Chapter 15

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They've been sitting here for 10 minutes. Chloe kept track. Neither of them attempted to speak. She took the time to observe the two. Red definitely had some resemblance to her father Robin. And now that she thinks about it, their personalities are matched in a way. Robin being a vigilante and Red being, well Red. She claimed to be a rebel and a menace but really she was only acting out against her mother's rules. Now that she doesn't live by them anymore, she was more free to be herself. Maybe meeting her father could help her figure out who she is, without all the mayhem and destruction.

"So, I'm gonna grab a soda from the vending machine. I'll be right back." Chloe stands and touches Red's shoulder. She leans down close to her ear. "Talk to him." She whispered. She kisses her cheek before she leaves. Red watches her go, her cheek burning a warm glow. "So, how long have you two known each other?" Robin asks her. "A couple months." Red smiles. "And how's living with your soulmate?" He smiles back. "It's.....different. That's for sure." She chuckles. "But, i love her. I literally can't live without her." She glances in the direction Chloe went to, already missing her presence. Robin's watch beeps. He quickly turns it off before he takes out a pill from his pocket. He dry swallows it before he leans back in his chair. Clearly, he's used to taking it everyday. "Is it hard? Not being with my mom? Being with your soulmate everyday?" Red whispers. "A little, but i got used to it." He shrugs.

"Can i ask, what happened between you two?" She bites her lip. Robin sighs. "We dated in high school. But after we graduated, her family wanted one thing and i wanted another so we split. She told me that she'll never stop loving me and that she'll think of me. What she didn't tell me was that she was pregnant. If i had known...." Red nods. "It's ok." "No, it's not. Red, if i had known you existed, i would have never left your mother. I would have fought for her. For you. For us. Our family. I'm sorry i was never around when you were growing up. How was your mother?" He asks. Red scoffs. "What mother?" She hisses. "Oh Red, I'm so sorry. When your mother and i started dating, it's no secret i wasn't exactly the poster child for some prince. Let alone king. We wanted to make it work, we really did but....things just happen." He sighs. "But if you'd let me, I'd love to get to know you. And your soulmate, of course. You two are a package deal." He laughs. Red smiles and nods. "That is true. Where is my soulmate anyways?" They both look around but can't find her anywhere. "Chloe?!" Red shouts. "Chloe!" They both head in the direction she went in to try and find her. As much as Red wanted to, she couldn't spot her blue haired soulmate anywhere and she was getting very worried. She spots something shining on the ground and hurries to it. It wasn't a glass shoe, even though that would have been ironic. It was Chloe's phone. "CHLOE!" "I'll grab my bow and arrow, I'll be right back." Robin hurries back to the jewelry store while Red starts to tear up. Where is she? What happened?

They roam the mall looking around every store. Robin notifies the security of the missing girl when Red gets a weird feeling around her hip. She hisses as it burns. She pulls down her waistband and looks at it. She sees her tattoo glow a deep red. That's not good. She pulls out her cards and starts shuffling. The flickering cards start to show her an image. "Chloe's been taken." "By who?" "I don't know." Robin takes a closer look. "I do." He sighs.

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⏰ Last updated: 19 hours ago ⏰

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