"introducing yourself is harder than you think"

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Eunhye sighs quietly before standing up. The class turns their heads to face her. The attention is making Eunhye nervous as she fiddles with her hoodie.

She speaks quietly, and Zai leans in earnestly, trying to hear what she has to say.
"My name is Eunhye haikori. I don't really have any hobbies, and I don't hang around people. I'm fine being alone, so don't approach me.."

She takes her seat quietly, averting eye contact from the staring class.
Mr Branson breaks the silence with a clap "well that's everyone finished! I hope you all get along and learn to work as a team as the school year goes by"

He once again flashes that warm smile at everyone at the class, his grey eyes twinkling, adding warmth to his words.


After another half hour, the school bell rings, signalling recess. People fill the halls up rushing to get to the cafeteria, Eunhye waiting in the classroom as it slowly empties. She waits at the back of the class.

Zai is behind Eunhye, quietly watching her. She clearly hasn't noticed that she isn't the only one in the classroom.

Eunhye sighs and plopps down lazily on the chair of Mr Branson. She swings it round, now facing zai. Dakota had rushed off to the cafeteria, either looking for a girl to hook up with or he was genuinely hungry.

Eunhye lets out a quiet gasp and jumps slightly at the sight of zai, Those playful sea-green eyes are staring at her, a stupid idiotic grin forming on his lips.

Eunhye lowers her head, slightly flustered by the scare of zai just standing there.she slightly stutters quietly at him.

"I-im sorry, I didn't see you there,"
She begins fiddling with the sleeves of her sweater, a habit she has when she becomes nervous or flustered.

Zai just cocks his head, that insanely annoying grin stretching wider across his face. He leans onto the desk, his face inches apart from Eunhye's.

Those piercing green eyes felt like they were stabbing at the back of eunhyes head, slowly seeping through her mind, slowly making him the only thing she could think of.

Her face reddens once again, as she tilts her head down trying to hide the blush, staring at her lap, the hood of her sweater falling across her eyes.

Zai leans in closer. Eunhye can feel his hot breath against her skin, his smell lingering in the air, the only scent there. She leans further into the chair, trying to make space between her and Zai.

Zai speaks in a breathy voice, leaning closer into her, his torso now fully across the desk, his hands leaning against it holding him up.

"Am I making you intimidated by me?" He breathes while using his hand to lift her chin up.

Eunhye finally snapped back into reality. She snarled at him
"Get your hand off of me" she glares at him and shoves his hand aside.

Zai is surprised by the sudden change of attitude, an attitude no girl has ever showed him when he flirted with them. He quickly replaces the surprised look on his face with a flirty look, Those eyes returning with that playful glint.

"What" he says "you don't want me?"

Eunhye ignores his question.

" Leave me alone."

Eunhye raises to her feet, pulling the hood more over her eyes, and rushes  out of the classroom, leaving Zai shell-shocked. No girl has ever rejected him. No girl should ever reject him.

He rushes after her, determined to do something.

He grasps her shoulder.

"Look, I just want to get to know you. We've been in the same class for so long, yet I know nothing about you"

he hated how his voice came out, almost desperate.

Eunhye snaps her head around at him, glaring daggers.

"I said don't touch me"

she snapped
Her hood had came off her head, showing her face for what seemed like the first time.

Zai couldn't help but notice how hot she was. Those dark brown eyes could be warm one moment, threatening in the next. If they caught in the light, they looked red, a rusty red, yet so pretty. Those locks of dark chestnut brown hair. Oh how he wanted to reach out and feel it, and those lips....... oh...

Suddenly he realised he was staring, his mouth slightly ajar. He clamps it shut, Eunhye still fuming at him. He realised his hand was still on her shoulder. He quickly retracted it.

Zai was 6'2, eunhye only 5'6, but she could look intimidating when she wanted to. Zai had never seen her like this, honestly never hearing her talk, never seeing her face, never really seeing.......well...her.

"What do you want from me?" She says, looking up at him.

Zai has the nerve to whisper
"You're so cute when you're angry"

She pushes him away, and walks across the hall leading outside.

Zai follows her.

She hears his footsteps and turns around quickly, facing him once again. She was so angry now, and didn't try to hide it.

"Look, I don't have the time to deal with your bs," she spat, "so leave me alone, before I totally lose it."

Zai doesn't move, a grin tugging against the corners of his mouth, threatening to grow across his face

She's so cute when she's angry, I could just kiss her

As soon as that thought crosses his mind, he blushes a little. Luckily, eunhye is too fumed at him to notice.

Zai raises his hands up in surrender and shrugs at her

"You win. Get your way. I don't care."

He storms back into the school, leaving Eunhye standing alone. She sighs angrily and dumps herself onto the grass. The school field is deserted, as the football team has gone to recess. It's quiet out here, almost too quiet........

quiet enough for Eunhye being able to slowly slip back into the past.

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