I sit by the lonely windows
As the rain pours
And allow myself to feel
The rhythm of rain
The pattering patterns
I begin to feel something
Besides myself
My senses awaken
Everything around me is lost to
The rain
As sorrow plays his sonata
A wrong note causes discord
And my heart pounds
I live for the joy found in the adrenaline
I feel overjoyed with chaos
I allow myself to focus on the rain
Again, taking in sorrows symphony
I feel my body begin to move
I lose control, but I'm still conscious
I bring my hands to my neck without another thought as I think this my
Finale, I've played well past my encore
I don't panic at this, but I smile
Ready for the curtain call
Any note perfect enough to be my last
I ready myself for the last note
Before a violin strum
I regain my composure
Not willing to let the violin
Witness my action
In a scarring light
So, for now, we play onI play on...