Chapter 3: Are We Having Fun Yet?

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Dabi's heart pounded in his chest as the realization sank deeper. Falling for someone, after everything he had been through? It was absurd. He wasn't capable of that—or so he'd convinced himself. Love, or whatever this thing was, didn't have a place in the twisted world he lived in. Yet, Yuna... She had slipped through the cracks, infiltrating the fortress he'd built around himself like a quiet, unstoppable force.

As they continued walking through the winding streets, Yuna remained silent by his side, her presence a steady reminder of the chaos brewing inside him. She had always been like that—a constant, unshakeable presence, never demanding, never forcing anything. But her silence, her loyalty, and the calm she carried with her—it was like ice against the fire he thrived in. It both soothed and burned him in equal measure.

Dabi clenched his fists at his sides, his mind racing. He couldn't afford to be weak, to let his emotions get the better of him. He wasn't like the rest of the idiots who wore their hearts on their sleeves, who fought for something they believed in. His world was built on hate, on revenge, on the smoldering desire to see everything burn.

But Yuna was snuffing out those flames.

"Hey," Yuna's voice broke the heavy silence between them, soft yet cutting through the thick fog of his thoughts. She looked at him, her eyes soft but searching, as if she could sense the inner war raging inside him. "You okay?"

Am I okay? Dabi wanted to laugh. He hadn't been okay in years, not since the day his body had started falling apart, not since the world had branded him a monster, a failure. But Yuna wasn't asking about the past. She was asking about now, about the raw emotions sparking between them, the unspoken words and moments that seemed to pull them closer every day.

They weren't kids anymore.

These moments were different now.

"I'm fine," he muttered, the words harsh in his mouth. It was a lie, and he knew it. But what else could he say? That he was falling apart because of her? That every time she looked at him with those eyes, it felt like the ground was shifting beneath his feet?


Because the moment he did, it was over.

Yuna didn't push him. She never did. Instead, she just gave a small nod, her gaze lingering on him for a moment longer before she turned away, scanning the streets ahead of them. It was in those moments—those quiet, simple gestures—that Dabi felt the full weight of what was happening between them.

They continued in silence, the city stretching out before them as they approached the outskirts, where the chaos and ruin they had left behind was starting to settle. The destruction they had caused should have filled Dabi with satisfaction, the kind of dark thrill that came from watching the world crumble under his hands. But tonight, it felt... hollow. Incomplete.

Because even in the middle of the destruction, his mind kept drifting back to her.

When they finally reached the outskirts of their hideout, Dabi stopped, staring out into the distance. The moon hung low in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the remnants of the city. Yuna moved to stand beside him, her shoulder brushing against his, a silent acknowledgment of the bond that had grown between them over the years.

"You ever think about what comes after all this?" she asked, her voice quiet but steady. "After we're done with the heroes, with the League... what's left?"

Dabi turned his head slightly, glancing at her from the corner of his eye. She was always asking questions like that—questions that made him think about things he didn't want to. He scoffed, more to himself than her. "There's nothing after. We burn it all down. That's the point."

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