Chapter 1: Hawks Joins The League

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The League's hideout was dimly lit, the flickering bulbs casting eerie shadows on cracked concrete walls. An uneasy silence hung in the air as each member waited for the arrival of their new "ally." Curiosity mixed with a faint sense of threat. No one liked the idea of having a hero around, but they couldn't ignore the possibilities his intel could bring.

Yuna stood back against the wall, her face turned to the shadows. She knew the plan, but still, the thought of Hawks joining them felt strange. Despite everything, there was something about him—his actions, his odd behavior—that she couldn't quite figure out. She felt herself questioning, wary but interested, though she pushed that curiosity down, hiding any sign of it from the others.

Dabi, as always, looked casual in his danger. Standing near the center of the room, he idly flicked his fingers, blue flames dancing at his fingertips. His eyes slid over to Yuna, his lips quirking into a smirk. Her tense stance hadn't escaped him, and it amused him.

"Nervous, huh?" he drawled, his voice low. He leaned closer, his mouth close to her ear. "What, worried your 'hero' might sweep you off your feet?"

Yuna's glare shot back immediately, her amber eyes sharp. "It's not like that, Dabi," she snapped, though the hint of a flinch betrayed her unease.

Dabi chuckled, but before he could say more, the metal door creaked open. Every head turned as Hawks strolled inside, his wings partially folded, his expression calm as ever. The faint glint of a red ring on his finger caught the light, making it stand out. Yuna felt her heart jump in her chest for a second.

That ring.

It felt to...


She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of catching her interest, but he looked too calm, too easygoing for someone walking into enemy territory.

"Evening, everyone," Hawks greeted, his tone smooth. He nodded to the group, though his eyes took in the entire room with that familiar quick, assessing glance.

Yuna forced her gaze down, hoping her hair would hide her face. She could feel Twice's eyes on her, though, and with his next words, she knew he'd picked up on her tension.

"Well, well, look at you, Ember Shade," Twice said, his voice shifting between high-pitched and low. "You look spooked! Or maybe... excited? Or maybe both! Gosh, are you burning up inside?"

Twice's chaotic energy hit her hard. He had a way of zeroing in on her feelings and making them too big to ignore. She rolled her eyes, trying to brush him off. "It's nothing, Twice. Just... drop it."

But Twice only snickered, his gaze darting back to Hawks. "Oh, right, right! New guy here's just gonna mess with everything!" he said, his voice full of nervous laughter.

Hawks smiled, his eyes glancing over at Yuna just a bit longer than necessary. "Ember Shade, huh?" he said, the faintest smirk on his face. Recognizing the name, but not the face. "Sounds like you're the League's firecracker. Don't worry, I don't bite...unless you're into that."

Her face heated up, and she scowled. She didn't know if he was serious or just pushing her buttons, but either way, he was getting on her nerves. She shifted against the wall, pressing herself back, wishing she could disappear.

Dabi's eyes darkened as he watched the exchange, his flames growing a little brighter, a not-so-subtle display of irritation. He placed a hand on her shoulder, not gently, reminding her of his presence. "Careful, birdboy," he warned, his tone cold. "You're stepping into territory that's not yours."

The room grew tense as Dabi and Hawks stared each other down. Twice, feeling the energy, threw his hands in the air. "Woohoo! This is a show! Or maybe it's a disaster? Or... a great big mess!" He started pacing, mumbling to himself, lost in the twist of his own mind.

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