Chapter 12

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They woke the next morning in each other's arms. "Morning." "Morning." They share a kiss before untangling themselves from each other. "We should get ready." Chloe sits up and grabs her clothes from the floor. "Ugh, do i have to?" Red sits up and stretches. "Yes, come on." Chloe pulls her off the bed. They both get dressed and head to the restroom to get ready for the day. As they brush their teeth, they steal glances at each other through the mirror, smiling afterwards. They felt very....giddy, like normal teenagers in love, which technically they were, if you don't count the fact that Chloe is Cinderella and King Charming's daughter and Red is literally the Princess of Hearts, even though she hates titles.

They finish getting ready and walk hand in hand to class. "Hey, did you wanna go to the city today? Some of my clothes don't really fit well anymore, i was gonna buy some new ones." Chloe whispered. "I'm pretty sure it's cause of your fat ass." Red smirks. "Red!" Chloe slaps her arm. "What? What did you want me to say? Your big breasts instead?" Red shrugs. Chloe rolls her eyes. "Red!" "It's my fault that you have a perfect body?" Red laughs. Chloe shakes her head. "I think you mean yourself." She wraps her arms around her slim waist. "Damn Red, you work out?" Red shakes her head. "No, i used to jump over rooftops and cause mayhem back at home. So it kept me fit." She shrugs. "Well, whatever it was, it definitely worked." Chloe smiles before she kisses her. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. They share a confused look before Chloe goes to open the door. "Mom? Dad?" "Chloe!" Her parents give her a warm hug. "What are you doing here?" She asks. "Honey, did you forget it was parents day?" Ella asks. Chloe's eyes widen. "Oh, that's right. My bad, I've just been so busy with school and S&S, i guess it slipped my mind." Red was having a mini panic attack. Parents day? Surely her mother couldn't be bothered to come and visit, right? Why would she bother to come and see her?

Chloe scratches the back of her neck. "So, when did you guys get here? Is Chad with you?" Christopher shakes his head. "No, unfortunately your brother couldn't come, but he said that he'll see you during the holidays. Tourney's been keeping him pretty busy lately." Chloe nods as she scratches more at her tattoo. "Oh ok." Ella stares at her. "Sweetie, are you ok?" She asks. "Um, yeah, why wouldn't i be?" "Cause you're scratching at your tattoo." Chloe immediately stops. She wasn't sure why it itched. Red was literally five feet away from her, unless....she turns her head and sees Red clearly in her own mind. "Oh crap." Chloe whispered before hurrying over to her. "Red? Hey, you ok?" She holds her hands. Red looks up at her and shakes her head. "What if my mom comes?" Chloe grips her hands tighter. "It's ok, it's gonna be ok. Now please calm down. Not just for you but for me too. You're making me worry." She leans in close to her ear. "That and you're making me itch like crazy. I can feel your anxiety." Red looks at her with wide eyes. Oh great, another soulmate side effect. Chloe suddenly remembers her parents in the room. "Oh, uh, mom? Dad? This is Red." She looks at Red and nods towards her parents. "They'll love you, i promise." She whispered. Red takes a deep breath and lets Chloe bring her over to her parents.

"Mom? Dad? There's someone i want you to meet. Red? These are my parents, Ella and Christopher. Guys? This is Red, my soulmate." Chloe smiles nervously. Ella smiles and offers her a hug. Red hesitates before hugging her. "I knew she was gonna find a beautiful girl someday but I didn't think you'd be this beautiful." Ella compliments her. Red blushes. "Thank you, Mrs. Charming." "Oh Ella is just fine. Or mom if you want." She shrugs. Red nods. "Got it Ella." It's not that she didn't want to call her mom. It's just that all her years of trauma from the actual woman she calls mom kind of affected her. She doesn't want to associate 'mom' with Chloe's kind hearted mother. She was nothing like the Queen of Hearts. "Now, where is your tattoo?" She asks. "Oh, uh...." Red pulls down the hem of her pants past her hip to show her the tattoo she has, identical to Chloe's. "Hmm, what was your name sweetie?" "Red." "Red, Red, you're not Bridget's daughter, are you?" Ella asks her. "Yeah, she's my mom. The Queen of Hearts." Red nods. Ella smiles. "I should have known, you have her nose, kind of. And her smile. Oh but those eyes are definitely your fathers." Red's eyes widen. "M-my father? You knew my father?" Ella nods. "Oh yes, we were all classmates. He and Bridget used to be inseparable. Last i heard, he was working in Auradon City." Chloe and Red look at each other. They were literally just there. "Um, do you know where at?" She asks. "Um, I'm not sure, Chris, do you remember where Robin works at?" Ella asks her husband. "Um, last i checked some jewelry place. Why?" Red slowly covers her mouth. "Oh my god...." She whispered. "What is it, love?" Chloe rubs her arm. Red feels like she's on fire again, in a good way. "Did you say Robin?" She asks Ella. She nods. "As in, Robin Hood?"

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