twenty six - back with the others

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Su-hyeok went through the window first, the others crowding around to help him inside, asking if he was okay.
He didn't respond and just quickly turned around, grabbing my hand and waist and pulling me through the window, lowering me to the floor. He basically lifted me off the window ledge.

He walks a little inside and Ji-min runs over to me, putting her arms around me and then one hand on my cheek, her eyes observing me for any cuts or bites.
When she sees none, she quickly pulls me into a hug which I immediately reciprocate.
"Where's the phone?" Hyo-ryung looks at me expectantly.
"And Cheong-san?" On-jo stares up at su-hyeok, fear and worry evident in her voice.

When su-hyeok doesn't answer her she huffs and walks over to the window, peering out of it, as if looking for Cheong-san. My heart kind of sank and I felt bad for her. She had only just lost i-sak the previous day and now she probably thought Cheong-san could die too.
I knew he wouldn't though.
After a few seconds of looking out the window she slowly turned to face us, "su-hyeok, y/n," her eyes were watery and glassy, "where is he?"

Su-hyeok slowly turned around, giving me a look as if to say that he wasn't too sure how to say what had happened.
I pulled away from Ji-min, now standing next to her and holding her hand as I spoke to on-jo.
"We got separated in the teacher's office.. I know he'll be okay though," I give on-jo a reassuring smile but honestly she just looks angry at me.
"I'm sure he'll be fine," su-hyeok adds in on the end, his voice sounding like he was uncomfortable with the situation.

"Are you serious? Oh shit!" Dae-su panics, looking between me and su-hyeok before he goes to look out the window with another boy, as if Cheong-san will magically appear.
"I'm sorry," su-hyeok says, watching everyone, a sincere expression on his face, "for coming back without Cheong-san,"
On-jo just stares at the floor, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.


About an hour later we were now all sitting around.
Ji-min, me, and Hyo-ryung were all sitting around a table. I was resting my chin on my hand, processing everything that's gone on since all of this started.
It all seems so surreal, like I'm dreaming... Only no matter how many times I pinch myself I can't wake up.

"What do we do? On-jo and Cheong-san are really close," Hyo-ryung mumbles to us, glancing over at on-jo by the window and then back at me and Ji-min.
"They're going out," Ji-min whispers, and suddenly this feels like a gossip session between the two.
I roll my eyes and rest my head on the desk, already bored of the conversation.

"But on-jo told me they're not," Hyo-ryung said to Ji-min in confusion.
"I'm telling you, they are," Ji-min took glances from on-jo and then back at Hyo-ryung, "they're always together,"
"Really?" Hyo-ryung said, sounding hopeful.

I just closed my eyes and tried to get a bit more sleep, I didn't get much last night despite being very comfortable against su-hyeok.
I can still hear blips of their conversation but I try to block it out.

Sorry it's only short guys, I try to stick with the basis of the series so there are a few short chapters and some very long ones.

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