Chapter Eighteen: A Fleeting Encounter

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Tewtiy's P.O.V.

When I woke up and found out that Dreamy was in a coma, I'm not gonna lie... I PANICKED. Even if it had only been a few days, I had begun to see her as a little sister. I'm more than grateful that this reality's version of me was able to save her in time.

Speaking of the other me...

I decided not to speak around him or the leaders, excluding Red Leader and sometimes Orange Leader. Other than them, I only really speak to Rós and Willow. It's difficult to talk to others... I don't know what I would say, anyway.

Willow is doing... fine, I guess. She was pretty scratched up when the Violet Steves retrieved us. Green Steves were able to heal her, but she's become as quiet as me. Most of the time, she stays by Dreamy's side, looking like she might kill any outsider who dares to get closer. It got bad enough that she placed her code shield around the bed... not letting anyone close unless necessary. Rós and I are the only exceptions.

Speaking of Rós...

Rós has thrown himself into training. He hardly sleeps, forgets to eat, and almost forgot to attend a couple of the meetings for the Rose Guards. When he isn't training, he's guarding Dreamy with Willow. He gets VERY defensive when it comes to anything that has to do with her. Rós has become irritable as well, losing his temper on several occasions. I had to run over to the training area a couple of times to drag him out after he started getting violent during sparring matches.

M has come over a couple of times to see how we are doing. Our interactions have been short and to the point. Not much to say when all I do is stay over at the mountain lake nearby while Willow watches Dreamy.

There was an interesting interaction I witnessed the other night, though...

I had gone to bed early so I could take over Willow's shift around midnight. As soon as I fell asleep, I found myself standing on the surface of what looked like an ocean. Looking around, I saw a broken Galaxy Steve and this world's Tewtiy talking while fishing in a boat. I slowly approached, catching wind of the conversation.

"... D- yo- mind me asking about who Colle and Alex were? If you can remember?" Tewtiy asked.

They couldn't see my approach since I was walking towards them from the opposite direction of where they were facing. I stopped several feet away and listened to Galaxy's story. (I will not tell you the whole story. It's in the book, "Radiance," By FCPrincessX.)

After explaining everything to Tewtiy, Galaxy used his fishing pole, resulting in the clear ocean turning into a Galaxy. I don't know why... but it didn't surprise me at all.

"Whoa- How did you do that?!" Tewtiy asked.

"Just happens sometimes," comes Galaxy Steve's reply. "I don't know how, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the water reflecting the essence of the person casting. At least, that's what I feel is the correct answer. I don't know a whole lot of things... but I also do, mainly through feeling."

I stand there, nodding in agreement. Surprisingly, they still don't notice me. After a second, I feel a little awkward, not knowing when or if they will notice me. I take a deep breath, then practically shout my signature hello as I begin walking towards them on the surface of the water.

"What's going on, guys?"

To say they were startled is an understatement. Tewtiy whipped around in the boat and reached for his sword (which he didn't have), causing the boat to sway. It almost capsized when Galaxy Steve practically jumped from surprise and nearly fell out while throwing his fishing rod in the air.

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