Chapter 4: UA Entrance Exams

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        Izuku once more woke up, rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, and got out of bed. He felt well-rested and ready to take on the UA entrance exams. But... Bakugo was going to be there. While Izuku had fixed his issue where Bakugo made him snap, the explosive blonde still made Izuku angry. Izuku changed into his normal clothes, which consisted of a sweater, black tank top, and athletic shorts, and walked to the kitchen.

        "Good morning, Izuku! Did you sleep well?" Inko asked.
"Yeah, I slept fine, mom. I needed that sleep for the entrance exam," Izuku replied.
"Good. You know that Bakugo might be there, right?"
"Yes, I know. I've been prepared to face him again, and I won't lose control."
"Alright. Now, what would you like for breakfast, sweetie?"
"Can I just have an egg?"
"Sure, Izuku!"

        After thanking his mother and leaving his apartment, Izuku ran to UA. This took him all of about 6 minutes, as he was able to imbue his body with his ki and run extremely fast. Arriving at the main gates of UA, he looked around and saw a lot of people, all hoping to get into the prestigious hero school. As Izuku walked through the UA gates, he saw a purple-haired girl trip near the main entrance. Moving so fast that you would think he teleported, he caught the girl before she could fall. The girl yelped in surprise.

        "You okay, miss?" Izuku asked.
"Yeah... I'm okay," the girl replied shakily. "Thanks for catching me. I'm Kyoka Jiro. Call me Jiro". Jiro looked up at Izuku, blushing when she saw his muscular build and handsome face.
"I'm Izuku Midoriya; call me Midoriya," Izuku responded. "I'm aiming for the hero course; what about you?"
"I'm also trying to get into the hero course, Midoriya. Anyways, thanks for saving me."
"Of course. Good luck!"
"You too," Jiro said as she walked away, blushing.

        Unbeknownst to our protagonist, a certain explosive blonde was watching the exchange, open-mouthed but unsure if the tall, black-haired boy was truly Midoriya. Izuku turned as he heard footsteps walking over to him, groaning when he saw Bakugo.

        "What do you want, Kacchan?" Izuku asked coldly.
"I-Izuku? Is it really you?" Bakugo asked.
"Not calling me Deku anymore, huh? Yeah, it's me, but you don't get to call me Izuku like we're best friends. I ask again, what do you want?"
"You changed so much. What happened to you, Midoriya?" Katsuki questioned.
"I had my dreams stomped on and crushed, Bakugo. Then I changed. I matured. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be taking my leave."
"Wait!" the blond exclaimed, but it was too late. Izuku had already vanished into thin air. Looking downcast and confused, Bakugo walked inside the main entrance to UA to take the entrance exam.

An Hour Later

        After the written exam, Present Mic's cringe-inducing presentation, and the blue-haired boy's interruption, Izuku headed outside to take the physical segment of the entrance exam. Seeing that Jiro from earlier was in his testing group and looked nervous, Midoriya started to walk over to her to calm her down. But then he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was that same blue-haired boy from earlier, the one who interrupted Present Mic.

        "Excuse me, my name is Tenya Iida. I saw you looking at that girl. Are you going to ruin her chances of passing by distracting her? Such behavior is unbecoming of an aspiring future hero.".
"I don't see how it's any of your business, so don't act as if you have any power here." The blue-haired boy flushed in embarrassment and anger as Izuku said that. "For your information, I wanted to go reassure her. So piss off." Izuku slapped Iida's hand off his shoulder and continued walking over to Jiro. Unfortunately, the gates to the testing grounds opened as he was walking. Seeing this, Izuku rushed into the testing grounds.

        "Well, he's disqualified," some random examinee said. "The proctor didn't even say to start.".
A voice crackled on the intercom. "As a matter of fact, he is not disqualified!" Present Mic exclaimed. "There's no countdown in real life! Go!"

        As the various students rushed into the testing grounds, Izuku was already demolishing robots. Using his fury form for enhanced speed, durability, and strength, but only using about 20% of the forms true power, Izuku crushed multiple robot 'villains' left and right. Firing off ki balls, he destroyed some two-pointers before getting punched in the face by a three-pointer. His head tilting back from the impact, Izuku looked at the robot with annoyance evident on his face before scoffing and pressing a hand to the center of the robot's chest. Forming a ki ball in his palm, a burst of power exploded from his hand, vaporizing the mock villain.

        "These examinees really are something, aren't they Nezu?"
"I agree, Aizawa. Especially that black-haired child.".
"Which one?"
"The one with green energy and spiked hair. He seems incredibly strong.".
"Well, then maybe we should release the Zero-Pointer, Nezu."
"I agree, Aizawa. Let's find out his limits."

Back to Izuku
        "...and that makes 67 points. That should be enough," Izuku told himself after destroying a two-pointer with a narrow ki beam fired from his finger while standing on a rooftop. Suddenly, a low rumbling filled the air, and the ground shook. Looking down the street, Izuku saw a massive robot traveling towards him. People shouted in fear and surprise and began to run away. Izuku scoffed and flew towards the zero pointer. However, as he grew closer, Izuku noticed that Jiro was stuck under some rubble, right in the path of the zero-pointer. Powering up even further into his fury form, he rocketed straight towards the robot's chest. Extending a fist, Izuku slammed a hole in the body of the massive robot using his own body. Now behind the zero-pointer, Izuku turned around in midair and once more punched a large hole through its body.

        Slamming into the zero pointer again and again and again, it slowly started to power down. It swung a massive fist towards the flying Izuku, who stopped it with one hand. "Pitiful," he said. "I thought you'd be a bit more of a challenge." He fired off a humongous one-handed beam attack at the head of the robot, incinerating it. Jiro looked up in shock.

"Aaaaannd that's time!" a voice boomed through the loudspeaker. "Thanks for coming to the UA entrance exams! Your scores will be sent sometime next week!" Present Mic announced.

        Izuku smirked as he floated down, landing right next to Jiro, who was stuck under rubble, and released his Fury form. "You okay, Jiro?" Izuku asked. "My leg hurts, and I'm stuck under some heavy debris. Other than that, everything's great, Midoriya," she replied sarcastically. "Oh, right! Sorry". Using his immense strength, Izuku effortlessly lifted the slabs of rock trapping Jiro and threw them aside. Extending a hand, Izuku helped her up. "Thanks, Midoriya," Jiro said. "No problem. You said your leg hurts?" Izuku asked. "Yeah. I think I might have broken it. If I did, it's probably a small break or a hairline fracture. I'll just go see the nurse."

        "Anyone hurt?" An old woman walked up to the duo, wearing a nurses uniform and can shaped like a syringe. "Who're you?" Izuku questioned. "I'm Recovery Girl, the UA nurse," she responded. "Are you two hurt?" "I'm not, but she is." Izuku pointed at Jiro. "What seems to be the problem, miss?" Recovery Girl asked, turning to face Jiro. "I was trapped under some rubble, and I think I might have a small break in my left leg," Jiro said. "Alright, I can fix that." Recovery Girl kissed Jiro's leg, healing it immediately. Jiro felt the pain in her leg disappear before slumping with exhaustion.

        "What happened? What did you do?" Izuku exclaimed. "Calm down, Sonny. I healed her. See, my quirk uses the energy that would have been needed to fix the wound over time all at once. She's just tired." "Alright," Izuku responded. "Jiro, do you want me to make you energized again?"

        Too exhausted to speak, Jiro simply looked up at him and nodded. Izuku formed a ball of energy in his hand. However, instead of it being green, this energy ball was white. Lowering his palm at her, Jiro was wide-eyed in shock and fear, knowing what Midoriya's energy could do. Izuku fired the ki ball at her, and Jiro felt energy flow into her body. Izuku returned his arm to his side.

        "I gave you some of my energy," he explained. "That way you're back to normal and not drained. Anyways, later! See you in class!" Izuku exclaimed. "But... how do you know that we'll both get in?" Jiro asked. "I know for a fact I got enough points, and I have the utmost confidence that you did too." Jiro blushed at the praise. Izuku turned around. Lifting a hand above his shoulder in a goodbye gesture, Izuku manifested a green aura around him, blasting off into the distance, towards his house.

(Word Count: 1495 Words)

(A/N. Hey guys! You know the drill. Updates every Sunday or Monday. Feel free to let me know if you have any ideas on how to improve the story! Also, please comment. It's getting a little awkward talking to you guys with no response lol. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Later!

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