four - zombies (PT 1)

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After I finished eating my cupcake in the cafeteria I decided to go for a walk around the school hallways.
The halls were quite full today and everyone was talking and happy, it all seemed louder than usual.
Only there was a strange eerie feeling about it. Maybe I just thought that because of what happened this morning, or because of the news that su-hyeok told me about an hour ago.
I just hoped that the more I walked through the school the more likely it would be to find Ji-min.
I was quite curious about the whole Hyeon-Ju situation and figured my sister would know every single detail about it. And I also wanted to check she was alright.
I was upset that I had dropped my mom's soondae bag this morning when the bullies were... Doing what they did. If I still had my soondae then I would've eaten more than just a cupcake for lunch, and now I was beginning to get my appetite back.

That's when I was snapped out of my thoughts. I heard their voices before I saw them. Luckily I was walking behind them though. Two of the bullies were walking in front of me so I made sure to slow my pace a bit so that if they looked behind they hopefully wouldn't see me due to the few students that were in-between us.
They started off talking about random things, like about that they were tired and wanted to cut class. The usual bully chat I guessed.
Then one of them kicked something, it looked like a shoe and it was right outside of the infirmary.
This got me a bit curious so I made sure to pay extra good attention.
I suddenly came to a stop, almost falling forward at how quickly I stopped. I only halted because one of the bullies tapped the other on the shoulder and turned around slightly, taking a few steps towards the infirmary door.
Great, now they're gonna find out what that's all about before me...

"Check this out," one of them mumbles, pointing into the infirmary door and taking out his phone.
"Oh boy, what's wrong with her?" The other one said.
What's wrong with who? I wondered, were they talking about the nurse? Or maybe a student who had got hurt. Or maybe someone else had the same problem as Hyeon-Ju.
I had a million possibilities running through my head but I was also weary of the bullies, I didn't want them to see me and do to me what they did earlier. I would avoid them for the rest of my life.
They continued speaking but they were mumbling now, I couldn't really hear them.
I managed to make out a few words such as 'drunk' and 'get fired'. But whatever they were looking at had definitely caught their interest.

Then one of them raised their voices loud enough for me to hear, "what the hell?" They both quickly moved out of the way of the door and before I could even process what was happening, the school nurse ran out of the room making a weird, inhumane screeching sound.
She ran straight into the wall and fell down to the floor upon impact.
I saw her body squirming around and it sounded like her bones were cracking and breaking as she moved on the floor. Her face was exactly as su-hyeok had described Hyeon-Ju's.
I took a small step closer, still keeping my distance from the bullies and the scene.
I could feel my curiosity growing but I didn't want to risk finding out what was so interesting. I had a bad feeling about the whole situation but just couldn't walk away.

They stood around her convulsing body on the floor, still recording her and not even bothering to try and help her up, "what's wrong with her? Is she sick?" One of them spoke up, they didn't sound scared or worried, they sounded like it was all some amusing joke.
Then, the nurse finally got herself up from the floor, her bones were still cracking and she was still stumbling. Only now, she was stumbling towards one of the bullies, "I think she likes you," the one recording said, laughing.

The boy who the nurse was stumbling to, went back into a window and that... That was when disaster struck.
The nurse grabbed onto him and bit right into his neck, I could hear the gooey sound of blood and it made me want to gag.
My eyes widened and I could feel my heart pick up speed. My hands were starting to shake. What the fuck is happening?! My brain was screaming at me to just run and find my sister and get out of this hallway but my legs felt like they were glued to the ground. Like I couldn't move even if I tried.
The boy who was getting bitten was screaming and shouting but the other bully was still recording it, not seeming bothered at all.
Part of me kind of felt... Satisfied that the bully was getting hurt. I was happy that he was getting the taste of his own medicine. And I bet it didn't taste very sweet. But then I tried to shake that feeling, it made me seem like an awful person. And I wasn't.

Now, the other bully put his phone away and swore several times, walking towards the bully who's cheek just got ripped off.
Someone bashed into me, causing me to stumble into the wall slightly. People were gathering around near me to watch what was happening. That made me feel even more sick about human kind.
The bully tried to pull the nurse off the other guy but then the nurse went at him.
Now he was running in my direction, trying to get away from the nurse.
I stood there, my feet stuck to the floor and unsure what to do. The bully pushed a guy into a wall to run through the crowd that was around me.
He was about to run into me but suddenly my legs felt the need to move and I quickly stepped out of the way, careful to not get myself hurt.
As the nurse ran after him, past me, I got the smell of decaying flesh. And I gagged. It was the most revolting smell ever, I had never smelt anything like it before.

And now, everyone was running away. One boy ran straight into me, knocking me to the ground and causing me to slide against the polished floor a bit, my skirt creating friction.
I tried to get up but then someone else stepped on my hand causing me to whine in pain.
I looked down at my hand and it definitely wasn't all okay, it was bleeding in some areas and it looked like I broke my finger.
I wanted to get up and run after that person, to give them a piece of my mind. But someone had already got there before me... Or, something.

The hallway was now cleared, all that was left was me and the bully who had gotten bitten earlier. But now... Now he was standing and he was stumbling and his face was all bloodied like the nurse's earlier.
I could feel my heart pounding and my attention was no longer on my throbbing hand. It was on this creature walking in the opposite direction to me.
I tried to be as quiet as possible, hoping it wouldn't notice me if I didn't make a noise, although I did wince every so often as pain shot through my hand.
His bones were cracking just like the nurses and then he ran into a classroom causing lots of people to scream.
I heard a girl crying out in pain, she must've been bitten...
The hallways were now no longer empty again, people were running everywhere and now... Now I knew I had to get up and run as well.
I picked myself up off the floor using my legs and my hand that wasn't hurt and I steadied myself once I was standing.
Trying to stop the pounding of my heart and the dizziness and sick feeling I was having. I couldn't breath properly...
I had felt this a few times before, my mom told me they were panic attacks and it was normal to have them at least once in your life. She told me they were caused by stress.
This was a very stressful scenario.

Now, I heard the sounds of windows and glass smashing, causing me to flinch every time it did so. It was getting harder and harder to breath and my thoughts were swimming around my head at a hundred miles per minute.
This must be a quick spreading virus or something, how are people changing into cannibalistic monsters in the space of minutes? My thoughts were spiralling, none of this made any sense!!
I made my way through the hallways, only I couldn't run right now, it was like I couldn't even see straight, the world was spinning from my dizzy state. I used the walls to steady me.
It felt like everything was in slow motion. Occasionally people who were running and screaming bashed into my shoulders but so far I hadn't come across any of the... Creatures. Or maybe I had and just couldn't focus. I wasn't sure.

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