usually reserved for formal gatherings and critical briefings, was now filled with the most elite jujutsu sorcerers from across Japan. They sat in rows, their expressions a mixture of curiosity and concern. Everyone knew that whatever they were about to hear was of the utmost importance, a matter that could shift the balance of power in their ongoing battle against the curses.

Principal Yaga stood at the front, his demeanor as serious as ever. Beside him was Gojo Satoru, his trademark blindfold in place, arms crossed as he leaned casually against the wall. Despite his relaxed posture, there was a tension in his presence that set the tone for the gravity of the situation.

Airi Mizuki stood near the back, keeping a low profile. She had played her part perfectly, and now it was time to watch as the pieces moved into place.

Yaga began to speak, his voice commanding attention. "Thank you all for coming on such short notice. The matter at hand is of extreme urgency. As some of you may have heard, we have uncovered information regarding five ancient relics—artifacts of immense power that have the potential to either save or destroy the jujutsu world."

A murmur ran through the crowd. Airi felt a surge of satisfaction as she observed the reactions—curiosity, fear, and, most importantly, resolve. These sorcerers would stop at nothing to protect the world from the curses, and that drive would make them perfect pawns in her game.

Yaga raised a hand, silencing the whispers. "These relics were hidden away long ago because their power was deemed too dangerous to use. However, in light of recent events, it has been decided that we must retrieve these relics before they fall into the wrong hands."

"Why now?" A voice from the crowd asked. It was Nanami Kento, his tone as steady as ever. "What has changed that makes these relics worth the risk?"

Yaga hesitated, his eyes flickering toward Gojo, who remained silent. "There have been... rumors. Whispers of a powerful entity seeking to claim these relics for themselves. We cannot allow that to happen."

Airi remained still, though her mind was racing. Yaga was playing this perfectly, painting the threat in broad strokes without giving away too much. It was exactly what she needed—the fear of an unknown enemy to drive the sorcerers forward.

"The relics are scattered across Japan," Yaga continued. "Each one protected by ancient wards and barriers designed to keep them hidden. Retrieving them will not be easy. That's why we've decided to assign our most skilled sorcerers to this mission."

He began to list off names, assigning teams to each relic. Airi noted with satisfaction that she was assigned to the team led by Gojo Satoru himself. It was a strategic choice, no doubt—pairing her with the strongest sorcerer to ensure the relic’s retrieval. But Yaga had no idea how perfectly this played into her hands.

"The five relics are as follows," Yaga said, his voice taking on a more formal tone. "The Spear of Nagashino, the Mirror of Shizukawa, the Scroll of Yasaka, the Mask of Taira, and the Blade of the Kumaso. Each one holds a unique power, and each must be secured before it can be used against us."

The room fell silent as the weight of the task set in. These were not just ordinary missions—each relic would require a battle of wits, strength, and skill. And there was no guarantee that they would all come back alive.

"Gojo will lead the team to retrieve the Blade of the Kumaso," Yaga announced, his eyes on the powerful sorcerer. "Airi Mizuki will accompany him, along with Nanami Kento and Maki Zenin. The other teams will be led by our top sorcerers as well. We leave at dawn."

Gojo gave a small nod, his usual smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Sounds like fun," he said, his tone light but with an undercurrent of seriousness.

Airi glanced at him, her expression unreadable. She could feel the intensity of his presence even from where she stood, and it reminded her of the delicate line she was walking. She needed Gojo—needed him to trust her, to rely on her. But she also knew that he was the biggest threat to her plan. He was the one person who could see through her, who could possibly stop her if he discovered the truth too soon.

As the meeting came to an end, the sorcerers began to file out, each group discussing their strategies in hushed tones. Airi moved to follow her assigned team but was stopped by a hand on her shoulder.

She turned to see Gojo, his expression unusually serious. "Mizuki," he said, his voice low. "This mission is dangerous. More dangerous than anything we've faced before."

Airi met his gaze, her honey-brown eyes steady. "I understand that, Gojo. But I'm ready."

He studied her for a moment longer before nodding. "Good. Because once we set out, there's no turning back."

Airi offered a small, reassuring smile. "I wouldn’t dream of it."

As Gojo turned and walked away, Airi let her smile fade. She knew that the days ahead would be the most challenging of her life—not just because of the dangers they would face, but because of the lies she would have to keep spinning. But she was ready. She had to be.

The relics were her key to everything she had ever wanted. And nothing—not even Gojo Satoru—would stand in her way.

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