Chapter 2: Returning Home

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      "Ohhh, my head," Izuku groaned out. "I remember trying to think about what happened to me, but then I lost consciousness. How long was I out?", he asked himself as he checked his watch. "Holy jeez, it's already 7:28? I need to get home!"

        Izuku stood up, but almost immediately collapsed again due to his shaking legs. He noticed the small crater in the concrete where he was collapsed just a moment ago, as well as the bent metal railing around the rooftop. "Was that... me? Did I cause that? No, it was probably caused by All Might after he leaped off the building." Satisfied with this train of thought, he walked over to the rooftop exit. Izuku began to pound on the door leading to the stairs. Izuku waited a few moments, then started to pound the door even harder.

        Suddenly, he felt the door give beneath his fist. "Oops," Izuku thought, as he accidentally punched a hole through the door. "How am I this strong? Wait, I wonder if...". Izuku reached through the hole he put in the metal door, gripping the sides of the tear, and pulled. Amazingly, the door tore off of its hinges with a terrible screeching noise. He tiredly wondered how he could have done that. "How am I this strong? Did it have something to do with me passing out?" Izuku pondered. Suddenly, a realization came to him, about the same time as the grogginess from waking up wore off. "COULD I HAVE GOTTEN A QUIRK?!" he exclaimed. "I thought it was impossible for me to get a quirk, as I have the extra joint in my pinkie toe, but it's also entirely plausible sinc-mutter mutter mutter mutter." Suddenly, he snapped out of his muttering. "I should be getting home, Mom's probably worried sick."

        Izuku strode through the broken door to the staircase, and was soon at street level. From there, he walked home, which, coincidentally, was not too far from the roof that All Might left him on. But...then he stopped in his tracks. All Might. All Might had left him, an injured kid, on a rooftop with no way down, in addition to stomping on his dreams. The number one hero, the symbol of peace, the man who inspired millions, his idol, crushed his dreams without a second thought. Izuku began to shake. His emotions started to boil once more. He gritted his teeth. But not in anger this time. In effort.

        "No," thought Izuku. "If my anger caused me to pass out and cause all that destruction, I need to keep myself in check." He barely managed to calm himself down, but not without causing a slight tremor within a mile radius of Izuku. "I need to train my quirk and learn to keep it under control."

        Izuku continued on his way home. Once he unlocked the door to his apartment, he was immediately engulfed in his mother's bone-crushing hug.

        "Ah, mom! Too tight!"
"My baby, what happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Oh, Izuku, why didn't you come home?"
"Sorry Mom. It's just..."
"Just what, Izuku? I was so worried!"
"... I ran into All Might." His hand clenched into a fist as he said that hero's name with barely concealed hatred and spite.
"WHAT?! You ran into All Might? Sweetie, how did you meet him?" she asked as she looked up at Izuku. "And why is your hair black? Did you dye your hair?!"
"My hair's black?!" 

        Izuku was shocked. He quickly ran to the bathroom, and, sure enough, his hair was black. "I can't believe this," he groaned. "I liked my hair!". Inko walked into the bathroom behind him and noticed him looking at his new dark hair. "I'm not going to question or ask why you dyed your hair, but I approve," she said. "You do?", Izuku asked. "Of course. It's your hair. Plus, you look like your father. He had black hair as well, though he told me his was natural." "Mom, I didn't dye my hair. I don't know how, but it's just... black now, I guess," Izuku replied. "Alright, Izuku. I believe you. Circling back to what we were talking about earlier, I was so worried about you! After you were gone for a while, I saw on the news that there was a loud yell, followed by a huge aura of power."

        Izuku froze. Inko continued on, oblivious to her son's freeze-up. "There were gale-force winds, and I was so scared! I thought you were injured! I was about to call the police when you walked in the door. Thank goodness you're safe." "Yeah, of course I'm safe, Mom." Izuku faked a yawn. "I'm actually kind of tired, I'm going to go to bed," Izuku said as he exited the bathroom and walked to his room. 

        "Wait, don't you want any food? You must be starving!" Inko exclaimed. "I'm good, Mom. I'm just going to get some rest." "Okay. Good night, Izuku." "Good Night Mom". Izuku left the bathroom and walked to his room, closed the door, then immediately flopped on his bed. "Could I have caused those winds? I know the railing on the rooftop was bent and there was cracked concrete beneath my feet, but there's no way I could have done that, right? I'll have to look into this and try to figure out my quirk tomorrow, if I even got one." A few moments later, Izuku drifted off to sleep, exhausted from the day's events.

(Word Count: 914)

(A/N. Hello my dear readers. Coal_Vein here. How are you guys liking the story so far? So my plan is to release a new chapter every Sunday or Monday. Please feel free to correct any spelling or grammar mistakes I may make. Thanks!)

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