Chapter 1- The group

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3rd person

It's 8am and Zai has slept in. School starts in 20 minutes. i slowly wakes and sits up groggily, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He reaches over to his phone and looks at the time.

"Shit" he groans.

He gets up as his lean built figure walks over to the bathroom attached to his bedroom. He places his hands on the sink and leans over it, looking at his reflection in the mirror. His sleek jet black hair is covering his face, the fluffiness of it falling a bit down his eyes. His piercing emerald-green eyes stare back at him, his plump pink lips chapped from the lack of hydration.


He cleans his face and brushes his teeth then walks over to his wardrobe. He pulls out some black pants and a white t-shirt that hugs him, showing his lean built up frame and broading shoulders. He chucks them both on and walks downstairs.
"Mom? Dad? Any of you guys home?"
No reply.

Zai rolls his eyes and says to himself
"Once again alone"

He Steps out of the house at 10 past 8, giving him 20 minutes to walk to school. He shrugs
"Long enough"


"Shit shit shit!"
Eunhye is panicking. She slept in. It's now 10 past eight.
"I'm late I'm late I'm late!"
She rushes to the bathroom and cleans herself up. She hastily brushes her chestnut dark brown hair and ties it into a bun. She throws on the usual clothes, a grey hoodie and baggy black jeans, hiding most of her pale skin. She hates the thought of makeup so doesn't own any, and hides her face as much as she can with her hood.

Eunhye runs downstairs, and sees a note on the table. She scans it fast.

Hey hun, left for work. Cook whatever you want for dinner, I'm going to be home late.

Love, mom xx

Same old same old. Eunhye hardly talks to her mom anymore, she's always busy either on business trips or at work. She let's out a sigh and grabs her bag from the armchair.

She forgot to eat, which happens alot, and she rushes out of the house, locking the door behind her. She practically runs to school, 5 minutes until the bell.


Eunhye rushes into her class just as the bell rings. Everyone is already seated, and they look at her as she enters. Eunhye hates the attention and avoids eye contact with everyone. At the back of the class, she sees Zai and his best friend, Danny.

People for some reason call Danny Dio. Zai is lounging in his desk acting like he owns the place. He smirks at Eunhye as he catches her looking at him. She quickly turns her head and pulls her hood more over her face.

Great. Just great.

she thinks, been through 4 grades and I'm still in the same class as zai and his idiotic best friend. Will it ever change?  Her thoughts are interrupted by her new teacher, Mr Branson.

Mr Branson "hello everyone! Welcome to your new class for this year. I will be your teacher for the year"  he looks at eunhye who is still standing at the front of the class.

Mr Branson "eunhye, why don't you go sit at the back next to Zai? I heard you don't like being at the front" he smiles warmly at her

Eunhye wants to object, but she'll make a fool out of herself in front of her whole new class. She tilts her head down and walks to the back, and takes the seat next to Zai. He's still lounging around, hands behind his head and feet up on his desk. She ignores him and looks out the window.

Mr Branson "I hope you all get along and that you find I'm a funny teacher. I try my best to be welcoming"

he claps his hands together and smiles at the class

"Why don't you all introduce yourself? We will go around the class, sharing our names and something we like. we will start at the front, making our way to the back"

Eunhye turns her head back to the class, and for once tries to listen to what her new classmates are saying, but that's hard to do when two girls infront of you are bickering and won't shut up. The blonde girl with blue eyes is arguing with the girl next to her, a ginger with green eyes.

The girl with green eyes interrupts the blonde.

"Look, Amy I just don't think he's good for you!"

The blonde responds to her
"Since when do you know what's good for me Sam?" She snarls

Sam responds with a sigh and throws her hands in the air

"Fine, do what you want, date that bastard, just when he breaks your heart, don't come crying to me like last time" she turns back around, not giving Amy time to respond. Finally, they both shut up.

When it got to Sam she stood up and said..

"Hey my name is Samantha, I prefer the name Sam or Sammy. I like soccer and my best friend is Amy"

God, Eunhye thought one minute they're in a fight, the next they're saying how much they adore each other.

Next was Amy. She stood up, her blue eyes piercing anyone who looked at her.
"Hi guys, my name is Amy and I love makeup and my bestie Sammy. she flashed a warm smile at sam.

After a few more kids, it was Dio's turn. He acted shady and emo in class, but was a total player and jock in the hallways with zai.

He stood up and kept his eyes on the ground, his dark hair covering his tanned face.

He mumbles..

"Name's Danny. Never call me that. Name's Dio. Like running." He plopped back into his seat, keeping his head down.

Next it was Zai. He always had a playful glint in those emerald-green eyes and a stupid grin plastered across his face at all times. He slowly stood up like he had all the time in the world. He spoke loudly and raised his hands
"The Name's Zai takoroki, obviously the hottest boy in the school"

He flicks his hair out of his eyes

"Love hockey and football, basically the bestest sports"

he gave a flirty look at almost every girl in the class. Eunhye rolls her eyes under her hood.

hottest boy my ass

Finally, the boy sat down. It was Eunhye's go.

 second chapter out soon


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