Is this Auradon?.

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Reds POV

As me and my mom are pulling up to the gates I look out the window and see a huge beautiful yellow and blue castle surrounded by a bunch of princesses and princes.

"is this Auradon?." I thought to myself self.

QOH: Red, before I let you go I'll tell you a few things. I do Not want u associating with Chloe charming. See her right there?
She pointed at a weird blue girl.

RED: yea I see her. Why is she so blue?

QOH: That's besides the point. Pay attention for once will you? Anyways. Don't talk to her ever. Shes bad knews and she will hurt you. She will break you, tear you down. I told you love ain't it and she is the definition. I know your a disappointment and you probably won't listen. But if you don't wanna get hurt, don't talk to that girl.
My mother told me. I nodded my head letting her know I understood her. I was already a disappointment in my mother's eyes, I didn't wanna be more of a disgrace by talking to that blue girl. Her face looks punchable anyways, stupid face with her stupid blue curls and stupid blue makeup, gosh just thinking abt her makes me wanna go beat her a- "Red get out and get your bags. And remember what I said." My mom cut my thoughts off. I got out the car with my bag waving my mom bye, she just drove off. I wish she could just see me for who I am.

Chloe's POV

As I gave my mom a hug goodbye I saw some of my friends from last year! "Chloeeee! Hi!!!" Lily ( Anna and Christoph's daughter) "OMGG Lily!! Hiii" I said running up to her and hugging her, as some of my other friends came huddling up around me I saw a weird red looking girl. Wait? Why am I'm being so rude! She's new, I should go say hi! "Be right back guys" I said walking towards the red girl "Hi! I'm Chloe charming! You must be new, what's your name?" I said holding my hand out for her to shake. She js looked down
At my hand and then back at my eyes, she slapped my hand away and walked away glaring back at me.

Wtf was her deal?

Red's POV

Why the was this weird blue princess trying to talk to me. She had her whole group over there and she wanted to talk to me, weirdo. I just slapped her hand away walking away second glancing her. She really is weird. I Just wanna punch- "Hi! You must be princess red of wonderland!" Principal Uma said to me "yep. That's me." I said with a slight harsh tone in my voice. She smirked at me, as if she knew I would be trouble. "Well because your knew Chloe will show you around the school and help you find all your classes, she was here last year! CHOLEEE!" Uma yelled for her, before I could object Chloe was already next to Uma, fucking weirdo I swear. "Chloe you will be showing around Red, she's new here, I'm sure you won't mind but even if you do, I don't care." Uma said letting out a chuckle while walking off

Chole: I think we started off wrong at first! Maybe we could try again yes?

Red: No. just show me where all my classes are and the dorms. Would you? I don't have time for small talk with a princess.

Chloe: God what's your fucking problem? I see why most people say your just like your mom.

Once she said that something just boiled inside me, anger? Sadness?? I don't fucking know but I hate it. I just p!nched her in the stomach. She fell to the floor coughing and gasping for air. Her friends rushed over helping her up. Once she got up she glared at me and took a step back, not trying to take anything a step further.
"I don't need a princess like you helping me find my way around this stupid school. I'll find everything" I said with a tone of rage in my voice. I walked away looking around and making sure I knew where everything was.

Chloe's POV

God that fucking hurt. Since when was a girl as skinny as her so strong?? "Hey chlo you okay?" Lily said.  I was zoned out for a bit to long I had worried her. "Yea I'm fine, just shocked that's all." I said as I glanced at red.  I hate that girl. I know my mom says I shouldn't have room in my heart to hate people, but she isn't in my heart. I hate that girl to my core, with her stupid red hair,stupid face,stupid style and stupid eyes.  I hate all of her and I always will.

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