Introduction To The Species

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Disclaimer: Note that the species/world credits for everything featured here goes to the.childofflames with their web comic, Water Demons. This here is like a summary of what has been revealed so far. Perfect for those unfamiliar with the world.

Water Demons Wiki, where you can learn more about the world/species: (I will put a working link in the comments)

DeviantArt Folder with information sheets about the featured species: (I will put a working link in the comments)

In the previous chapter I have included drawn references of some of my characters who make an appearance in this story. You can use those images to aid in visualizing the creatures in the world if needed.

Basic world info
The story takes place on Earth, but with mythical creatures added to the mix. While humans obviously exist, and they are aware of the existence of the mythical creatures, this story focuses purely on the mythical creatures - most notably the equine species. So don't expect any human appearances, even if they might get mentioned!

It takes place in a made-up region referred to as The Crater. The Crater is huge, containing different biomes and easily supporting a wide variety of different species and ecosystems. It's completely surrounded by high snow-capped mountains which basically keeps the humans out and makes them unaware of The Crater's existence. Think of it as a separate and hidden fantasy continent where fantasy creatures live without human interference. There are no fantasy humanoid species such as elves and dwarfs, so don't expect them.

(Now on to the species. And for the Americans, 4 meter is about 13 feet. 3 meter is roughly 9.8 feet. And 2 meter is about 6.5 feet according to Google. Hope this will help)

Also known as Water Demons by the other species based on the way they hunt prey and their living environment. Apex-predator of the world.

There are two kinds of kelpies. Freshwater and Saltwater, which reveals the environment where they live. Saltwater kelpies are the largest equine species, standing at 4 meters tall, compared to the Freshwaters who are only 3 meters.

Both kelpie species are characterized by their striped bodies (think zebra) and sharp fangs. They seem to share a lot of characteristics with cats as well. Each kelpie also has an Abyssal Form which helps them thrive in deep waters.

An original species inspired by perytons and vampires.

They are also known as Shadow Demons and Vampire Deers by the other species. Apex-predator of the world. Kelpies prowl the day, while noctules rule the night. Noctules grow for their entire lives, so they can have varying sizes.

Noctules are hematophagous - which means they only consume blood. They don't even drink water, able to get everything they need from blood alone. Noctule fawns are able to take care of themselves so they aren't raised by their parents. They are generally solitary creatures.

Also known as Snow Ghosts. Unicorns have no magic in this world.

Instead, they have large venomous horns which can be located anywhere on their forehead, in varying shades of red. Their blood is poisonous as well. As a result, kelpies and noctules cannot prey on adult unicorns. Their foals aren't poisonous yet and are thus much more vulnerable. Unicorns are immune to their own venom, but it is known to have corrosive effects and is highly dangerous for other species and the environment both. It kills fast, even if most unicorns use it defensively.

They stand at 3-3.5 meters tall and are the only species able to contest with the apex-predators with their strength and venom abilities.

Also known as Bird Horses. Pegasi are the smallest equine species, standing only at 1.5 to 2 meters tall.

Pegasi and unicorns are known to live together, with the unicorns being rather protective over their smaller brethren and protecting them from all danger. They are ruled by the Viceroy/Vicereine who is seen as the incarnation of the moon.

Their wings have three segments, which aids them in flight. They are attracted to the sky during storms and are known to 'play with lightning'. Their whole bodies are feathered, including their hooves.

Blue Wyvern
There is only one wyvern species in the world, the blue wyvern. When standing on all four limbs, they are about the same size or even smaller than a pegasus. Standing on their hind limbs, they can reach 3 meters though. Females are slightly larger than males.

Wyverns live in large clans under the ground, in the cave systems of The Crater, where they build nests and keep their hoards. Their hoards can be legit anything, whatever catches their interest. They collect compulsively and generally only come out during the night to collect materials for their crafts - or find objects for their hoard.

Wyverns are really talented at forging and they can create a lot of different things. Wyverns are known to make the armor that unicorns wear, and their surgery and medical skills are also the most advanced of all the other species.

Their diet consists of gemstones which they farm and harvest. They are able to breath fire and their scales are strong and heat-resistant, which aids in forging. Retractable snake-like fangs are only defensive.

(Disclaimer: The following species are story-exclusive. They won't be found in Child's comic so don't expect to find them there, I simply added them to my own version of the world for a wide diversity of species which I think is fun to work with!)

About the same size as pegasi, griffins live in clans in the mountain range surrounding The Crater. They have a thick mix of fur and feathers protecting them against the cold and large wings allowing them to fly great distances. While pegasi are faster and the only species able to fly through storms with ease, griffins can stay airborne for longer and reach greater heights. They are even known to occasionally take a nap when in flight.

Because of their habitat, not many species are familiar with their culture, and those who travel outside the clans don't share much about their home. Many act almost like messengers, sharing news around The Crater and bringing information back to their secluded home.

Their ancestral home is said to guard a great secret as well. No one knows what it is, but the griffins protect it with their very lives.

Kirins live in lush forests and are said to protect them from all harm. They stand at an average of 2.8 to 3 meters tall. While they have venomous fangs, it's not as potent as a unicorn's and instead has paralyzing qualities. It's not very effective on kelpies and noctules though, at most allowing them to get away if they manage to get a hit in and are fast enough to escape, but most kirins only tend to use it as a last resort.

There aren't many left in the world and they can no longer be found outside The Crater. They used to live in the rainforests of Asia, but have gone extinct there thanks to human influence and loss of habitat. They are very elusive and hostile towards strangers, and protective over their territories. While they are genetically related to the noctules, they have some draconic qualities as well, which leads to them sometimes being referred to as Dragon Deers. They are ruled by the Saint/Saintess who is also referred to as the White Kirin or the Lord of the Forest.

Also known as the Vermillion Bird, they are one of the more mysterious species of The Crater. Volcanoes and tall uninhabitable mountains are their home, and their diet consists of ash, gemstones and sulphur-rich rocks. Rumored to be extinct, no one has seen a living phoenix in the last 500 years. But as they can live for a thousand years, that doesn't necessarily mean they're all gone yet.

They are between 1.5 and 1.8 meters tall with their wing span able to reach up to almost 4 meters.

They aren't immortal and cannot control fire. They cannot rise from the ashes after they die as well. But their feathers are heat-resistant and the scales on their legs allow them to stand in lava for short periods of time in order to look for their favorite snacks. This, combined with the fact they cover their eggs with ash and their bright plumage can give the illusion of fire, has given rise to the many legends surrounding them. Most phoenixes did not mind those tales as the legends about them were a form of protection against predators (for who would eat a bird of fire?) and so none have ever bothered to correct the other species.

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