The new captain

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*Calypso has left the boat and went into the city undercover to get some information. On the boat, in dock, everyone is worried because she's gone for many days.*

Zach : I think she got into trouble, and she'll never come back. We have to decide who'll be the new captain, and leave this place before getting into trouble ourselves.

Lance : She has NO problem, she's just on a mission. We don't need a new captain, we just have to wait for her to come back.

Second in command : Anyway, if we needed a new captain, I'd obviously be the one. I'm her second in charge, it's my role in that kind of situation.

Zach : You ? Captain ? You must be kidding. If there's one person really cut out for this job, it's ME. I have all the mandatory qualities : ruse, intelligence, courage...

Alianor : *Mocking* Difficult nature, cunning, stubbornness... It's sure that, with you, we'll bang our head against a brick wall. *With pride* If you want to elect a new captain anyway, you should at least ask a true leader, who has already successfully brought her team to victory : ME !

*Calypso goes aboard her ship, and stares at the scene from a distance. Lyra notices her. The pirate captain signals to her to tell nothing.*

Zach : To conduct some guards to strut around town doesn't give you the capacity to lead a crew of proud and blood-thirsty pirates to victory, sweetheart. My thief skills will be much more useful.

Alianor : *Coming closer, threatening* Call me "sweetheart" one more time, and I swear I'll make you eat your daggers. ALL your daggers.

Zach : *With a snide smile* Try, sweetheart.

Alianor : *Jump on him with her sword in hand* We'll resolve this like pirates, with a duel !

Zach : *Takes a saber* As you wish !

*The two begin to fight. Lance rushes in between the fighters and tries to pull them apart, worried that they'll hurt each other. Calypso sneaks slowly and jumps in front of Zach and Alianor.*

Calypso : *Half-amused, half-offended, arms crossed on her chest* So I disappear during just a few days, and you already try to replace me ?

Zach, Alianor and Lance : *Surprised* CALYPSO ?!

Crew : *With joy* : Captain !

Calypso : *Giving a black look to Zach and Alianor* Before telling you what I learnt, I have to deal with the impostors who tried to steal my role, my boat and my crew...

Zach and Alianor : *Giving each other a worried look* Oh-oooooooh...

[They got stuck with the job no one else wanted to do : Cleaning the deck and the dishes for a month. They learned their lesson and never did that again.]

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