Six - A group

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Cheong-san stepped forward, his eyes wide as if he'd just had a moment of realisation or an idea of some sort.
"Train," he said, pausing before continuing, "train to Busan," I narrowed my eyes at this suggestion. Wincing again as Ji-min continued to inspect my hand.

"The movie?" Dae-su questioned, as if it wasn't already obvious.
I knew exactly what Cheong-san was hinting at and it did kind of make sense, but there was no way, surely. Maybe I was just in denial.

"Aren't they zombies? it's the same thing," Cheong-san spoke again, trying to get his point across but failing to do so.

"Zombies at our school? You watch too much TV," dae-su argued back.
I didn't know who to side with, I kind of agreed with both in a sense so I just decided to stay quiet, much like my sister.
They went back and forth for a little while longer. I turned my attention away from them and back onto my sister, watching as she continued to observe my hand.

"It's broken, right?" I asked her in a hushed voice, I wanted to get her opinion on it before I made any assumptions.
"What, your finger? Yeah, looks like it," Ji-min agreed, letting go of my hand and letting it drop back to the side of me.
She stood up and walked over to a desk, presumably the one that she sits at for lessons. She searched through a pencil case and took out some scissors, cutting part of my shirt.
My eyes widened.

"What the hell are you doing, Ji-min?!" I whisper-shouted. Annoyance evident in my tone.
She didn't answer me though. Once she stopped cutting she grabbed the fabric that she'd got off and grabbed my hand again, making sure to be as gentle as possible.
She wrapped the fabric around my hand, making sure to get the bloodied areas on the back of my hand and leaving my fingers out.

"Oh, thanks," I said, feeling a bit guilty that I had got mad at her when she was just trying to help. I tucked my shirt back in, luckily it was still just about long enough.

Dae-su, Cheong-san and another boy were now at the window and two boys were still guarding the door. I-sak and on-jo were sitting by a desk together and seemingly having their own conversation. Hyo-ryung and Na-Yeon were having their own conversation too, only theirs looked a little heated and I kept hearing my and Ji-min's names get bought up.

Suddenly, there's a bang at the window where the three boys are, Causing me to flinch and look in the direction. The boys all swear and jump back slightly. Ji-min's grip on my shoulder subconsciously tightens and I can feel her nails digging into my jumper but I decide not to complain, too curious as to who's hand it is that's on the outside of the window. It doesn't look like a... Zombie.

The hand pulls the window open from the outside and clings to the window ledge.
The boys all start to shout and quickly move closer to the window again.
"Bare-su! It's Bare-su! Help him up!" Dae-su says, his voice is frantic.
"Quick, quick, quick!" A boy who I don't know the name of speaks.
I wondered who the hell 'bare-su' is, but I didn't have to wonder for long when the face of the boy who I met in the construction site is revealed. Su-hyeok. Maybe Bare-su is his nickname.
"Get in here, hurry man, you okay?" The boy speaks again as they grab at su-hyeok's hands to pull him through the window.
I kind of feel relieved that he's still alive and happy. But I'm not sure why, he might as well be a stranger to me.

Once he gets inside he doesn't even answer anyone or thank them for helping. He just quickly turns back to the window and leans out of it, holding his hand out.
"Nam-ra! Hurry! Come on!" His voice is desperate. Like how my sister was when she saw me outside the door. It's sweet to see him so caring. He was caring to Eun-Ji and me too. Sweet.
He kept saying things like 'hurry' and 'come on' and 'jump'.

And then, a girl with shiny black hair, much like mine and similar in length too, appears on the window ledge.
Su-hyeok puts his hands on the girl's waist and lifts her into the room like she's a feather or something.
Dae-su and another boy quickly close the window as the girl enters.
I feel jealous in a sense. I know I shouldn't because I hardly even know su-hyeok but I can't help but wish that he wasn't holding the girl.
He couldn't just leave her out there I guess.
I clench my jaw slightly before realising what I'm doing and I quickly stop it.

He still holds the girl, his hands on her arms, and she's doing the same.
"Are you okay?" He asks her. They're looking at eachother like they're the only two people in the room.
I clench my jaw again and don't try to stop it this time.
Ji-min seems to notice because I can feel her gaze on me for a beat too long. She rubs my shoulder softly.
I look around the room, my gaze staying on on-jo for a bit. She looks just as jealous as I just look right now. Her mouth is slightly parted and her eyes are narrowed.
I thought her and Cheong-san liked eachother? That's what Ji-min always said. Maybe she was wrong.

I turn my attention back to su-hyeok and I watch as he falls onto the ground, breathing heavily.
I stand up and so does Ji-min. I hold my injured hand with my other hand as we step closer to him. Everyone is standing around him.
Na-yeon runs over to us and hides behind my sister, her hands on Ji-min's shoulders as she peeks her head over. Almost like she's scared.

"It's that, isn't it?" Su-hyeok says, his chest rising and falling heavily, "zombies," and with that.. he just proves Cheong-san's point.
Na-yeon let's out a small squeak sound that only me and Ji-min can hear. We both shoot her a look as if to say 'shut up.'
No-one speaks for a bit of time, everyone just exchanges small glances at eachother.

That's when a bang happens at one of the doors. I flinch and whip my head around to look.
The boy guarding the door is shaking and turns around to see a zombie against the small window in the door. The zombie obviously isn't aware there's glass in the way because it's lips are pressed against it and it's jaws are snapping. It's groans are so loud we can hear it from inside the room.
Ji-min pulls me a bit closer to her and puts her arms around me protectively.
The boy at the door slides down against it until he hits the floor... Everyone stays quiet apart from a few shrill squeals from some of the girls and the sound of heavy breathing.

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