1. The Semi-Unicorn's Journey Begins

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A/N: Welcome to The Water Unicorn! To everyone reading this, I hope you'll enjoy reading Sabo's journey ^^ Please consider leaving a like/comment if you do, and be sure to look through the previous chapters if you haven't yet for it contains some important information, ty.

In a way, the first chapters can be considered as 'part 1' of this book. It's mostly focused around Sabo's backstory and watching him grow up and have the plot slowly form around him, after that, the true journey starts. There are some time skips involved, so if you have any questions regarding anything please let me know 💕

Enjoy the story!


It was a cloudless day with the sun beating down relentlessly, forcing many mystical creatures to find a way to escape the Summer heat. A wyvern with scales even bluer than the heavens was lazily flying through the clear sky to find a place to cool down, unaware of the commotion happening only right below her.

Compared to the wyvern, a certain young unicorn wasn't bothered at all by the heat. Having only eyes for what was right in front of him. Hoof-beats thundered across the ground, the sound dampened somewhat by the grass and leaves that were getting flattened mercilessly. The young foal jumped over low-hanging branches and rocks in his way, not wanting his prey to escape. Urged on by his instincts to chase and hunt and kill.

Seeing the bushy tail getting within reach, Sabo grinned a fanged smile and excitedly stuck out his neck, snapping his sharp fangs shut to try and catch the animal between his teeth. But the small creature was faster and was experienced in the art of escaping, running straight up a nearby tree and thus living for another day. Sabo skidded to a stop, hooves slipping out from underneath him and making the young foal fall flat on his face with a startled yelp.

For a second, he laid there, blinking. Then a white head shot up and he shook his head, making dirt and leaves and twigs that got stuck in his mane during the chase fly about. Glaring up at the tree, Sabo stood up. By now the squirrel was well out of reach, squeaking away alongside other squirrels that had appeared. Clear purple eyes narrowed and Sabo growled low in his throat, feeling like the squirrels were mocking up. He studied the tree... wondering to himself if he'd be able to climb. If he succeeded in climbing the tree, the squirrels wouldn't stand a chance.

Just as he was about the try, another figure stepped out from among the trees and bushes. "Sabo! There you are! I've been looking for you," a melodious voice called out, and immediately, the squirrels were forgotten.

Sabo spun around with sparkling eyes, running up towards the white unicorn who had appeared. "Mom! Listen to this! I found this squirrel which stole this interesting fruit that I found, so I chased it and tried to catch it. And I almost got it too! But then it ran up a tree! Do you think I can climb trees too? Can you climb trees?" The young foal chattered away in one breath, excitedly looking up towards his mother.

The older unicorn chuckled. "No, my treasure. I fear I cannot climb trees," she replied, amused at her son's antics as he excitedly pranced around her, still full of energy.

"Are we going back home now?" Sabo asked once they started walking, referring to the small cave where he lived together with his mom.

"Not today," his mother patiently said, bright green eyes always watchful towards their surroundings, "we are going to make a little trip to see a friend of mine."

At that news, Sabo's long ears perked up and he sped up to walk right beside his mother. "A friend? Are they a unicorn as well?" He asked, excited at the prospect of meeting another unicorn. He wondered if they'd have cool stripes like he did, or if they would be more like his mom, without stripes. Actually, Sabo hasn't truly met anyone beyond the squirrels and birds yet. Each time another mystical creature got close, his mom made him hide.

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