Chapter 2: Prove It Or Get Lost

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Yuna stirred awake, the cool morning air brushing her skin, making her instinctively reach out to the other side of the bed, swatting at it. Her hand found only cold, empty sheets where Dabi should have been. She blinked, her eyes adjusting to the dim light of their hideout. The familiar, quiet space suddenly felt colder without him there.

She sat up, rubbing her eyes and glancing around. His coat was missing, along with the usual signs of his presence. No burnt coffee lingering in the air, no low mutterings as he fiddled with broken gadgets or quietly played with his flames. There was always something about his presence that brought an odd comfort, even when he wasn't speaking much. It was the absence of that which made her chest tighten now.

"Figures," Yuna muttered to herself, tossing the sheets aside and pulling on a loose sweater. "Couldn't even say goodbye, huh?" Her voice, though laced with sarcasm, carried a hint of concern, especially after hunting her down last night.

Since the confrontation with Hawks, Dabi had been off. More intense, more distant—like he was burning through something deeper inside. She'd noticed it in his quiet moments, the way he stared off into nothing, lips pressed in that grim line, as if chewing over some thoughts he couldn't—or wouldn't—share.

She grabbed her phone off the nightstand, scrolling to his number. She hit call, fully expecting the silence on the other end.

No answer.

Just voicemail.

The tension in her chest twisted tighter.

"Dabi, seriously?" Yuna muttered, pacing as she tried again. No dice. "You'd think for once you could just pick up when—" she stopped herself, pressing the phone to her forehead with a sigh. "God, you're insufferable sometimes."

The room felt emptier, almost suffocating without him there, though it wasn't like he was ever particularly warm or chatty, not like when they were younger. Still, she had grown used to him being around, to his snarky remarks and the way they'd bicker over the smallest things—like an old couple. And somehow, it worked for them.

Her feet took her to the window, where she glanced outside. The streets were quiet, too quiet. She crossed her arms, chewing on her lip. Maybe it was nothing. Maybe he'd just gone to clear his head. He did that sometimes. Disappeared for hours or even days without a word. But this... this felt different.

He didn't leave any type of sign he was mad, just got up and left. She assumed, at least. Missing the small folded up note on the edge of the broken coffee table that held all of her random snacks Toga had left for her.

Her mind raced with possibilities—none of them good. Was he avoiding her? Wrapped up in something dangerous, something he hadn't mentioned? Or was it Shigaraki pulling him into another mess?

She huffed out a breath, half-exasperated, half-worried. "You better not be out there getting yourself killed, Dabi. Because I'll kill you myself." No she wouldn't, he was her emotional support pyromaniac.

It wasn't that she needed him to tell her everything. They weren't like that. But still, this silence was eating at her. The man had a talent for keeping people at arm's length, even when he was standing right next to them. But Yuna was an occasional exception.

She leaned against the window, staring at her phone as if willing it to ring. She wasn't about to chase him, not like some worried girlfriend, because she wasn't one. But... if something had happened...

"Stubborn idiot," she whispered, the words soft, more fond than frustrated now. Because no matter how distant he tried to be, they both knew that, in their own weird way, they were inseparable.

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