My mother was right about you.

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Red's POV

After the mini party we had at our dorm Dizzy and Anna decided to part ways going back to their roommates. It was soon just Chloe and I left alone as usual. After the "casual" yet not so casual kiss we shared I was stuck thinking about it for a while. Her soft lips pressed against mine, the taste of vanilla overfilling me. That wasn't my first kiss but it was my first kiss with a girl. And if I'm being completely honest it felt way different then all the ones I had with a boy. Was it Chloe or just the fact I kissed a girl for the first time? "What are you thinking about wonderland?" Chloe said as she was cleaning up the wrappers and left over snacks. "Nothing, just the "platonic" kiss we shared in the kitchen." I said to her as she quickly looked at me her eyes widening at my words. "Oh- Red that was nothing alright so don't worry about it to much." Was it really just nothing? Or was she just saying that. "I don't know.. it felt like something, I mean you DID kiss back." I said only partially joking. "Red, I'm not into girls, it was just in the moment alright." I felt a little hurt at her words but I guess she was right. I shouldn't have even kissed her that time. "Your right, sorry."

Chloe's POV

WHY DID I JUST LIE TO HER LIKE THAT!? OF COURSE THAT KISS MENT SOMETHING IT WAS DEFINITELY NOT PLATONIC. I don't know what I was thinking, imagine how she feels right now? I mean it should be fine right.. gosh Chloe think before you talk next time!
I finished cleaning up the after mess of our mini party and laid in bed looking at my phone. I saw that the time was  6:30 Pm, we completely missed all the assemblies today, but it's fine since it's not mandatory to go. I was getting a bit tired so I got up and grabbed some clothes so I could shower and change, not come out in only a towel like how I did last time. It was completely on accident, normally red isn't in the dorm when I get out the shower so I just assumed she wouldn't be there that day either. I went into the bathroom locking the door so I could shower.
When I finished showering and getting dressed I brushed my teeth and did my skincare routine. I exited the bathroom seeing red laying on the floor like a dead person, she wasn't moving so I assumed she was just in her own world. I slowly walked over to her standing at the end of her feet kicking her gently "are you dead? Why are you just laying here" I said staring at her as she was looking up at the ceiling "no, I'm not dead. I'm still breath breathing am I not?" She said not breaking eye contact with the ceiling, is she in love with it or something? "Well you are but why are you just laying here.. it's kinda freaky" "well ChloEE if you must know, i tripped, and I didn't want to get up." I let out a chuckle as put my hand
Out in front of me signaling her to grab it. For some reason she hesitated but grabbed my hand firmly. I think I may have pulled her up to hard and to fast because before I knew it she was inches away from my face, our noses practically touching. "Not into girls yea charming?" She said whispering softly in a seductive tone. It made my face turn pink so I let go of her hand and walked away "not even in your craziest dream wonderland." I said plopping down on my bed. "Who said I was dreaming about you?" "No one had to say it, I just know it, I'm too charming for you to not dream about me." I said to her. Why am I being so bold right now, is this flirting? No we are friends. Friends do this all the time. "Sure princess. Sure" she used princess a different way this time? Normally she'll uses it to mock the fact im royalty just like her but it's different this time. I was laying on my side scrolling on TikToc when I felt myself start to doze off, eventually I fell asleep with my phone still in hand.

Reds POV

Chloe fell asleep watching her phone like the weird girl she is. I got up and walked over to her bed cutting her phone off and placing it next to her pillow and covering her with the blanket.
I laid down in my bed not falling asleep since I was trapped in my head with my thoughts. More thoughts about Chloe since she says she isn't into girls but she doesn't act like it, I haven't seen her with a guy or even have a crush on a guy. Not that I want to tho, that would be weird. I soon fell asleep after realizing I was thinking crazy thoughts, and school is tomorrow so I need sleep.
I woke up at about 6 Am to Chloe singing it's a party in the USA in the fricken bathroom. "OoOooOO ITS A PARTY IN THE U-" "SHUT THE FUCK UPPPPP" I yelled at her shoving my head into a pillow. She swung open the door and stomped over to my bed shoving me off. I'm getting tired of this girl throwing me off a bed.
I got off the floor and went into the bathroom to shower while Chloe finished getting ready, I put on baggy jeans with a little rose I sowed on the thigh and a regular black shirt with my red jacket. Chloe came out wearing a navy blue dress with stars and black tights under with a blue jacket. We got our bags and walked to social studies together. "Wait Red don't you want to get breakfast?" Chloe said stopping me right outside the cafeteria "oh! Yea we can" I didn't need breakfast but I didn't want Chloe to starve. We went into the cafeteria and I got us a spot while Chloe got breakfast. She came back and sat down next to me and looked at me weird " why don't you ever eat, go get food." She demanded, I just don't find food appealing, I eat of course to live but I just don't find food fun. If that makes sense, probably not. "I'm not hungry, never in the morning" she rolled her eyes picking up a spoon full of her yogurt with granola and all sorts of fruit shoving it into my mouth, that was very unexpected. " it's good, but what the frick Chloe" "I don't want you to starve, you'll think better of you eat breakfast" she said smiling a bit getting ready to shove a second spoonful "thank you for that interesting factoid nerd." I said grabbing the spoon out her hand and putting it into my mouth. Thankfully that was the last bite so we got up and threw away our trash. We walked into social studies and we parted ways, Chloe went to go sit with her princess friends and I sat with Dizzy since at the party we got way closer than before. "Okay okay settle down class. Settle down. Today we will be working on the test about Merlin academy. Chloe can you pass out the papers please." "Of course" Chloe said getting up out her chair.teachers pet. "Good luck wonderland." She said smiling at me giving me the paper, I was definitely going to need more than luck. I didn't study or pay attention. I need to get at least a C for my mom to not kill me or worse, drag me back to wonderland. Since I was the last person she gave the paper to she noticed I was stuck in my thoughts a little. "Sir, may I switch my seat next to Red for today?" She said placing the extra papers on his desk. "Sure Chloe, just no goofing around, or it will be a zero on both your papers." "Yes sir we won't be a problem." She walked over with a paper and pencil and sat next to me after asking Dizzy to sit somewhere else, kindly of course. "I already know your going to fail so I'll help you the best I can." I smiled at her kind gesture since she's the first person who really wanted to help me. We started the test and Chloe was already done in the first 5 minutes. Since she had extra time she helped me go through the answers. "This one is C." She said pointing at the last answer. "Thank you Chloe really. "Don't mention it wonderland" after that class was over so I turned in my test and Chloe and I parted ways. After those four extremely boring classes it was time for lunch. I saw Chloe sitting with her group of friends laughing, they weren't that quiet though because i heard everything they said, Chloe was to caught up in her friends to realize I was listening.

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