Chapter 2

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Red hurries to class, barely making in the door when the bell rings. She sighs before looking around for a seat. She groans when she sees the only one left is next to Chloe. Her soulmate. Damn it. She walks over and sets her stuff down. "Hey roomie! Did you have trouble finding the class?" Chloe smiles. "Kinda, yeah. It's a big school." Red shrugs. "Oh well, i memorized the campus map before we came here. Remember when they sent home those welcome packets along with the invitation? I can help you find your way around if you'd like?" Chloe offers. Red shakes her head. "Uh, I'm ok. I think i can manage, it just takes some getting used to, that's all. But thank you though. I appreciate it." The teacher starts talking and they stop talking and pay attention, thankfully on Red's part.

Chloe was a bit hurt and confused. Did Red not like her? Did she do something? She's barely known the girl for an hour and she's already getting the cold shoulder. She decides to write a note to pass to her. She slides it over and nudges Red's hand. Red glances at the note before slowly grabbing it opening it under the table.

Can we talk? Did i do something?

Red sighs before replying back.

It's nothing, you didn't do anything. You're fine. Don't worry about it

Chloe still taps her leg nervously as she tries to pay attention, her jittering leg was not helping her at all. Spotting Chloe with her bouncing leg, Red sighs before placing her hand on her knee to stop her. She can feel her tattoo warm up and she prays that Chloe doesn't feel hers. It's been said that when you touch your soulmate, your tattoo will light up and start to warm. Back in their dorm, Red's body always runs hot, which is why when they shook hands, she could feel her tattoo heat up like it was just popped into the microwave. She felt it before Chloe did and she quickly pulled away before Chloe could notice. But now, in class, there's no escaping her. Unless.... She quickly grabs the not again and start writing.

I promise you didn't do anything wrong. It's just a bit overwhelming for me, that's all. First day and all that. Please don't be so nervous or anxious

She slides it back to Chloe, who happily takes it and reads it. She finally sighs before folding the note back up and paying attention once again to the teacher. The class dragged on, much to Red's dismay, before they were finally let out. Of course, she doesn't know how she's going to escape. Her and Chloe have every single class together. Principal Uma probably had their tattoos in her records and assigned classes accordingly. Speaking of, Red and Chloe were in class when a teacher came in and pulled Red out. "I'll see you later, I'll be sure to bring you any class work you missed." Chloe assured her. Red smiled and nods. She walks to the principal's office and waits outside since she was in a meeting. It didn't take long before the door opens and a young man, couldn't have been older than in his 20's walks out. "Right then, I'll see you tonight at 8?" He asks. His tattoo is clear as day on his arm. A hook with a tentacle wrapped around it. "Count on it baby." Principal Uma smirked before kissing him goodbye, their tattoos shining from the physical contact. "Bye love." The man smiles at her before turning to leave. He waves at Red who smiles politely and waves back. "Ah, Red. Please come in." Uma leaves the door open and Red walks in and sits down on the chair.

"I'm not in trouble, am i?" She asks. "Oh god, no. You didn't do anything. I just wanted to see how things were going for you? Being the first kid from Wonderland to attend here and all." Uma smiles as she sits and fixes her picture frame. The tattoo on her wrist was clearly visible. "How are you adjusting?" Red blinks. "Um, it's definitely different. But i think I'll get used to it eventually." Uma nods. "And, do you like it here? Like your classes? Made any friends? Met your soulmate yet?" She smirks. And there it was, the dreaded soulmate topic. She resists the urge to roll her eyes. Probably wouldn't be a good first impression to make on the principal. "Um, yes. To all." Uma's smile widens. "Really? You think you met your soulmate?" Red nods. "I know i did. I saw her tattoo." Uma stands and rounds her desk to sit in front of her. "That's great, Red! And on the first day! Oh, i just know you'll have the best time here." "I didn't tell her!" Red blurted out. Uma blinks. "Oh, she doesn't know?" Red shakes her head. "Well, why didn't you tell her?" Red shrugs. "Cause i don't believe in that shit. Pardon my language." "I came from the Isle, kid. I don't give a fuck if you curse, just don't do it in front of other people. Just between you and me, yeah?" Uma winks. Red laughs. "Anyways, i just don't think that a relationship should be entirely based on matching tattoos. Just cause fate or destiny or whatever decided you were meant to be with matching tattoos doesn't mean you'll get your happily ever after." Uma nods. "I get you. Yeah, alot of us VK's have single parents, so i get where you're coming from. But don't let that stop you from going after it entirely. If you found the one, i say at least go for it. Maybe you'll get your happily ever after, maybe you won't. But you'll never know until you try." Red nods, slowly taking in Uma's words.

After their conversation, classes were pretty much over so she headed back to her dorm. Chloe most definitely got any class work that she might have missed. She opens the door and sees a small stack of papers on her bed. Yup, she did. She glances over at Chloe's side of the room and sees her working on her bed. "Hey." "Hey! What happened with Principal Uma?" Chloe closes her book. "Nothing, she was just welcoming a fellow VK to school." Red puts her bag down and lays in bed. "Oh that was nice of her. Ooh, i gotta tell you what happened today! So, after you left class, we were doing classwork and all that and someone sits beside me. I look up and guess who it was?" Red shrugs. "Betty Beast. King Ben's little cousin." Chloe smiles. "" Red eyes her. "Well, you know how my tattoo is a glass slipper with a rose in it?" Red nods, not liking where this conversation is going. "Well, what if the glass slipper is for me and the rose is for her? I mean, it makes sense right? Beauty and the Beast? Rose? I mean think about it, what if i finally found my soulmate?" Chloe asks excitedly. Red smiles tightly. "Yeah, that's great Chloe." Chloe touches her arm and Red feels like she's on fire. Or her tattoo is, at least. "Don't worry Red, we'll find your soulmate too, i promise." How does she not feel this between them? How is she not burning up? Was Red imagining this burning sensation? As her tattoo starts to feel like it's burning through her flesh, she gently pulls away. "Well, what if i don't want to find them?" She asks. "What? Who doesn't want to find their soulmate?" Chloe scoffs. "Me. And I'm sure alot of other people feel the same way. Look, I'm just not cut out for love, ok?" Chloe looks saddened. "Ok, well, if you change your mind, let me know and we can try and find them together." Red nods before she climbs in bed and turns off the light on her bedside table. "I'm gonna go to sleep Bluey, I'm kinda tired. Alot to take in on the first day, you know?" Red closes her eyes as she hears Chloe shift behind her. "Bluey?" Chloe smiles at her. "Yeah, cause you're blue. You're my Bluey." Red feels herself blush. "I like it. Goodnight, Princess." "Don't call me that." Red mumbles as she drifts off to sleep. "Whatever you say, Princess." Red blames her long travels and her first day of school but she didn't have the energy to correct her again so she just went to sleep. Her tattoo is still burning a mark in her skin.

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