Chapter 6

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Ellington sat bored at home so he texted Ross

'Are you and Riker free today?'

'Yeah, what time do you want him over?'

'Is one okay?'


Ellington decided to straighten up even though Riker wouldn't see it. He still felt like he had to impress him. Before he knew it, he heard a knock on the door.

"Hey guys! Come on in." Ellington greeted, letting Riker in.

"I've got to bounce but Riker, as soon as you want me to pick you up, call me on Ellington's phone. Sorry I have to leave so quick." Ross said.

"No that's okay. Well bye." Ellington said since he noticed Ross backing away.

Ellington closed the door, turning to Riker.

"Do you want anything to eat or drink?" Ellington asked, leading him over to the couch.

"No thanks. I'm good." Riker replied.

They both sat down, noticing that things were a bit awkward.

"So uh, tell me about your childhood." Riker said the first thing that came to mind.

"Well I grew up all around music since my parents were in a band. So when I was little, I would play away at my keyboard or mess around with my drums and guitar. They loved old classic rock and I grew up listening to it and loving it." Ellington said.

"That's so cool, my childhood was pretty boring. Except for the first 15 years of my life. That's when I could see. Well actually it was pretty crappy before and after I couldn't see." Riker said.

Just as Ellington was opening his mouth to say something, the door slammed open.

"HONEY IM HOME!" Rocky comes in and up to Ellington. He then pecks him on the lips.

"Hey babe." Rocky says and then notices Riker.

"Oh sorry I didn't see you there. I'm Rocky." He held out his hand for Riker to shake.

"Riker." He introduced himself.

Rocky retracted his hand, thinking that was rude. 'He's blind.' Ellington mouthed and Rocky said loudly, "Ooooooh."

Riker thought they were saying bad things about him so he sat quietly.

Rocky started to get jealous because he realized that Ellington invited Riker over instead of himself.

"I'm gonna go get a drink, babe. Want anything?" Rocky asked.

"Some water, please. Anything for you, Riker?" Ellington asked, turning to Riker.

"No thanks." He replied.

Rocky went into the kitchen and left Riker and Ellington in an uncomfortable silence.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know he wa-" Ellington whispered to Riker and was interrupted by Rocky coming back in the room.

"Here you go, babe." Rocky said, handing the cup to Ellington and 'accidentally' spilling some on his lap.

"Oh sorry, I'll get it." Rocky said, acting surprised. He grabbed the towel he brought and starting rubbing and dabbing at Ellington's crotch.

While he did that, he also breathed down Ellington's neck. Rocky pressed light kisses to Ellington's neck while he rubbed Ellington's growing erection. He smirked, nibbling on his earlobe.

Ellington let out a gasp and Rocky took that chance to start kissing him. They sat on the couch next to Riker, making out and feeling each other. The two boys forgot that Riker was sitting next to them so they moaned out like no one was listening.

Riker could only hear the sounds of the two boys' lips smacking together and the rapid breathing of the two. Riker was close to crying- the guy he likes sat not even three feet away, making out with some guy.

"Uh, g-guys." His voice cracked, trying not to cry.

He cleared his throat a few times until one worked and Riker couldn't hear them kissing anymore.

Rocky smirked in accomplishment when he saw Riker's reaction.

"Can I call Ross on your phone?" Riker asked, his voice quavering.

"Riker... You don't have to go. I'm sorry." Ellington pleads.

"Can I call Ross?" He asks more demandingly.

"Yeah." Ellington says and grabs his phone. He dials Ross' number and hands the phone to Riker's outstretched hand.

"Hello?" Ross answered.

"Can you pick me up?" Riker asked.

"Yeah. I'll be there soon." Ross answered and hung up.

Riker handed Ellington back his phone and they sat in silence. Rocky was very proud of his plan and Ellington was starting to feel guilty.


Ross knocked at the door and Ellington got up to answer it, bringing Riker.

Riker rushed out, Ross following behind quickly.

"What happened? Why did you want to leave early? Are you okay?" Ross asked.

Riker didn't answer till they got to the car. As soon as the doors closed, Riker began sobbing.

"Ellington was making out with this guy, Rocky and I had to sit there and listen! They were feeling each other and moaning and I feel so terrible! I've liked Ellington for a while and this Rocky guy comes in and takes my chance away!" Riker sobs.

Ross gets so mad that Ellington made his little brother cry. Ross opens his car door and gets out.

"Ross what are you doing?!"

"I'm going to beat them up!"

"Please don't hurt Ellington!"

"Okay but only for you."


Riker sat nervously in the car, waiting to see what happened.

Ross got in the car, feeling better.

"Well, what happened?" Riker asked.

"I beat Rocky up and Ellington is mad. He's like so mad. I think they were dating." Ross said.

"Oh." Riker said, feeling sad.

All his chances with Ellington were gone now that he's mad at Riker. He feels bad about Ross beating Rocky up but he knows that's Ross being protective.

Riker's main priority for the next few weeks was to ignore Ellington for breaking his heart. He didn't know how well that would turn out considering he likes Ellington so much. He'd just have to find out.

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