Chapter 3: Intense Training and Small Time Skip

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        Izuku yawned as he woke up. He sat up in his bed, rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, then glanced over at his clock. Izuku saw the time and realized that he should probably be getting out of bed.

        "If I want to start training my quirk, then I should probably start doing it now," Izuku thought as he hopped out of bed, once more looking around at his room in disgust. "Need to get rid of all this All Might stuff," he remarked to himself. He left his room and walked to the kitchen, where he noticed a note. Reading the note, it said,
Good Morning! I have to run a few errands and meet up with Mitsuki, so I will be gone until tonight. Try not to get into any trouble! Love you!

        "Well, at least this gives me time to train," thought Izuku. He ate some breakfast but noticed that he was way hungrier than usual. Shrugging it off, he took a shower and changed into fresh clothes. Izuku walked to Dagobah Beach, which he had decided was his place of training.

        Arriving at Dagobah Beach, Izuku looked around, noting the huge piles of trash. "This was definitely a good choice to train here," he thought. "Nobody goes here, so I can use my quirk without anybody finding out. Additionally, cleaning up a section of the beach of all these trash mounds is a good training goal. But first, I need to do some quirk training."

        Remembering that his quirk is activated by anger, he told himself to not get too angry. Although he would have to get a little angry to actually train his quirk. Izuku started to think about All Might. Specifically, he focused on All Might's cruel words to use as a trigger for his quirk. Izuku began to tremble in rage once more. He grunted as a green aura emerged from his body, growing in size by the second. Forcing himself to calm down, the power flowing from his body slowly decreased until it vanished.

        "That aura... that energy I outputted... could I use that as a means of attacking?" he pondered. Izuku flared his aura once more, this time focusing on not getting angry and finding where this energy came from. He concentrated and noticed that his energy came from what seemed like a pool in his stomach. Cutting off his aura, Izuku focused on imaging a stream that connected the energy in his stomach to his arm. Focusing, he directed that energy to his arm, then moved it to his palm.

        Izuku saw a small, green bead of energy in the palm of his hand. Directing a little more energy to his hand, the ball of energy began to get larger and larger, until it was roughly the size of a baseball. He aimed his hand at a pile of trash. Izuku then "pushed" the energy off his palm and to that trash heap, sending the ball of power hurtling towards the trash mound, blowing it up upon contact.

        Izuku looked at his hand in wonder and amazement. "Did I just do that?" he asked out loud. "Holy crap, I just did that!" Izuku then kept practicing firing balls of energy at the surrounding trash piles, nearly vaporizing them in the process. But then he realized something. "Wait. If I can fire balls of energy, then couldn't I fire a beam?" Izuku wondered.

        He then began to form another energy ball in his hand, but this time larger than the previous ones. Izuku imagined a funnel at the end of his palm, with the narrow end pointing away from him. He 'pushed' his ball of energy into the imaginary funnel. Instead of the ball flying away from his hand, a beam of energy came from that ball, which was getting smaller the longer the beam was firing. Izuku poured more and more energy into his palm, keeping the beam going. After a few more seconds, Midoriya shut the beam off.

        "I can fire beams now!" he exclaimed. "This is amazing. If I can fire both beams of energy and balls of energy, then I could also mutter mutter mutter mutter mutter". Snapping out of his muttering spiral, Midoriya realized something. "Now that I have a quirk, I can become a hero! I can prove Kacchan and All Might wrong! I can go to UA!"

Ten-month Timeskip to a Day Before the UA Entrance Exams

        Izuku woke up, rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, and rolled out of bed. His mother was at work, so he decided to get started on his online schooling before Inko got home. That's right, Izuku decided to finish middle school online. After telling his mom about getting bullied by his classmates, most notably Bakugo, Midoriya's mother insisted that he go into online schooling. In addition to telling his mother about his recently acquired quirk, Inko decided to cut off all contact with Mitsuki, only saying that Mitsuki should ask her son about him bullying Izuku. This obviously enraged Bakugo's mother, who immediately put Katsuki into therapy.

        During his ten months of training, Izuku managed to clean up a large majority of Dagobah Beach. He also learned how to do new things with his quirk. He learned how to fly by 'pushing' his energy, which he had dubbed Ki, out of his feet. Izuku also figured out how to control one of his power-ups and somewhat control another one. Yep, Izuku discovered that he had power-ups. His first power-up was where his hair stuck up, and he became much stronger, as well as faster, more agile, more muscular, and more durable. Izuku dubbed this form 'Fury'. The second power-up he discovered is one that he called 'Super State'. In this power-up, his hair turns yellow, sticks up and out, and his muscles buff up even more. It is even more powerful than his Fury transformation, but with a trade-off. He can only have control over this form for about a minute before he goes wild and loses control for about 5 minutes. However, he can cut off the transformation before his 5 minutes are up, holding onto control. Izuku also told his mom about what All Might said to him.

        Additionally, during these 10 months, Midoriya has changed quite a bit. He grew from his short stature to a towering 6'5, and with his muscles, he cut an imposing figure wherever he went. Izuku also got a lot more confident, as he had obtained a quirk. He got more buff by starting out with lugging bags of trash around, then working his way up to appliances like fridges and abandoned ovens. Once he learned how to control his Fury form, he started moving abandoned cars around. He also learned how to fight by watching martial arts videos. He mainly focused on the boxing and grappling sides of fighting and didn't focus all that much on kicking, although he did still learn the basics.

        After another day of training, Izuku was finally ready to take the UA Entrance Exam. Wait, shouldn't he probably study?

(Word Count: 1187 Words)

(A/N. Hello my dear readers! How we doing? How are you guys liking the fic so far? Good, good. Anyways, I will try to update this story every Monday, but it might be published a day earlier if I get done with the drafts early! Bye!)

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