Visiting day

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Chloe's POV

It's finally the day of visiting day!! I quickly got up and took a shower, when I was done showering and brushing my teeth I looked for my blue skirt and white oversized-T, once I got dressed I put on a white fishnet gloves on my left hand and a light baby blue fishnet on the right.

Knock knock knock

Three gentle knocks came from the front door, I ran over and opened it with a big smile on my face "mom, dad!!" I said as they both gave me a tight hug, "uhmmm what about me? You've only been here for 3-4 weeks and you already forgot you own brother? Woow Chloe." He said teasing me "Hii Chad" I rolled my eyes as I played in his fluffy blonde hair "HEY HEY your gonna mess up the curls!" He said trying to scrunch up his hair. My parents and I just stared at him awkwardly. Red woke up getting out of bed due to how loud we were. "Chloe. It's 7 in the morning, on a SATURDAY. Why are you so loud." She said rubbing the sleep out her eyes. "Chloe, who's this? Your roommate. And why is she so...rude." My mother said "oh. She's nobody, she's Red the queen of hearts daughter. I know I know I shouldn't be near her or whatever but i can't switch dorm rooms so I'm stuck." I said as if I knew they were gonna ask questions . "I see. Well-" my mother was cut off by another red woman coming down the hall with two guards on each side of her. She shoved my family out the way and walked into the dorm not even noticing us.

QOH: Red.

Red: hello mother.

QOH: I see your still wearing your silly little clothes. You always walk out of the room looking like that?

Red: no I didn't have time to get ready because my obnoxious roommate didn't remind me of the day.

QOH: and who's your roommate hmm?

Red hesitated for a second but pointed to me as my family and I were just staring watching this whole interaction. Why were they so formal near eachother? They are family.

QOH: Ella.

Cinderella: Bridget.

Why were our moms acting so weird? Did they know eachother or something?? Whatever. "Anyways!..Let me show you around mom and dad, Chad I guess you can come too.." I said joking with Chad, I just really needed to break the silence. Me and my family left Red and her mom there.

She'll be fine.

Reds POV:

"Mother I didn't know she would be my roommate!" I let out my sentence before she backhanded me, her sharp rings cutting my face.
"so why didn't you just request to get a roommate change. It's like you WANT to stay with her. Is that what you want Red?!" She yelled grabbing my wrist, her nails seeping into my skin forcing me to let out a yelp. "Your.. hurting me mother" I said staring at her hand as it practically glued to my wrist. "I couldn't give a shit if I was hurting you. Answer my question,Red." She said as her grip tightened. " OW! I can't ask to change mother.! Uma wouldn't allow it! She said that all the dorms were booked out and nobody was willing to switch!.!" I said basically crying through my words. "Whatever. Let's go meet your teachers and see what they have to say about your behavior." She said letting go over me, her nails ripping out of my wrist. I'm so fucked. My mom demanded the guards to stay at the dorm for once we got back since she didn't want to attract anymore attention. We walked to social studies were I see everyone with their parents talking to the teacher and some talking to each other. While the teacher was free my mother went up to him glaring at him. "Y..your majesty! It's a pleasure to have you here.!" He said. He looked like he wanted to run away. "Whatever. How's Red doing in Your class. What's her behavior like and how is her grade."
"Well.. Reds behavior isn't the best. She zones out and lashes out on some students but won't give an explanation why. Just yesterday she decided to have a bit of an attitude with me and was escorted out but the pirates because she refused to go to the office herself." The teacher said as he was reading over his notes. Snitch. "Is that so, Red." My mother shot me the dirtiest look. That means the worst, and I know that the rest of this day will not go well for me. As we went threw all of my classes it was nothing but bad reports and bad grades. "Red I sent you here because I thought you would get smarter and better at, whatever it is you do. I guess I was wrong." She grabbed my wrist dragging me back up to the dorm. At this point I was so scared for what might happen next. When we walked in I saw one of the guards holding the burner that my used to burn me with before I left for Auradon. "Wait mom please..! I'll do better I promise, I don't wanna get hurt again please I'm sorry..!!" I begged and pleaded for her but she wouldn't listen. "Lift up your shirt." She declared. I tried to beg once more but she just backhanded me onto the floor. I felt one of the guards force my shirt up as the other placed the burning steel onto my torso. I bit my tongue hard trying not to scream, I was only burned 5 times around my body before my mother just left me. Was she satisfied? Satisfied that I was in pain. Satisfied that I'll never view her as my mother. Just a tyrant.

After an hour I heard the doorknob jiggle and it creek open, I crawled into the bathroom since I was just laying on the floor in pain unable to move. I slammed the door as soon as the person walked in and locked the door. I just sat on the floor panting and started to overwhelm myself with my own thoughts.
'Your worthless Red. Your mother was right. What was the point in coming to Auradon if you're just going to fail. Why can't I be perfect like Chloe? I can't do anything right. I'll never be as smart or as perfect as Chloe Charming. There's no point in wishing.'

Chloe's POV
As I started to walk in I heard the bathroom door slam shut and heard it lock. 'What was that about?' I thought to myself. I noticed that there was blood on the wooden floorboards near Red's desk 'what happened in here??' I didn't want to worry for her since she didn't need my pity or whatever she said but I couldn't just lay in bed knowing she's probably hurt in the bathroom. I might hate Red to my core and say that I want her gone and back in wonderland but I don't think i actually mean it, I couldn't stand the thought of wondering what was behind that door. I dropped my bag I had with random essentials my parents gave me before they left and walked over to the bathroom knocking on the door. "Red, you in there?" I said trying to jiggle the doorknob. "Uhm yea I'm here just uhh.. I'm uh cleaning up the sink.! Yea that's it." She said stuttering and  slipping over her words. I noticed that her voice was shaking and she sounded like she had a runny nose because she was sniffing a lot.

'Did I miss something? Why was she hiding? Did her mother and her get into and argument?." 

"Hey Red, I noticed that there is a decent amount of blood near your desk, are you sure everything's okay? What happened after I left?" I'm sure she was getting tired of me cuz she hesitated to answer for a moment. " Chloe I said I'm fine go away." She said snapping at me while shuffling things on the bathroom sink around, wtf is she doing right now?? "Look Red, I know you said you don't really want my pity and that I wouldn't be able to help you, but I'm always here if you would like to talk, we might have our huge differences and we may hate each other to the bone but, I don't know how much longer I can stand looking at the puddle of blood and not worry about you." I waited a second for a response and listened through the door, hearing her start to hyperventilate and started slamming things on the counter,she flung open the door and just let it all out, she just yelled at me. 

she had walked out the bathroom shoving me to the floor  "Red I.." she cut me off so she could continue on.


At this point her eyes were like mini waterfalls. I lifted myself up off the ground and gave her a hug, she tried to retaliate by kicking and screaming telling me to get off, but I didn't listen. As much as she hated hugs there is just a time where you really need one. And this time she needed one, even if she didn't know it yet. After a while of me never letting go she didn't hug me back but she didn't try and fight me either. She cried and cried on my shoulder, her tears running down her face drenching my shirt. "Shh, it'll be okay,Red, I'm here." I picked her up as she wrapped her legs wrapped around my waist and her arms rested around my neck. We sat down on my bed, my back against the bed frame while Red rested her head on my chest. She just sobbed and sobbed ranting to me about life back home until she cried herself to sleep.

'Poor soul.'
I thought to myself. After tonight I realized two things. I didn't hate Red, I never did, I just needed to know why she didn't like me. That's the second thing i realized, she didn't hate me she was just envious, I'm sure she barley even knows her feelings well after what she told me. Her envy just turned into anger like most of her feelings. She wasn't upset or angry at anyone, she just didn't know how express any emotion other than anger, I mean that is what her mother taught her. How to hate and not care for anyone or she'd get hurt. It seems to me like she's just hurting her self in the process of this. 

After realizing I did in fact not hate Red, I was willing to help her express her emotions better and get her out of these bad habits she's in.
She told me nobody could help her but I know I can.

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