The make up

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Reds POV



R:"OH MY GOSH. ARE YOU BRAIN DEAD?? Fuck you Chloe I'm going to bed."

C:"Well so much for talking it out."

R:" you're not saying anything I haven't heard 100 fucking times dipshit."

C: "hey don't call me that asswhole!"

R: "mememememeeeeee meemee" I mocked.

she quickly covered her mouth after she said that. Her eyes widen in realization and instant regret. I was breaking,And she could tell. How could she even say that? Did she really mean it? She tried to run over to hug me and apologize but i shoved her to the floor and went into the bathroom slamming the door and locking it behind me.

Quick catchup on what happened.

Red sat in her bed confused and her side in some pain. She remembered what happened but it was pretty blurry. The feeling of hatred for Chloe washed away in an instants once Chloe shattered the Voodoo necklace Kai had. Chloe walked back up to the dorm to see red sitting on her bed pondering about what happened. "Red? Is that you?" She said making sure she was really her. "Unfortunately it is. Don't try talking to me player, just because I'm not under some magic spell doesn't mean I don't still hate you." " here we go again." Chloe said rolling her eyes and scoffing. "YOU USED ME CHLOE. YOU PLAYED WITH MY FEELINGS."

Chloe's POV

I can't believe I said that. I didn't mean it, it wasn't true none of it was.. I don't know what happened, I was getting so frustrated and it just slipped out! That's no excuse and now red might actually hate me FOREVER. I tried to talk to her through the door but she wasn't answering. She was just silently crying. I heard has she sniffed and her attempt in being quite. "Red please come out.." "go away Chloe. I have nothing to say to you." Her voice trembled and her nose running. "Okay red.." I didn't give up. But I knew she did. I got up and walked to my bed and laid down. Hugging my mini pillow as my tears stained the case. After an hour red came out the bathroom with a thick layer of bandages on her arm with a faint smear of blood on it. I wanted to say something but, she hates me. There's nothing I could say or do to make her stop hating me. After all the sobbing and yelling of tonight I allowed myself to fall asleep and escape the world around me.

Reds POV

I'm never talking to Chloe again. She wishes I were dead then so be it. But how could i not talk to her. I know deep down she means well and wouldn't want to hurt me.. but she did. She hurt me tonight and that's all that matters. I couldn't even fall asleep because I knew that when I woke up Chloe would be there. Chloe's always going to be there when I don't want her to. I'm sure she already knows I don't ever want to speak to her again so maybe she won't try and bother me. Or maybe she'll be obnoxious and annoying and bother me. After a few hours of me awake and Chloe sleeping her alarm clock yelled indicating Chloe should wake up, that's what she did. She got up rubbing the sleep out her eyes and looking over to me. "Shit your still up?" She said in a raspy voice. I turned away from her getting up out of bed to shower and brush my teeth. I didn't want to do anything special today for my clothes or hair so I just wore some bagging jeans and a red baggy-T with a silly red tie, for a cherry on top. Chloe wore a navy plaid blue skirt with a black belt and navy blue shirt with some random fish nets. While she was doing her hair I got my bag and walked out the dorm to head to my first class. Since I went back to hating Chloe there's no point in waiting for her..right?

Chloe's POV

Red walked out without breathing a single word to me. She's been up for who knows how long and she's still planing on heading to school? She's strange for that one. I finished up my hair and grabbed my bag while walking out the front door. I made it to the main hallway to where I saw red and Leah doing most of the talking. The reason I say that is because Leah was doing all the talking and Red was listening. I was about to reach my locker before Kai stood right in front of me grabbing my wrist pulling me closer to him so we are face to face and tightly squeezing it. "OUCH! Let go,Your hurting me!.!" I said as my eyes began to widen at the anger I saw on his face. "You ruined EVERYTHING. Chloe, we could have been together but NOOO. You wanted to save you weird little girlfriend." He said as his grasp tightened "k..Kai your hurting me.." I quietly whined to him. "You hurt me when you broke MY DADS NECKLACE. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING." It felt as tho my wrist was about to crack into a million pieces. "Kai I'm sorry.. I-i just didn't like the fact you spelled Red." I said not looking him in the eyes as our faces are inches apart. "Sorry isn't going to cut it,princess. Your gonna pay me back." Suddenly a fist ran right into Kai's jaw at the speed of light. It was Red who punched him. "Maybe don't spell me next time, prick, and you wouldn't have gotten it broken now get lost or your going to lose your life. And I know you Value it." She said as Kai rubbed his pretty much broken jaw and sprinting off. Once he was gone red glared at me with those beautiful brown eyes and shot me a look of disgust and anger. "It ment nothing. I just needed my pay back." She said walking off into class with Leah who watched the whole thing. My hand felt free from a weight that was crushing it, as it loosened up from the tension and pressure that was forced on it. It hurt like a bitch but I can't do much about it right now. I walked into class and sat at a table that was excluded from the rest. I really didn't want to talk to anyone unless it's red, I can't talk to anyone unless it's red. I don't know how I'm going to make up for what I said and I don't think I'll ever be able to. The teacher was yapping about something but for once I really did not care. My leg rattled at the thought of Red never talking to me. My pencil tapping against my notebook that I was supposed to be taking notes in. "Charming! Something else catch your attention?" The teacher called out causing me to snap out of my thoughts quickly. "Uhm.. no sir." I said lifting my head up to look at him and half the class who's looking at me. My hands started to shake at all the eyes that were drawn to me. "You don't have any notes. What's so important to you that your not taking notes?" The teacher in question. "I just,.. didn't get a lot of sleep last night.. I'm sorry I'll do better" I said putting my head back down. My hands still trembling lightly, I forgot to take my pills this morning so my anxiety will be just a little more rough than normal. "I need you to be focusing on my class charming. This isn't like you." Fuck he's still yapping, I get it. "I'm sorry." I said no longer facing the teacher. I saw in the corner of my eye Red reaching in her pocket but I just tried to ignore it " Chloe do you need to take a step..-" "okayyyy bro she gets it get off her dick go back to teaching your class please." Red said before propping herself up out her chair and walking over to me and handing me a yellow capsule with my proscription. I've never been so great full in my life. " no need for all of that Red. My apologies Chloe." The teacher said before going back to his class. I looked over at Red who looked back but showed no emotion on her face. Why does she help me but hate me at the same time! I couldn't take the suspense and boredom of this class so I got up and walked out, walking to the bench that sat in between a row of lockers. I sat pondering what to do about Red, I like her I really do. But I know she hates my guts and I know she despises me. I wish I could just go back and take it all back. I hate myself for even arguing with her, i hate myself for kissing Kai. I hate my self for letting Red run off that night and get spelled. I buried my face in the palms of my hand as my elbows were placed on my knees. My eyes overfilling to the point were they spill, racing tears falling down my pale cheeks. I was stuck, I didn't know what to do. I just lost someone that changed the way I saw the world, how can I even start to cope with that. It's all just to much. I can't handle all of it at once, everything is my fault, I stepped out of line and people ended up getting hurt in the process. Kai literally has it out for me and Red, Red hates my soul. Leah is so close to having red all to her self. I sobbed in my hands endlessly. My breathing becomes short and intense. No please, not right now, i was trying to steady my breathing but i was only making it worse. I couldn't stop crying and i didn't know why. I was a mess and I've only been out here for 3 minutes. Suddenly I heard the classroom door open but I didn't care to look since I was to focused on myself right now. I was getting worse which isn't all the normal. My anxiety was turning against me even though I thought I had it under control over the summer. School is causing me to get really anxious and upset. My hands trembled  as my leg shook rapidly, my silent sobs drenched my face. I put my hands down and threw my head back gently placing it on the wall looking up at the ceiling still trying to control this mini attack i'm having. That's when I felt a warm soft hand latch onto mine caressing the thumb against the surface of my hand. I looked over and it was Red, great, that's what I need right now, she's the reason I'm- wait I can't blame her if it's all my fault. I stared into her eyes panting as she calmed me down, way better than last night. "Chloe, your fine,okay? It's okay, I'm here I'm right here princess I'm not going anywhere." I never knew how good she was at calming down an attack. My breathing got back to it's normal steady pace and once I was back to normal I wiped the droplets of tears exiting my eyes as I broke eye contact out of guilt. She's missing class just to clam me down cause I can't seem to do anything right myself. "I'm sorry.." I said quietly, my voice still trembling and a bit raspy. "Don't apologize Chloe, not now. Don't worry about anything but yourself." She said in a stern voice still not looking away from me. "I can't not worry about anything knowing I've fucked everything up." I chuckled softly. She gently grabbed my hand and walked with me to the dorms. "Red what about class?" "Leah will help me make it up." She said her voice stern as if she had something desperately waiting to spew out. We reached our dorm and Red lead me inside closing the door behind us. I took a seat on our couch while staring at my feet. "I really am sorry red.. I know your probably going to hate my guts for as long as I live which is totally understandable." "Chloe what makes your anxiety act up?" I never told her I had anxiety. Was it that obvious? "Uhm.. pressure. I think..?" I didn't know how to answer the question. "My thoughts during an anxiety or panic attack." I said hesitantly "and what were your thoughts out there in the hall.?" Why was she so curious? She wasn't the one who couldn't breath. I really didn't want to tell her, I didn't even know she would be talking to me right now. "You hating me.. me losing my best friend.. me hurting you in the worst way possible,Kai having it out for you and me, the way I hurt the only person I can really trust... maybe I'm not as good as a person I thought I was.." I said as I sound more and more pathetic. Red sat down next to me taking my hand into hers and putting it on her lap. I looked the opposite direction of her because I knew if I looked her dead in the eyes I was going to ball. She grabbed under my face turning it to look at her. "Chloe you're not perfect. Nobody is, in anyway shape or form and that's fine. You are a really good person Chloe Charming but I need you to stop throwing everything onto yourself and then trying to deal with it all by yourself at the wrong times. That's what's causing your anxiety to flare up. Kissing Kai was definitely a big mistake but not for the reason your thinking, just because he's NOT a good person isn't your fault because you didn't know, your going to be fine Chloe but nothing is going to get better if you keep downing yourself and thinking everything is your fault." I sat and i listened to her calming words. Our eyes not looking away from eachother for a second. My eyes started to water at her words and I put my head down in attempt to hide the fact I can't stop crying. "It's okay to cry Chloe, but not to the point where you can't breath. I don't want you to have an attack and I'm not right beside you. I'm not mad at you Chloe, I don't hate you I never could. I just needed time to realize you mean well, your such a sweat girl Chloe I know you wouldn't want to hurt anyone you cared for intentionally." My slow tears turning to water falls. She stood on her feet and grabbed my hand pulling me up and in for a really tight hug. I didn't mind, the person I needed most forgave me. That's all I cared about right now. I cried into her shoulder at that thought, knowing she didn't hate me anymore. "I've got you now Chloe." My arms were wrapped out around her and hers were wrapped around me. The hug felt like it lasted forever but eventually we detached from eachother as she wiped away my tears and smiled "such a gorgeous girl still looking so beautiful even after sobbing and getting 5 hours of sleep." I blushed at her comment and sniffed the tears and sadness out my eyes. "Thank you red, I really don't know what I would do if you weren't here with me." We laughed and hugged once more. She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before grabbing my hand and walking me back down to class. By this point there was 5 minutes left of class so when we got there the teacher looked at us both but said nothing. We packed up our things and went back to our dorm. Red thinks it's better if I don't try and worry about class and grades today, she said I've been through enough as it is and she just wanted to see the happy girl she did on the first day of school. She's so sweet and she doesn't even realize it.

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