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"Arnav." Khushi called as she enters his room. Arnav heard her and came out.

"khushi?" He questioned.

"Please babysit her for me. She's dismantling things. I would come back for her." she pleads, Arnav smiled.

"Where you packing?" she asked guilty.

"Yeah.. But I just finished." he assured.

"Dada." Arya called. Arnav took her, she grinned and waved a good bye to khushi, khushi pinched her cheeks before she left.

"Dada..." she called pointing to her stomach. Arnav groaned.

"Playtime." he swiftly laid her on the bed with a little force. Arya giggled.

"Hahaha ha." she laughed happily, Arnav tickles her playfully.

"hahaha.. Dada... Dada.. Hahaha." she laughed.

Khushi'S room

Khushi walked in and saw a crying Jodha. She frowned and was worried, she went and sat beside her.

"What is it?" she asked worriedly.

"Ranveer bhai." she hiccup and khushi frowned, she tried to stay cool.

"What about him?" she asked.

"I crossed a boundary I shouldn't, I... I followed him to his walk in closet and sat waiting for him to pack. He felt..." she didn't continue and khushi understood her.

"He isn't mad Jodha, he was uncomfortable. Your presence there was strange to him, you know that. He isn't trying to tell you to set boundaries, he's only trying to adjust to you being everywhere with him so you must Understand. In relationship there are certain things your partner might do that would be upset you, you need to talk with each other, understand certain things and boundaries. It's nothing, clean your tears. "she spoke to her calming and hugger her.

" You are still young Jodha, you need to learn with him. "Khushi advice and Jodha nods.

" I have already packed for you. I packed mine to, I'm left with Arya's own. She was misbehaving so I handed her over to Arnav. "Khushi said and Jodha nods.

" Go to him and sought things out... "she didn't finish her statement when there was a knock.

" come in. "Khushi said and when the door opened Ranveer came in. Khushi smirked, ohhh lover boy came to apologize.

" Can I talk with Jodha. "he asked and khushi nods.

" I have work as you can see, I can't leave to let you have your conversation, so! Jodha go with him. "Khushi said. Ranveer mouth a thank you. Jodha reluctantly followed Ranveer.

She followed him and realized he was going towards his room. She stopped in her tracks, Ranveer turned to see.

" Please. " she whispered, he sighed and walk to her. He caressed her cheeks, he knew she was crying.

"It's okay to come in." he said dejected, she nods a no. He swiftly picked her up and carried her to his room. She wasn't expecting that.

He placed her on the bed and climbed. He placed her on his laps and raised her chin.

"I'm sorry, I know you are upset. Please forgive me for shooing you away." he said calmly and sad.

"You didn't do anything, I.. I'm the one to be blame for crossing boundaries." she said between sobs. Ranveer felt a pang in his heart, her cries made something in his heart.

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