"A Soul Full Of Sunshine"

70 4 18


Name Meaning : My Light

Nicknames ~ Sunshine, Sunny


Gender : Female

Pronouns : She/They

Sexuality : Omnisexual

Species : Human

Birthday : 1987 November 22nd
<18 in 2005>

Zodiac Sign : The Cusp Of Revolution (Sagittarius + Scorpio)

Blood Type : O-

Love Intrest : Jasper Hale
Backup : Alice Cullen




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Personality Traits

- Friendly

She's a very friendly person who enjoys making friends, she'll boldly approach people to talk to them and try to make friends of them.

- Mischievous

She has a wild streak and a lot of energy. She likes to cause trouble and have fun.

- Energetic

She's a very high energy person, she doesn't really like to sit still and has a hard time being calm.

- Playful

Her friendliness and energy make for a very playful person. She has some childish qualities that she never seemed to really grow out of. She enjoys a good play fight and is always up for a game

- Rash

A stable of her personality is her lack to be able to make thought out decisions. It often leads her in trouble or gets her hurt.

- Stubborn

Ori is veey Stubborn, talking her out of something she's set her mind to isn't easy. Weather or not she realizes it's a bad idea or not she'll still go through with it.

- Optimistic

She has a very positive outlook on everything and everyone. Sometimes it's too much so though and also is a factor in the trouble she usually gets into.


Known illnesses / Important Health

- Insomnia
- Chronic pain in her right leg
- Nut Allergy
- Alergic to Dogs (Including the werewolves)

- Eventual heart failure due to being kicked by a horse in the chest resulting in a ruptured heart chamber leading to heart failure.



Mother : Dana Winters <Alive>

Father : Trenton Winters <Deceased>

Uncle : Nolan Hutch <Alive>

Aunt : Marie Hutch <Alive>


Background :

Ori moved to Forks from Texas soon after her father Trenton died in a car crash. Her mother having turned to less healthy coping mechanisms could no longer take care of her and she moved in with her uncle Nolan Hutch. Nolan Hutch is a quileute and so him and Ori's aunt live on the reservation. Ori although living with them goes to the school off the reservation when she moves to Forks.

Ori owns a truck and drove up with her two horses from Texas since her Uncle said she could bring them and they had enough space for them.

Pets :



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Also called Lover boy or Loverman

Also called Lover boy or Loverman

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Becomes A Vampire? : Yes


Nolan Hutch

Nolan Hutch

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Marie Hutch


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Theme song ~ I lived By OneRebublic

Other Songs ~

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