Chapter 10: Splitting Apart

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Yuna stood at the edge of the training field, her gaze unfocused as the League of Villains moved around her, their motions blurring into the background. Dabi's flames crackled in the air, Toga's laughter echoed, and yet, all of it felt distant to her. Her mind buzzed with unanswered questions: Hawks, the red ring, her father. Everything Hawks had said twisted in her mind, making it impossible to focus.

Where was Hawks? His sudden absence left a pit in her stomach, a gnawing sense of something wrong. Days had passed without a word from him, and now, every conversation they'd had felt like a puzzle, a riddle she couldn't solve. Was he being sincere with her, or was he just a master manipulator, extracting information bit by bit? The doubt crawled under her skin, making her question everything.


Twice's voice cut through the fog in her head. She blinked, realizing he was standing right beside her, his usual manic energy toned down. His eyes were sharp, and for once, he wasn't lost in his duality.

"You look like you're about to split in two," he said softly, though his usual dry humor tinged his words.

Yuna tried to offer a smile, but it barely touched her lips. "Feels like I am."

Twice's expression softened. For all his chaotic tendencies, he had moments of clarity that could cut through even the thickest walls Yuna put up. "I know what that's like," he murmured, his voice dipping into a rare seriousness. "Feeling like there's too many pieces of you to hold together... like any minute, they'll just shatter."

His words hit harder than Yuna expected. She looked away, her chest tightening as the weight of her thoughts pressed down harder. He wasn't wrong. She did feel like she was splintering, her loyalties, her emotions, her entire identity cracking under the pressure.

Twice stepped closer, his hand resting gently on her shoulder. It wasn't much, but the warmth of his touch steadied her, even if just for a moment. "But you don't have to do it alone," he said, his voice more tender than she'd ever heard it. "You've got all of us, and even when you feel like you're falling apart... we'll help you put the pieces back together."

Yuna swallowed hard, emotion catching in her throat. She hadn't realized just how much she needed to hear that, needed someone to remind her that she wasn't as alone as she felt. Twice, of all people, understood her struggle in a way no one else could.

"You've always been strong, Yuna. Stronger than you give yourself credit for," Twice continued. "It's okay to let someone else take the weight when it gets too heavy."

She didn't speak, but her eyes softened, the tension in her chest easing slightly. She hadn't expected this from Twice, hadn't realized just how much he saw. They stood there, the chaos of the League's training session fading into the background, and for the first time in days, Yuna felt a flicker of something close to peace.

Twice gave her shoulder a small squeeze before stepping back. "We've got your back, no matter what," he said, his voice back to its usual tone, though the sincerity lingered. "Don't forget that."

Yuna watched him return to the others, her heart a little lighter. But the unease about Hawks still lingered, shadowing the edges of her thoughts. The training session dragged on, but Yuna couldn't shake the feeling that something was off.

When it finally ended, she slipped away from the group, needing space to think, to breathe.

She hadn't made it far when she heard footsteps behind her. She didn't need to turn around to know who it was. Dabi's presence was as familiar to her as her own heartbeat, a constant that had been by her side for years.

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