Arrr, lads !

0 0 0

*The crew is on the deck and enjoys a calm moment to take care of its own business. Some make room on the ship *

Calypso : Scupper me that right now !

Pirates : *Throwing some empty boxes in the sea* Aye ! Heave… Ho ! Heave… Ho !

*...Others check the cannonball stock…*

Will : Hurry up, lads ! Or you’ll be feeding the fishes by tonight…

Lads : *All together* Aye-aye !

Will : Our captain need all the cannons to have some fire in the hole for the next time we’ll see Sam’s boat, the ship of that landlubber !

Lads : *All together* Aye-aye, Will !

*...Others are listing all the treasures collected.*

Pirate 1 : … Two… Three… Four chests full of gold, eight silver coupes and two coffers with plenty of jewelry. Blimey ! This Sam surely knows how to create a good booty !

Pirate 2 : Shiver me timbers ! We are rich !

*Lyra, Lance, Alianor et Zach watch the crew going back and forth with a surprised and questioning look, but are quickly cut off in their contemplation by Calypso’s arrival.*

Calypso : *Sitting next to them* We’re lucky, it’s all calm today. We’ll have the opportunity to rest a little before turning back to Port Royal.

*She leans on the deck, arms crossed behind her head, and closes her eyes with a satisfied sigh. Lyra, hesitating, inclines above her.*

Lyra : Say, Calypso… I’ve been here for many weeks now, and I still find it difficult to understand you and your crew, and I know the others feel the same way as me. Would you mind… teaching us to speak like you ?  

*Calypso sits up with a jump, and stares at her friends with stars in her eyes. She leaves them, running without a single word. The four left look at each other, puzzled.*

Lyra : Hum… Does anyone know what that reaction was supposed to mean ? Or, where did she go ?

*All of them shrug their shoulders while shaking their heads negatively. Lyra is about to talk again, but is suddenly interrupted by a high-pitched whistling. Calypso, holding onto a rope with one hand, tries to get the attention of her crew.*

Calypso : *Shouting with force and enthusiasm* My friends ! The day we were all waiting for has finally arrived ! Lyra, Lance, Zach and Alianor just told me their will to join our great family, and to speak like true pirates ! *All the eyes turn to the four friends, who don’t know how to act anymore.* For them : Heave ?

Pirates *Roaring as one man* : Ho !

Calypso *With more strength* : HEAVE ?

Pirates *Making the deck shaking * : HO !

*Calypso jumps from her podium, and gets closer to her friends, who the crew surrounds progressively. She takes her saber out and points it on them with a menacing smile, which the pirates quickly imitate. Lyra starts to seriously regret asking that question in the first place…*

Calypso : Arrr, lads ! I hope you’re ready for your first pirate grammar class, ‘cause I’ve been getting prepared for that day since your first day on my ship, and I’ll not miss this one in a lifetime opportunity ! 

Lance : *Enthusiastic* Of course, Calypso ! We’re more than impatient to…

Calypso : *Pointing her weapon just before his eyes* That’ll be “Aye, Captain !” or “Aye, Calypso” from now on, savvy ?

Lance : *Hesitating, delicately removing the blade from his sight* A-Aye… Cap’n ?

Calypso : *Smiling with satisfaction* That’s better…

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04 ⏰

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