Whats Visiting day?

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(TIME JUMP, 3 weeks into school)
Even after three weeks of Chloe and Red living together and having almost every class they still hated each other. Chloe used crutches for about two weeks and soon after she was able to walk with a slight limp. After the night Red helped her they both just went back to hating each other. Chloe still tried to create a bond but now Red would just ignore her entirely. They would still get into fights about random stuff, some fights about little things and others were bigger things. It's now August 23 three weeks into school and visiting day is on the 26.

Chloe's POV
I woke up stretching my arms out and looked over to see Red sleeping. I didn't even try and wake her up this time because the last time I did she kicked me in the leg, my good leg at that, so now both my legs are sore. Whatever. As I was getting up out of bed I looked onto my school calendar "visiting day on the 26?! I'm so exc-" I was cut off my Red waking up "why the fuck are you being so loud and happy at 6 in the morning. And what's visiting day??" God this girl wakes up in the weirdest ways, she's either annoyed or trying to beat me up or something. "Uhm hellooo I'm talking to you? Maybe your the brain dead one." She said getting up out of bed " oh sorry! Visiting day is when your family members get to come and visit you at your school, they follow you around to you classes meeting your teachers! Fun right?" She looked at me with a stern look "no. Not fun? Your telling me the Queen of hearts, my mother is coming to this school to see me on the 26 of August??" Why was she over exaggerating it so much? I get her moms a Tyrant but she can't be that rude to her own daughter could she? "Uhm yea?.. is that a problem for you?" "Of COURSE IT'S A PROBLEM FOR ME CHLOE. MY MOM IS THE QUEEN OF HEARTS HELLOO??, fuck I'm so screwed. If she finds out I'm rooming with CHLOE CHARMING she will murder me.. or worse" she stopped her self before she had said something she shouldn't have. "I'm sure you will be fine Red. Stop being so dramatic damn, your not gonna die." I said rolling my eyes looking through my drawers for clothes "Chloe you don't live my life. You don't know what it's like back at home." She said looking in her basket for clothes. "Okay sorry I guess? But I'm sure ur gonna be fine." "Whatever Chloe. Stop talking to me" she said slamming the bathroom door. I let out an exaggerated "UGHHH" before getting dressed infront of my bed hoping that Red won't come out and see something she's NOT supposed to see. After a few minutes we both finished getting ready and walked down to class (NOT together.)

Reds POV

Visiting day?? My mom is going to come to my dorm and see that Chloe Charming is my roommate. I'm in a stage of panic. I've been in a stage of panic every since I woke up this morning. I came here to stay far away from my mom and now she gets to come to me?? Who knows how that's gonna go. All I can do is prepare for the worst. I sat in social with Chloe sitting across from me. To my surprise she was sitting with other kids today? Not her everyday Lily and Axel, I guess she realized that they are pricks. But I don't care what she does anyways. While the teacher was yapping about some old school called Merlin academy I was sketching out a black crow with  a blade stabbing it. "Princess Red. Got your attention on something else?" That stupid teacher. Why am I always the one getting called on?? "Uhm no? I'm paying attention." I said obviously lying. "Then what were we talking about?" The whole class turned to stare at me. Pricks can't keep there eyes off me. "Uh.. we were talking about.. Merlin academy and how it sucked so that's why it was renamed to Auradon prep." I said obviously joking, only a little bit though. I heard I few chuckles and giggles which made Me smirk a bit. " do you think your funny Red? Are you cracking jokes in my class?" The teacher said getting impatient with me and my answer. "Yes I think I'm hilarious, and I was only partially joking so...yes and no" "well Red, because you think you're so funny. You can take your jokes to principal Uma. Goodbye." The teacher said, it honestly made me mad a bit. "I'll leave but I'm not going to Her office. My legs are not taking me that far." I said packing up my books and standing up. The teacher reached for a small blue button and pressed it. What did he press? A few moments later two very masculine pirates came walking in and grabbed me by both my my arms dragging me out to the hall. I kicked and screamed for them to let me go " GET OFF ME YOU SEAWEED SMELT BITCH!" "Man she's crazy." I heard one of the pirates say. I head butted one of them to my left in the jaw and they let me go out of pain "OUCH YOU LITTLE BRAT!!" "LET ME GO NOW!!" I screamed, before I knew it a felt myself go down to the floor letting out the leftover air in my lungs rapidly. They had thrown me to the Ground and started yelling and screaming at me to calm down. Eventually kids started rushing out and they saw me on the floor and the pirates screaming at me. I eventually started to calm down a bit but only because this whole "thing" was very overwhelming. And embarrassing. I was dragged to Uma's office by her stupid pirates being thrown into the chair facing her. "Be gentle with the girl would you?" Uma said talking to that weird pirate. "SHE HEAD BUTTED ME IN THE JAW?" "I simply just don't care. Now get out shoo shoo" the pirates rolled there eyes as Uma made her declare. Here we go.

Chloe's POV

As we all heard screaming and yelling outside of the classrooms into the hallway we rushed out to make sure nobody was dying. Not to my surprise it was Red on the floor looking pretty overwhelmed. Maybe if she wasn't being such a smart ass in class she wouldn't be in this mess. She's so stupid sometimes. After a few minutes of whatever that was she was dragged to Principal Uma's office. I didn't see her until lunch came around, was she getting lectured on how to be a good student or something? We both know that will never happen. I went to go sit down with my group of friends as usual and then I saw Red walk into the cafeteria. She looked exhausted. Like she didn't wanna be awake anymore. She sat down at her normal table and took off her jacket using it as a pillow. I wanted to feel bad for her but she didn't want my pity, so I didn't second glance her. When lunch was over red was the first to leave, but if she was first to leave why was she late to 5th period? Whatever I don't care about her. I went the last two periods with no sign of red anywhere, maybe she finally took her sorry ass back to wonderland where she belonged. While sitting in 7th period we here the loud speaker come on.


Uma: everyone signing up for swords and shields practice please head down the the gym, Chloe charming, captain of the team will assist you helping you if your a beginner or just wanting to sign up. Your coach will be there to help out with sign up sheets and whatever else!

I guess I'll be at the dorm a little later than usual.

When school ended I went to the girls locker room and got changed into my uniform, heading out the the gym I saw all the new comers and some faces I've seen last year.

Coach: Welcome to swords and shields practice everyone! I am your everyday coach and Chloe charming here in the blue will be your team captain.


I finally got to the dorm to see Red sitting on the couch watching a horror film. "Miss me?" I said dropping my bag on the floor, she glanced at me giving me the look she always did "not even in the slightest." She said, her voice cold and heartless. "So what was that whole thing earlier.. why were u getting yelled at by some pirates? And why did you say that to the teacher?" I asked her preparing some of my sleep clothes " you JUST got here and your already asking 101 questions. It's not any of your concern Chloe so just do your homework or whatever it is you goody-2 shoes do." "Mk so, fuck you? Sorry for being concerned. Not my fault your such a bad person." I noticed my words had actually got threw to her because she cut off the Tv and just got into her bed staring at her phone. I assume she already showered because she smelt her usual vanilla bean smell like how she did when she got out the shower. I did my night routine and went into bed falling asleep soon after.

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