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Chandra had ordered Aman to let the security open the backdoor for them. Arnav wasn't in the right state, he was vulnerable and they didn't want employees to see that.

Chandra drove to Raizada Mansion, Ranveer had sat back with Arnav. He held his hand throughout till they reached home.

He was calmed already but Ranveer was still beside him. They went inside, khushi and Maya were having a very serious and heated conversation that they didn't notice the men walked in.

Arnav went upstairs to change his clothes to casuals. He didn't acknowledge khushi's presence.

"Are you all alright?" Maya asked worried. Khushi was worried to.

"Did something happen in the office? He wasn't like that when he left, you all weren't gloomy." she asked careful of her words.

"Something happened, a trigger of our past. He was broken but someone triggered it. He's okay, just not in the mood of talking." Ranveer explained and khushi nods. Arya frowned when his Dada didn't play with her.

"Mama? Dada." she asked.

"Not now baby.. Dada is tired." Khushi said smiling at her and Arya nods as if she understood her.

Ranveer got to his room and saw Arnav already on his bed. He smiled, he thought he won't come. Long before, he always comes to him when he's sad or when everything was crumbling.

"Should I bring you soup?" Ranveer sat at the edge of the bed as he asked.

"Hmm." he responded eyes closed. Ranveer smiled, he changed into casuals and went down. He went to the kitchen and met Chandra and the ladies in the kitchen.

"Did you come to fetch his soup, khushi insisted on making it. I taught her how he liked it. Here." Chandra handed him the tray, Chandra was still in his suit but coat was on the couch.

"okay.. Thanks." he said, khushi added a bottle of water. Ranveer went to his room.

"Arnav.." he called, he opened his eyes and sat on bed. Ranveer tried to feed him but he resisted.

"Can you?" He asked worriedly. Arnav nods. Ranveer sighed and handed him the tray.

"The soup is hot, you might burn your tongue." he warned, Arnav nods. He frowned when he tasted it, it didn't taste like soup he always took. He frowned and stared at Ranveer for answers.

"Khushi prepared it." he informed and Arnav nods and continued with his soup. He was done and drank little of the water before he went back to bed. Ranveer laid at the right side of the bed. He kissed Arnavs cheeks before closing his eyes and smiling, if Arnav was himself he wouldn't allow that.

Dinner time

"Where's dad. I can't find him in his room." Aryan asked worriedly. He came back late and freshened up before going to Arnav but he wasn't there which was strange.

"He's in my room." Ranveer said as he chewed on his food. Aryan frowned, his facial expression changed. He got up and left without uttering a word.

"He knows." Chandra said bitterly.

"He hasn't forgotten. He remembers every details." Ranveer said to Chandra who sighed. Aryan was small and was very young when everything happened, he was an intelligent boy to pick up everything around him. Khushi and Maya were quite, what else could they have say.

Ranveer's Room

Aryan knocked before walking in. He climbed on the bed and sat down.

"Dad." he called softly, Arnav wasn't asleep, he turned to face him.

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