Hell week

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Red's POV

As me and Chloe were sitting together in my room I heard my mother yell for me to come downstairs. "Red! Let's go, today's Monday and we had a deal." I sighed getting up as Chloe sat up quickly grabbing my palm "deal? What deal?" "Just stay in here Chloe, I just need to help my mother with.. beheadings. It's just because she basically saved your life, I owe her." I said letting go of her palm quickly rushing out. I know this is going to ruin me but, I'd probably do it for two weeks if I had to save Chloe. I had to do it, her life was on the line. And if I chose to rule with my mother I'd have to be pulled out of school to start training, which means I'd never see Chloe again.

Chloe's POV

I'm sitting in Reds room looking around at her valuables. I looked on her desk and the wall In front of it, having manny pictures of our friends back at Auradon. I noticed the framed picture that I took for us on the first day we decided to not hate each other, it made me smile. I looked on the shelf above her desk I saw a cute white rabbit jellycat sitting on the edge, it was sitting next to multiple rose and card sculptures. I wonder if she made them herself. As I was about to walk to the other side of the room I heard a gut wrenching scream come from the plaza. I ran to the window swinging open the curtains looking through. It was red, she was on her knees as her head dangled low, her bright red hair covering her face. I quickly opened up the door running downstairs to the plaza but before I could reach red two Guards grabbed me keeping me in place. The queen glanced over at me then back at red. Red faced over to look at me, a panic overfilling her face. "How could you?! You're a monster. She's your daughter!" I screamed as I tried to break free from the guards. " my daughter owes me, she did it to save your life. Isn't that right, darling?" She said turning away from me to look at the girl on the floor. She nodded her head hesitantly. "Red, you know it's rude when you don't speak up." She snapped her fingers and the guard pressed the iron on the back of her thigh. I watched I red grunted in pain. " now try again." Her mother said glancing at me with a smirk. "It's.. it's true." She said her head still dangling and her hair swaying gently in the wind. "We're done for the day. Red head to your room and get cleaned up as we have a beheading in a few hours. Your blue friend can come if she likes" her mother said as she walked into the castle to her prep herself. The guards once holding me disappearing in a flash to follow behind the queen. I ran over to red as she got up wobbling and tripping. "I told you to stay in my room. Why did you not?" She said shoving me off violently to catch her balance. "That's beside the point, why did you lie to me,Red?" I answered her gazing at her brown eyes. " well I didn't want you to come downstairs but I guess you don't know how to listen. Now move, I need to get ready." She said as she tried to walk past me but i stopped her. "There's no way you can go I mean look at you?" I said glaring at the fresh wound on her leg "i literally don't have any other choice Chloe. And your lucky, if anyone else talked to my mother like that they'd be in a guillotine right about now." I didn't feel like bickering with this girl so I swooped her up and walked into the front door. She didn't kick or scream she just relaxed her whole body in my arms, she looked dead so we got a few weird looks from the guards and her mother. "Is she unconscious?" Her mother said putting her glass of grape juice down on the counter of the kitchen
"I'm not sure. I checked her pulse and it was faint. Maybe ur brandings are finally taking a tole on her skinny little body." I said obviously lying. I stopped in my path to look the queen in her eyes, she looked worried almost, like she had guilt. "Well, if she wakes up let her know she doesn't owe me anymore. And let me know when she wakes up." She said still trying to sound tough but I knew deep down she thought she killed her daughter. Red played along perfectly. She let her head dangle over my arms as her hair moved to my steps. Her arm wresting on her stomach. I would believe it to. We went up the stairs and into reds room shutting the door behind me. I set red down gently on her feet in front of me as she laughed and gave me a hug. I was very shocked because she hates hugs. I hugged her back gently and planted a kiss on her cheek. "Nice acting princess." I said to her while pulling away from the hug "I could say the same for you" she replied throwing her self on the bed.

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